Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Agricultural logistics center is being built in Bonyhád

The Agricultural Logistics Center will be built with a 450 million HUF investment in Bonyhád. The facility will be able to store 3000 tons of fruit a year. In the...

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Agricultural census by the Central Statistical Office

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) carries out the census of individual farms between 15 November and 15 December. The purpose of the census is to monitor the changes in the...

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The nature-friendly agricultural practices are becoming more popular

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told MTI in Bonn that the nature-friendly agricultural practices are becoming more popular. Fazekas Sándor took part at a conference in connection to the UN...

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Tens of thousands of new jobs are needed in the agriculture and in the food industry

Over the past six years, 50,000 new jobs have been created in agriculture and in the food industry, and in the coming years a same amount of new labor force...

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The agrarian chamber wants a larger advance payment

According to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), there would be a possibility to pay out even tens of billion HUF more in the remaining two weeks of the advance...

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Fazekas: helping farmers is the goal of the V4 Agricultural Research Cooperation

Those researches would help the farmers that would be conducted by the agricultural research institutes of the Visegrad countries – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel. According...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices have continued to accelerate

In September, the prices of plant products increased by 4.0 percent, while the livestock prices increased by 7.9 percent. The agicultural producer prices were 5.5 percent higher than in the...

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A Hungarian innovation, the TájGazda quality certification system can participate at an international application

The Veritas Cultural Association’s Origin and Quality Certification Scheme received a national award at the Quality Innovation Award 2017 application of the European Quality Organization’s (EOQ) Hungarian National Committee, so...

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Harvesting is coming to an end soon

This year’s harvest is about to end. Slightly more than 10 million tons of autumn crops were harvested this year, compared to last year’s 12.3 million tons – the Minister...

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NAK asks for support for small-scale horticulturists

The storm at the end of October caused massive damages to the foil tents throughout the country, causing many small farmers to go bankrupt. The National Chamber of Agriculture has...

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FM: The sheep population is growing

The sheep population is growing in Hungary year after year, and more and more people deal with sheep breeding – Czerván György Minister of State of the Minister of Agriculture...

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The highest yield per hectare of fodder crops is in Tolna county

The average yield of maize per tonne in Tolna County exceeded eight tonnes. Most of the yield is processed by domestic bioethanol factories. According to the data of the National...

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A cooperation agreement was signed between the agricultural research institutes of the Visegrád countries

A partnership agreement was signed in Budapest on Thursday between the agricultural research institutes of the Visegrád countries (V4) on agricultural research and scientific activities. Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture...

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In Zala County the average yield of maize exceeded 7 tonnes

Harvesting of maize in Zala County is completed, with an average yield of more than 7 tonnes in the area of 34 560 hectares – the county president of the...

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Fazekas Sándor: the pace of development of the Hungarian agriculture must be maintained

The Hungarian agriculture is the fastest growing agriculture in Europe, and the goal is to retain this trend in the future, Fazekas Sándor said in Tállya, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County on Tuesday...

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To date, a subsidy payment of 97 billion forints has been paid to farmers

The Hungarian State Treasury has paid up to 97 billion HUF this year to the farmers – the Deputy Chairman of the Hungarian State Treasury told at a press conference...

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FruitVeB: The volume of folded vegetables grew by 15 percent

The yield of folded vegetables has increased significantly, by 15 percent in recent years, while the size of the folding area has declined – Ledó Ferenc, President of the Hungarian...

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The aim of the government is to give more and more tasks to the agrarian chamber

The aim of the government is to give more and more tasks to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) – Lázár János, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office said at...

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Czerván: the Hungarian agroexport can be doubled within ten years

The Hungarian agroexport can be doubled within ten years, so it can reach 15-16 billion euros – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Thursday...

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The OTP Bank strives to increase its agricultural loan portfolio

The Hungarian agriculture is an important business area for the OTP Bank and therefore strives to increase its agricultural loan portfolio – the bank’s CEO said on Tuesday in Budapest....

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Hungary stands by the two-pillar EU common agricultural policy

Hungary stands by the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP). This is the interest of the Hungarian farmers – the Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel. Fazekas Sándor recalled that...

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This year’s maize yield has decreased by at least a quarter

This year’s maize yield decreased significantly, by 25-30 percent, compared to last year’s record, but quality is still good – the Concordia Közraktár Zrt. told MTI on Tuesday. According to...

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Hundreds of millions of hectares are waiting for agriculture in Africa

This year, Akinwumi Adesina, Chairman of the African Development Bank, received the World Food Prize. The international recognition was founded in 1970 by the Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman E....

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EU: the lack of digitization hinders precision farming

By 2020, the European Commission will cover the European Union with a high-speed broadband Internet network – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The biggest obstacle to agricultural implementation is that elderly farmers do...

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The national hail reduction system will be operated from May

The national hail reduction system will operate from May next year. With the system tens of billions of forints can be saved per year only in agriculture – Kis Miklós...

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The Prime Minister’s Office supported the poultry holders with nearly 23 billion HUF

Within the framework of the Rural Development Program, the Prime Minister’s Office supported the modernization of 207 poultry farms with 22.6 billion forints. The Prime Minister’s Office reported that there...

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The IKR Agrár Kft. has built a new dryer

The IKR Agrár Kft. owned by Andrej Babis Czech billionaire businessman has built a new dryer in its regional center in Szerencs. Within a short time, this was the second...

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A closer collaboration to help farmers

Several organizations in the agricultural sector have joined forces to help the farmers – the president of the National Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) announced on Wednesday at a press...

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The Government is initiating the development of an irrigation development strategy

The Hungarian government considers it necessary to create an irrigation development strategy. According to the Government Decree published in the latest issue of the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny), the Government...

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The price of sunflower is declining

More than last year, almost 211 thousand tons of sunflowers were harvested in Békés County – agrarszektor.hu wrote. This quantity can be considered as average, but the content of the...

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