Tag "MasterCard"

This is how the Hungarian fans spent at the venues of the national team’s matches

The cities of the European Football Championship in Germany devoted significant financial resources to provide stadium visitors and football fans with unforgettable experiences during the tournament. This is proven by...

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Domestic slowdown vs. soaring Temu

NorbertAccording to GKID and Mastercard’s Digital Commerce Survey 2024 report, the Hungarian e-commerce market still showed growth in 2023 (8.5%), but this was a significant decline from the double-digit growth...

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GKID eTOPLISTA 2023: Unchanged leading position, changing balance of power

Since 2015, GKID has been creating public rankings of online merchants in the Hungarian market, focusing on those with the highest revenues. In collaboration with Mastercard, this year they compiled...

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Every third Hungarian cardholder regularly pays with their mobile

Mastercard published the results of its research entitled “Bank Card Usage Habits and Attitudes” at the end of March. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 With...

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GKID-Mastercard: the momentum of domestic e-commerce seems to be running out, while Chinese webshops are also conquering Hungary

The GKID-Mastercard Digital Commerce Survey reveals a challenging landscape for domestic e-commerce in Hungary as global competition intensifies. The 2024 edition of the report underscores the slowing momentum in the...

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Gergely Márkus became the director of Mastercard in Hungary and Slovenia

Mastercard announced that as of today, a new manager, Gergely Márkus, will be responsible for the strategic and operational management of the Hungarian and Slovenian markets. “It is a great...

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Visa and Mastercard have reached a $30 billion deal

Visa and Mastercard have reached a $30 billion settlement in the U.S. to limit merchant credit and debit card fees. This is expected to reach consumers in part in the...

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Complex payment terminal solution for electric vehicle charging stations in Europe

Mastercard and Last Mile Solutions have joined forces to revolutionise the payment process for charging electric vehicles. A cikk a Trade magazin 2024/4. lapszámában olvasható. Their new solution will enable...

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Mobile payment is now a daily routine for Hungarian students

Mastercard has conducted a survey among young Hungarians about their financial habits, personal motivations and goals for the second time. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4...

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Mastercard and Nexi working on open banking payments

Europe’s leading PayTech company Nexi has chosen Mastercard as a strategic partner for its open banking programme in Europe. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 The...

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Every third Hungarian card holder pays regularly with a mobile phone

Mastercard today published the results of its Bankcard Usage Habits and Attitudes research, in which it has been mapping and tracking the payment habits of the Hungarian urban population for...

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Gránit Bank and OTP Bank shared the main prize of the Mastercard – Bank of the Year 2023 competition

Gránit Bank and OTP Bank shared the main prize of the Mastercard – Bank of the Year 2023 competition, this is the first time that the main prize was awarded...

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MBH Bank and Mastercard supported the Hungarian Ecumenical Relief Organization with HUF 65 million

The joint fundraising campaign of MBH Bank and Mastercard has ended, as part of which the credit institution offered 50 million forints and Mastercard 15 million forints to the Hungarian...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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The charity campaign of MBH Bank and Mastercard invites bank card customers to make a joint donation

MBH Bank and Mastercard launched a joint donation program involving customers to support the Ecumenical Aid Organization. During the charity campaign, the amount donated to the aid organization by MBH...

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Growing consumer interest in new payment technologies

Mastercard’s Digital Payments Index – launched in 2020 – continued to grow in 2022, scoring 61 out of 100. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 This...

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Mastercard is launching a Green Friday campaign to draw attention to conscious spending

Mastercard is launching the Green Friday campaign ahead of the upcoming holiday shopping season in order to raise awareness of environmentally conscious shopping in cooperation with its partners. In addition...

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Mastercard is launching a Green Friday campaign to draw attention to conscious spending

Mastercard is launching the Green Friday campaign ahead of the upcoming holiday shopping season in order to raise awareness of environmentally conscious shopping in cooperation with its partners. In addition...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Tips for safe online shopping

It’s time to talk about the importance of protection – when it comes to online shopping, that is. We wake up and go to bed with the Internet, we provide...

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Mastercard: Hungarian cybersecurity awareness is lagging behind

Based on Mastercard’s study published today, recent years have radically changed the nature and effectiveness of cyber attacks, thus posing a serious challenge to both individual users and businesses. In...

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It’s not that world anymore

During the pandemic, more than 1 billion users emerged on the internet, which meant an explosion in e-commerce, but also a new era of cybercrime. Those who try to stay...

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We need them: Companies and patrons for art!

For the fifth time, actors from the business and artistic worlds can show how they think about their collaborations, how innovation, value preservation and sustainable operation can occur when the...

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Mastercard’s money sending solution is revolutionizing the redemption of repo fees

At the Mastercard City Takeover daytime parties from August 10 to 13, an extraordinary innovation will be presented to festival-goers. The organizers provide visitors with the opportunity to receive the...

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The Ethical Repohár initiative is launched – BKIK offers a self-regulatory solution for players in the hospitality industry

The Etikus Repohár value community proposes a sustainable, transparent system that meets both consumer expectations and the possibilities of the hospitality and entertainment industry. The Repohár working group, convened by...

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“Most successful promotion of the year 2023” awards were presented to the winners

This year Trade magazin organised the “Most successful promotion of the year” competition for the 15th time, the results of which were announced as part of a one-day conference, titled...

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The GKID-Mastercard eRANKING 2022 is already out

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Stable market share for the top players In 2023 GKID – in collaboration with Mastercard – published the ranking of...

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The GKID-Mastercard eTOPLIST 2022 has been published!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Mastercard: the bank card is Hungarians’ favorite means of payment both at home and abroad

Mastercard has once again carried out its Bankcard Usage Habits and Attitudes research, in which it has been mapping the payment habits of Hungarians and making them traceable since 2009....

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Domestic online retail turnover grew by 9.9 percent last year

Domestic online retail reached a gross annual turnover of HUF 1,323 billion in 2022, which exceeded the previous year’s level by 9.9 percent; Last year, the Hungarian online market also...

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