Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Irrigation’s cooling effect on crops

In a recent U.S.-based study, a research team led by University of Illinois scientists discovered 16% of the yield increase from irrigation is attributable to cooling alone. “This study highlights...

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The autumn cereals are in good condition in Békés

The autumn cereals are in good condition in Békés county. There are signs of a promising wheat harvest, but the rainfall is very lacking in the land – the Békés...

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Will the border remain open to seasonal agricultural workers?

The European Commission has issued a practical guide to facilitate the free movement of priority workers and frontier workers between Member States. The Commission is thus supporting governments to create...

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Bird flu is here

The H5N8 type of avian influenza, which previously caused a pandemic in Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties, has already been detected in 226 livestock farms, the national chief veterinarian told Monday....

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Huge trouble if following the pandemic… or perhaps not?

COVID-19 has overshadowed the climate crisis as governments scramble to protect the health of citizens without cratering their economies, but the pandemic could still open a fast-track pathway -– albeit...

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Agriculture is problematic in the long run

The coronavirus pandemic is relegating the economy to an unprecedented level 100 years ago, bringing corporate bankruptcies, unemployment is skyrocketing, and it is possible that living standards will only reach...

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Podcast: Győrffy Balázs and Zászlós Tibor discussed on domestic animal husbandry

Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture and Zászlós Tibor, President of the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, discussed the situation of domestic animal husbandry.  ...

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There are still no people for agricultural tasks

Labor released by the difficulties of other sectors can only partially address the acute labor demand of agriculture. Among the laid-off workers, mainly those who already have experience in this...

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Chamber of Agriculture: less asparagus will be produced this year

There will be about 30 percent less asparagus to be grown this year, but even harvesting and selling will cause problems for growers due to labor problems and a shrinking...

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The turnover of pesticides exceeded 100 billion HUF last year

More than 26,000 tons of pesticides were sold in Hungary last year, reaching a net sales of 104.5 billion HUF, which was 4.7 percent higher than the previous year’s revenue...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated the proclamation of a period of permanent water shortage

The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated the announcement of the period of permanent water shortage at the Ministry of the Interior, Nagy István, head of the ministry told MTI. The...

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AM: more favorable rules for simplified agricultural employment

In order to ensure uninterrupted production, the rules for working in the agricultural sector under simplified employment have become more flexible since Friday – the Ministry of Agriculture (ÁM) pointed...

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Mabisz: one can apply for agricultural insurance premium support until May 15

Farmers can apply for agricultural insurance premium support until 15 May, after which the amount of support for submitted applications will be reduced by 1 percent per working day until...

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The national hail damage mitigation system is already operating

The national hail damage mitigation system was put into operation by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) on Wednesday, and it will run until September 30. According to the announcement...

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Spring field work has begun

Due to the milder weather, this year’s spring field work began in the country in the first half of April – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) told MTI. Soil temperatures...

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Mass agricultural employment of redundant workers is an illusion

Seasonal agricultural work is not a realistic alternative for the majority of Hungarian employees laid off due to the coronavirus pandemic in Hungary or Western Europe – Trenkwalder’s analysis shows....

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The food supply of our country is secured

While hundreds of millions in the world are threatened by famine, food supply in Europe and Hungary is guaranteed – magyarnemzet.hu wrote. It is an opportunity for domestic producers that...

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How the price of agricultural products changes

After Easter, the price of pork may start to fall moderately. However, the uncertainty in the fruit and vegetable sector is huge – nepaszava.hu wrote. In the near future, the...

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French people applied for seasonal agricultural work

The French Minister for Agriculture’s call for people on forced leave due to the coronavirus epidemic to “go out to work on land” to help agriculture left without seasonal workers...

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Seasonal agricultural workers are allowed to enter Germany with strict restrictions

The total ban on the coronavirus epidemic in March will be lifted and tens of thousands of foreign seasonal agricultural workers will still be allowed to enter Germany under strict...

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Healthy people and healthy planet. Our future depends on sustainable food production

While the survival of supply chains is now the key issue, we need to address the challenge of developing a sustainable food system that is essential to maintaining human and...

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Magosz: no obstacles to agricultural work

No obstacles occured to agricultural work due to the coronavirus pandemic situation – the president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ and Cooperatives (Magosz) on the told M1 news channel....

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Less wheat can grow this year in Europe

Winter precipitation is now being replaced in most parts of Europe by rain, but there are major differences in soil moisture among the Member States. Bad start leaves its mark...

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Farmers in the EU can continue to receive agricultural supports as advances

A number of Hungarian proposals have been put forward at a videoconference of the ministers of agriculture to allow advance payments of agricultural subsidies – Feldman Zsolt, Minister of State...

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NAK: Don’t accumulate! There will be enough food in Hungary!

Hungary is an agri-industrial country, a serious exporter, and our country’s self-sufficiency is about 120 percent of its basic food. In the current emergency, this has a particular importance: the...

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The amount spent on the purchase of agricultural machinery increased last year

Businesses spent more than 180 billion USD worth on new farm equipment last year, up 3 percent on the previous year, and spent 7 percent more on components in the...

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Nitrogen plants: there will be enough fertilizer

There is no need to fear a shortage of fertilizers as the market is stable despite the epidemiological situation and various rumors – Nitrogénművek Zrt announced. Rácz Zoltán stated in...

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Irrigation development in the Hajdúhátság

EU and domestic sources start water management development in Hajdúhátság – agroinform.hu wrote. Kincses Dániel, deputy technical director of the Tiszántúl Water Directorate (TIVIZIG) said that for the development of...

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The tomato virus also appeared in France

A tomato virus has been found on a farm in western Bretagne, the westernmost region of France – blog.syngenta.hu wrote. The French Minister of Agriculture, Didier Guillaume, who added the...

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FruitVeB: good fruit harvest is expected, but mild winter and spring frosts risk

More risks for an unusually mild winter fruit crop, earlier bud budding, stronger infections, and possible spring frost can significantly affect this year’s currently promising fruit crop – FruitVeb with....

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