Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Syngenta: innovations for sustainable, successful farm management

The temperature anomalies ot the past ten years, extreme precipitation conditions, new pathogens and pests, and the problems we face, all carry similar problems. We can tackle them with common...

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New resources can help modernize livestock farms

By the end of March, the Ministry of Agriculture will reopen its rural development program tenders to support the modernization of livestock farms, and the ministry expects the measure to...

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Nagy István said in Berlin that the efficiency of agriculture worldwide need to be increased to feed a growing population

The efficiency of agricultural production needs to be further improved to secure food supplies as the world’s population grows, but resources continue to dwindle – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture...

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AM: generation change in agriculture may give a new impetus

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) would encourage young farmers to take a more active role, partly through the vocational school network of the ministry and through support from the Rural...

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KSH: pork and fruit prices caused an increase in agricultural purchase prices

In November last year, the annual increase in agricultural producer prices jumped from 2.3 percent in October to 5.2 percent, mainly due to the sharp rise in the purchase price...

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The Institute for Organic Agriculture is expanding its activities

The Organic Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) expands its team and activities this year, extending its experimentation to the fields of soil quality, digital agriculture and animal husbandry, and continues to...

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FAO: Food and agriculture must play a vital part in reaching a sustainable future

There is a growing realization that food and agriculture must play a vital part in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals and that in this context, FAO provides a neutral forum...

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Avian flu was detected in poultry in Komárom-Esztergom county

The presence of avian influenza virus has been detected in a large turkey farm in Ács, Komárom-Esztergom County, and the authority has taken immediate action – the National Food Chain...

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For the sixth time this year, the Agriculture Personality of the Year awards will be presented

The Agriculture Personality of the Year awards will be handed over for the sixth time this year. There were more than 500 nominees in recent years – the executive director...

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Hat fiatalt díjazott az agrárkutatási központ a nemzeti agrártehetségek versenyén

Egyenként másfél millió forinttal három doktoranduszt és három fiatal kutatót díjazott a 2019 őszén meghirdetett agrártehetségek versenyén a Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ (NAIK) – mondta Gyuricza Csaba főigazgató hétfőn...

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Vertical vegetable growing in Japanese cities

The Japanese are also experimenting with a new way to help their troubled agriculture – origo wrote after Euronews.com. Vegetables are grown in cities under artificial light. Vertical crop production...

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Global warming can boost agricultural production in Siberia

Climate change will enable maize and soybean production in Siberia. By the middle of the decade, Russian farmers will be able to grow corn and soy in this part of...

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New complex soil management technology can help to combat drought

Drought is one of the biggest challenges of climate change is affecting agriculture. It can be tackled by the use of a new domestic complex soil management technology, using three...

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Agricultural economist: Hungarian agriculture is on a long-term development path

Hungarian agriculture is on a long-term growth path. Last year, output increased by more than 3 percent. compared to the previous year – Fórián Zoltán, agricultural economist told M1 news...

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AM Minister of State: the AGROmashEXPO and Agri Machine Show show facilitate the knowledge of agro-industrial trends

In order to be successful in agriculture, it is important to be aware of the latest trends in the agro industry. The AGROmashEXPO and Agri Machine Show that will take...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices have increased

In October, after a three-month slowdown, the increase in agricultural purchase prices accelerated again, mainly due to the rise in fruit and pig prices. According to the data of the...

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KSH: production value increased by 3.1 percent this year

Due to a 0.7 percent drop in production volume and a 3.8 percent rise in producer prices, total agricultural output rose 3.1 percent this year, according to the first estimate...

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This year the premium rate of subsidized agricultural insurance increased by 16 percent

The volume of subsidized crop insurance premiums paid by farmers is expected to be close to 11.4 billion HUF this year, which is 16 percent higher than last year –...

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Next year, the irrigation system will be completely transformed

Parliament approved the Ministry of Agriculture’s bill on irrigated farming with 171 votes in favor and 17 against – origo wrote. Under the new legislation, which will come into force...

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European Court of Auditors: teh utilization of EU measures to stabilize agricultural income is low

The EU measures to stabilize farmers’ incomes have only partially achieved their objectives, with low and uneven utilization and some targeted measures may lead to disproportionate compensation payments – the...

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Agribusiness researcher: fertilizer sales declined

Fertilizer distributors sold 1.4 million tons of fertilizer directly to farmers in the first three quarters, which is 3.2 percent decline, compared to a year before. Fertilizer prices rose by...

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Almost 212 billion HUF agricultural support advances were paid to farmers this fall

The advance payment period for this year’s agricultural subsidies is over, and between October 16 and November 30, 2019 the Hungarian Treasury has paid out nearly 212 billion HUF support...

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The decline in the number of bees causes sevetal billion forint damages to agriculture

The decline in the number of bees causes sevetal billion forint damages to agriculture due to the lack of pollination of plants – Haász Ferenc, chairman of the Göndöcs Benedek...

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NAK: significantly less damages occured thanks to the hail damage mitigation system

The hail damage mitigation system, which has been operating in Europe for two years and is unique in Europe, has resulted in significantly less damages – the president of the...

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Agro-economic researcher: the agricultural machinery market continues to grow

Agricultural machinery market in Hungary continues to expand: Private holdings and joint ventures bought new machinery worth about 134 billion HUF in the first three quarters, which is a 3...

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AM: the tools of the Common Agricultural Policy needs to be used to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural businesses

Strengthening the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is one of the most important goals of Hungary’s agricultural policy, as its success plays a key role in increasing income-generating capacity – the...

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Hungary continues to support the FAO’s objectives

Hungary is ready to continue its successful cooperation so far with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its offices in Budapest to achieve the goals...

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AM Minister of State: agricultural productivity and profitability need to be increased

The performance of Hungarian agriculture has increased significantly in recent years, but there is still a significant lag in productivity and profitability – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the...

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Soil prices continued to increase last year

Agricultural and forestry land prices increased by 11 percent last year, land rents increased by 6.5 percent. Farmland sales totaled 72,000 hectares, nearly the same as last year. Last year,...

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