Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The national ice-damage reduction system has become more efficient

It has been developed in several ways, making the national ice-reduction system – launched on Monday – more effective – Darabos Tamás, Director General of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK)...

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EU support for farmers should be in line with the environmental requirements

The agricultural sector should also contribute to environmental protection and the fight against climate change, but a proper balance needs to be found between the environmental ambition level of the...

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AM: high-quality vocational training is the basis for the competitiveness of Hungarian agriculture

In addition to the modernization of agriculture, high-quality vocational training is the basis for the competitiveness of Hungarian agriculture. The Agrár Szakma Sztár (Agri Profession Star) Festival, which promotes the...

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The national ice-damage reduction system was put into operation earlier than last year

Unlike in previous years, the national ice-reduction system was put into operation on Monday, which caused tens of billions of forints damage last season. According to the announcement of the...

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Mabisz: farmers concluded 22,000 plant insurance contracts

Farmers concluded a total of twenty-two thousand plant insurance contracts in Hungary – Lambert Gábor, Communications Manager of the Hungarian Insurance Association (Mabisz) told M1 news channel. He drew attention...

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The horticultural sector’s output was 300 hundred billion HUF last year

The horticultural sector is the dominant area of Hungarian agriculture. The role of vegetable production is the most important within the sector – the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday...

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The Agricultural Chamber continues the development of irrigation by preparing seven investments

This year, with the preparation of seven water facility projects, irrigation development will continue, with the government allocating 594 million forints – the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told on Friday....

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Nébih: it is not too late to defend against the monilia in sour cherry and peach trees

It is not too late to protect against monil disease in sour cherries and peach trees – the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) points out on its website. They...

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Mabisz: the highest amount of agricultural-damage relief is available only with insurance

The producer receives 100 percent of the aid awarded from the compensation fund only if the producer has market insurance, otherwise the producer can only expect a 50 percent reimbursement...

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Magosz: 30 percent of the grain can be the lost due to the drought

Due to drought, 30 percent of the cereal grains could be wasted – Jakab István, president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) told M1 news channel on Wednesday. The...

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Agricultural advisers assist in submitting uniform applications

The period for submitting uniform applications has begun: The agricultural advisers assist in submitting uniform applications free of charge – the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) informed in a communication. NAK...

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This year, farmers can apply for 470 billion HUF

This year, farmers will be able to apply for 470 billion forints on fifty titles – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told M1 news channel on...

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Cereal growers: due to the weekend rain one can already sow in Transdanubia

It is already possible to sow in Transdanubia due to the weekend rainfall, but the lack of rainfall in the Great Plain hinders spring field work – the Chairman of...

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Minister of Agriculture: the Agri Széchenyi Card gives agricultural enterprises security

The Agri Széchenyi Card (ASZK) overdraft provides sufficient security for agricultural businesses – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture stressed at a press conference on Monday in Budapest. He noted that...

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Field Days and the Agricultural Machine show at the end of May in Mezőfalva again

Once again, Field Days and Agricultural Machinery Show will be organized on May 23 and 24 in Mezőfalva, Fejér County – Darabos Tamás, Director General of NAK told M1 news...

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FruitVeB: drought adversely affects the fruit and vegetable production areas

Drought has a negative impact on the fruit and vegetable production areas. Currently 120-160 millimeter rainfall is needed in the soil – Ledó Ferenc, President of the FruitVeB Inter-Professional Organization...

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The government launched a series of consultations on key issues affecting agriculture

The government launched a series of national consultations on the most important issues affecting agriculture – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Csongrád. Farkas Sándor,...

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Farmers can apply for an agricultural insurance subsidy of 5 billion HUF

Farmers may receive an annual agricultural insurance subsidy of 5 billion HUF this year. The claims may be submitted in the single application period – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM)...

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The irrigation season to be extended

From this year, the government will extend the period of agricultural water use, in which farmers will have access to irrigation water at a discounted price – the Minister of...

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Drought can cause hundreds of billions of losses to Hungarian farmers

Drought can cause hundreds of billions of loss of income for Hungarian farmers – the head of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told M1 news channel. In the past one...

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Cereal growers: because of the drought, only one third of wheat and rape has become good quality

Due to drought, only one third of wheat and rapeseed became good quality, well below the average of 50-55 percent in the past five years – the president of the...

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The Central European Economic Development Network encourages the introduction of the Hungarian agricultural industry abroad

The Central European Economic Development Network Nonprofit Kft. encourages the introduction of the Hungarian agro-industry abroad, which is why this year it provides an opportunity for appearance at 13 international...

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Nearly half of the spring barley was sown in Zala County

Almost half of the spring barley, about 40 percent of wheat, was sown in Zala County: early seedlings were hatched and flocks are fine – the County President of the...

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The asparagus season has started in Csongrád county

The asparagus season started in Csongrád county near Öttömös on Wednesday, and the harvest of the vegetables is expected to take place in the next ten weeks. Kakas Béla (Fidesz-KDNP),...

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One hundred thousand people have already filled the farmer’s petition

Over a period of four weeks, one hundred thousand people signed the petition launched by the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) and the Hungarian Association of Farmers and Farmers (Magosz). The...

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Agricultural Expo was opened in Kiskőrös

The 10th Danube-Tisza Agricultural Expo and Gastronomy Festival in Kiskőrös opened with more than 4,000 products of 120 producers. Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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AKI: agricultural foreign trade surplus decreased the, but the proportion of processed products has increased last year

The exports of agricultural and food products decreased last year, while imports increased, so the foreign trade surplus of the sector declined compared to the previous year, while the exchange...

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FruitVeB calls to start the irrigation season sooner

The extraordinary drought in the Southern Great Plain makes it impossible to sow and grow on thousands of hectares – according to FruitVeB’s press release. The sowing of green peas,...

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“Water for Everyone”: the right amount and quality of water is essential for the agri-culture

March 22 is World Water Day. It is worth to talk about the methods of water supply and quality that are adequate for food safety. It is undisputed that domestic...

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The agricultural machinery market closed a record year last year

Last year, the agricultural machinery market reached record sales. According to data from the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI), new agricultural machinery was purchased in the value of 175 billion HUF...

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