Tag "mezőgazdaság"

AM Secretary of State: by 2024, there will be one hundred thousand hectares more irrigable area in Hungary

The Ministry of Agriculture intends to increase the size of irrigable areas by one hundred thousand hectares by 2024 – the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture said at...

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KSH: the annual rise in the purchase price of pork has stopped in May

In May, the purchase price of live pigs decreased by 3.3 percent compared to a year before, while in the previous month it increased by another 21.1 percent. The reason...

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The producer market in Abaújszántó has opened

The producer market of Abaújszántó in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County has been completed, and the facility built in the city center for two hundred million forints was handed over on Friday. At...

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The main owners of the Portfolion Green Fund and the Nagis Group have signed an agreement to acquire the majority control of the Nagisz Group

On 25 June 2020, the PortfoLion Green Fund belonging to the OTP Group and the individuals exercising indirect majority control over Nagisz Zrt. signed an agreement on the indirect purchase...

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Smaller wheat yields are expected in Tolna County

Compared to the previous years, 10 percent less winter wheat can be produced in Tolna County this year, but winter barley has grown more than last year, the Tolna County...

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The Hungarian National Gastronomic Association has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Agriculture

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian National Gastronomic Association (MNGSZ) have concluded a cooperation agreement – NAK informed MTI. Mutual assistance contributes to the development of both...

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Cooperation for the development of agricultural training was established in Baranya

The Baranya County Local Government, the University of Pécs (PTE) and the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics (NAK) have concluded a cooperation agreement for the development of agricultural training. In...

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An irrigation demonstration program will start in Mezőhegyes

A national irrigation pilot program will be launched on the 5,500-hectare area used by the Mezőhegyes stud farm, and the government will support the investment by 2022 with 8.5 billion...

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Nagy István: The Ministry of Agriculture is preparing 25 billion for crisis management support

The Ministry of Agriculture has prepared a 25 billion HUF crisis management support program for the participants in agriculture and the food industry -Minister of Agriculture Nagy István announced on...

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Magosz cannot prepare for the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy

It is not possible to prepare for the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy in one year, which must be developed in accordance with the new environmental regulations, ie the Green...

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Harvesting has begun, a weaker-than-average yield is expected

Harvesting work has begun with the harvest of autumn barley. According to the preliminary estimates the weather is expected to result in a lower-than-average yield, with about 7 million tonnes...

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It will be faster and easier to liquidate undivided common property

The abolition of undivided common property will be faster and easier from January – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture told Kossuth radio on Monday. On Friday, without a vote against,...

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The Chamber of Agriculture has launched a leaf analysis service

The range of services available to farmers at the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has been expanded with a laboratory letter analysis study, the NAK told MTI. According to their...

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Savings Bank has slightly improving expectations, but there is significant uncertainty in agriculture

Expectations of agricultural participants improved slightly by the end of the second quarter compared to the first quarter, but the sector is still uncertain, mainly due to reduced export opportunities...

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NAK: the online interface for the ice mitigation system has been launched

The National Chamber of Agriculture also wants to increase the public awareness of the ice mitigation system with the system’s newly launched website, which also provides useful information on its...

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At the global level, the NAK has also protested against unachievable EU targets

The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics has now participated as a full member in the annual general meeting of the World Farmers ’Organization (WFO) and has also protested globally against...

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The pea yield increased by one-fifth

The weather is favorable for green peas, the yield may increase by more than 20 percent, and the expansion of the supply may reduce the wild prices – napi.hu wrote....

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FruitVeB: fruit yields are poor for three years

Poor fruit production is expected this year as well, so this is the third such year – Hunyadi István, the professional director of the FruitVeB Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional...

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Nagy István: The irresponsible attitude of the European Commission may endanger the payment of agricultural subsidies in 2022

It is also clear to most Member States and the co-legislator, the European Parliament, that there is no realistic chance that the new Common Agricultural Policy will be launched in...

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The integration of agricultural higher education is beginning

The integration of agricultural higher education is beginning, and by the beginning of next year, one of the largest universities in Hungary will be established under the name of Szent...

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Harvest prospects are good, corn prices are falling

On the Chicago Board of Trade, wheat rose 1.2 percent yesterday after several days of decline – origo wrote. The corn market also moved 1.2 percent, but in the opposite...

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General Mills Launches Regenerative Dairy Pilot In Michigan

General Mills has announced that it has launched a three-year regenerative dairy pilot project in western Michigan supported by Yoplait. The company has partnered with consultants Understanding Ag and dairy cooperative...

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KSH: the online phase of the Agricultural Census will soon be completed

The first phase of the Agricultural Census of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) will end, then the deadline for online completion will expire – the statistical office draws attention. They...

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NAK: extreme weather causes serious damage to crop production

The first half of the year was extraordinary for crop production: the drought of more than two months and the spring frosts caused a serious loss in expected yields; the...

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Russian cucumber and tomato crops have jumped

Nearly 30 percent more vegetables have been harvested in Russian orchards so far in 2020 than in the same period of 2019 – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The largest share comes from...

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Agricultural purchase prices continued to rise

In April, the average purchase price of agricultural products was 12.8 percent higher than a year before. After a 10.3 percent rise in March, double-digit growth was measured again, according...

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Chamber of Agriculture: harvest may begin in two weeks

The summer harvest can begin with the harvest of winter barley in two weeks, if there is no significant cooling in the coming period, said the president of the field...

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Restrictions on the entry of seasonal agricultural workers in Germany are being relaxed

Restrictions on entry for seasonal agricultural workers in Germany are being eased, with the government on Wednesday deciding that workers from European Union (EU) partner countries will be free to...

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The fate of Hungarian farmers depends on their customers

Dr. Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture and Farkas Sándor, Deputy Minister of the region, visited the areas of Árpád-Agrár Zrt. in Szentes. During the visit, the Minister of Agriculture described...

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Climate change shifts farming north

Agriculture is undergoing a huge change due to the increasingly extreme weather – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Farming is slowly shifting from the hot south to the north. At least...

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