Tag "MasterCard"

Mastercard launches biometric cash register program

Mastercard is launching a biometric cash register program based on portrait and fingerprint readings, the global financial technology company told MTI. According to Mastercard, the initiative requires fewer waiting times...

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(HU) A turizmus idén tavasszal érte el először a pandémia előtti szintet

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The Hungarian Z generation takes the comfort of technology for granted

Mastercard presented the results of a new central and eastern European survey on the attitudes and behaviour of the youngest consumer group, Generation Z (“Gen Z”). The 18-24 year olds...

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Three quarters of Hungarians regularly pay with bank card

A Mastercard survey – published at the end of February – has found that 58% of Hungarian bank customers pay with their bank card on a daily basis; 72% of...

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Visa, Mastercard Prepare to Raise Credit-Card Fees

Visa Inc. V 0.53% and Mastercard Inc. MA 0.45% are preparing to increase the fees that many large merchants pay when they accept consumers’ credit cards. The fee increases—delayed during...

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58 percent of Hungarians pay with their card at the store on a daily basis

58 percent of Hungarian banking customers use their card on a daily basis for in-store payments, and 72 percent of those surveyed pay this way several times a month, Mastercard...

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This is how the coronavirus pandemic has transformed Valentine’s Day gift giving!

There is a growing tradition of celebrating Valentine’s Day among lovers around the world, including in Hungary. According to the results of a study conducted last year, the number of...

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Art is Business Awards awarded

Art is Business Awards for forprofit and art actors who have recently thought outstandingly about the cooperation between the two worlds. In the corporate category, mastercard, and in the patronage...

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Mastercard Carbon Calculator available to Gránit Bank customers

Gránit Bank was among the fist in the world to introduce the Mastercard Carbon Calculator on 15 November: card holders can use this to see the impact of their purchases...

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Hospitality from the outside

According to the ‘Gastro survey of the year – 2021’ by Mastercard and Piqniq Budapest, working in hospitality is attractive to those who aren’t active in the sector yet: 11...

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(HU) Minden tizedik ember álma, hogy egyszer lesz egy vendéglátóhelye!

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Mastercard’s global initiative for small businesses

Mastercard has launched a global initiative to support the transition to digital platforms and processes for micro- and small businesses: Strive aims to strengthen the financial resilience of small businesses...

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Bank cards for blind and visually impaired consumers

Mastercard is introducing bank cards that make it possible for blind and visually impaired consumers to differentiate between credit, debit and prepaid cards. In the Touch Card system there are...

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Not only card payment but also acceptance technologies partake in the digital revolution

Cashless payment underwent fundamental changes in the last few years in Hungary. While a couple of years back plastic bank cards were making their conquest, today mobile wallets and other...

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Garmin Pay from K&H

At the end of September K&H was the first Hungarian bank to introduce the Garmin Pay smart watch payment solution for Mastercard and Maestro card holders. The bank’s customers need...

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Mastercard is launching a global small business program

Mastercard has launched a global initiative called Strive to help small businesses digitally transition, which focuses on strengthening the financial resilience of small businesses and supporting their recovery and growth,...

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Mastercard to remove magnetic stripe from cards

Mastercard has announced that in most markets their debit and credit cards won’t have a magnetic stripe from 2024. By 2033 the magnetic stripe will be gone from all Mastercard...

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Young consumers: Digital and physical go hand in hand

In July Mastercard published the results of its Gen Z (18-24 years old consumers) survey that covered the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This reveals that young consumers are...

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eMAG and Mastercard introduce cashback within 30 minutes

Mastercard and eMAG announced that eMAG was the first in Hungary to have a service called Quick Refund, which reduces the multi-day refund process to a maximum of 30 minutes....

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One in five Mastercard countries is approaching the pre-pandemic domestic flight number

The recovery in travel remains uneven globally, with domestic airline bookings already reaching 90 percent of pre-pandemic levels in one-fifth of countries surveyed, according to a recent study sent to...

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Consumers older than 50 years are also online shoppers now

E-commerce is booming and this won’t change after the pandemic either. A Payment Experience Report (www.fizetesielmeny.hu) commissioned by Mastercard has revealed that 6 from 100 Hungarians order online minimum once...

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Mobile banking proliferates

According to a Mastercard survey, the proportion of mobile banking users reached 56 percent for the first time among bank card owners in 2020. 65 percent of 18-34 year old...

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Magazine: When Mohammed must go the mountain…brand building at festivals

The street food business has expanded rapidly in the last few years and it keeps changing. Retailers, restaurants and cafés see greet potential in participating in gastro events, as what...

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(HU) Otthonfőzés – vígasz a bezártság idején

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Valentine’s Day spendings skyrocketed in the past ten years

The number of Valentine’s Day spending in Hungary has increased by more than 381 percent in the last decade – this is more than double the European average – origo...

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78 percent of Hungarian consumers are often unable to identify their purchases with a card

Mastercard’s new digital solution provides consumers with more transparent data and clearer information, making it easier to trace past purchases. We’ve all experienced that we can’t always identify every purchase...

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Hungarian bank card acceptance is among the fastest developing in Europe

According to the latest data from Mastercard, the number of card payment terminals increased by 20 percent in Hungary in 2020. Mastercard launched its Doppio infrastructure development programme in the...

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New digital solutions for e-commerce challenges

Fintech company ZEN has teamed up with Mastercard to launch financial solutions that make it possible for consumers, freelancers and entrepreneurs to manage their finances easily and to make contactless...

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A Hungarian specialist has became the head of Mastercard responsible for card acceptance

Hungarian specialist Gauder Milán has been appointed Mastercard’s head of global card acceptance, – origo quotes the international company’s announcement. The Hungarian specialist will be responsible for the payment technology...

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81 percent of Hungarians are shopping more thoughtfully this Christmas

According to a recent study by Mastercard, shoppers across Europe are spending more time and energy choosing the right Christmas gifts than in previous years. Three-quarters of Europeans (77 percent)...

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