Tag "mangalica"

Japan is a prominent agricultural partner of our country

Minister István Nagy discussed the priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency, the reduction of food waste, and animal health issues. At the meeting, the minister drew attention to the fact...

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Premium-quality Hungarian mangalica meat also reaches Hong Kong

On Wednesday, Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development of the Ministry of Agriculture, received Romeo Alfonso, the director of the owner of Sutherland Ltd. in...

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Tamás Tarpataki: pork consumption has increased in Hungary

In Hungary, pork consumption has increased recently, it has now reached 30 kilograms per person per year, and is in second place after the poultry sector – said Tamás Tarpataki,...

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Mangalica, the connoisseur’s pig

In Hungary, pork consumption has increased recently, it has now reached 30 kilograms per person per year, and is in second place after the poultry sector – said Tamás Tarpataki,...

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OMV opens this summer with fishburger and mangalica feast

With gourmet sandwiches based on hungarian flavours, refreshing salads and light desserts, OMV VIVA Gourmet Selection will be renewed on 1st June. The latest products evoke classic Hungarian flavours with...

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This year there will be a mangalica festival in Debrecen as well

This year, there will also be a mangalica festival in Debrecen’s main square, the event will be linked for the second time to cultural attractions, including a winter farewell masquerade,...

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AM Secretary of State: mangalica breeding is marketable still in the 21st century

Mangalica cultivation is not just a tradition, but a constantly evolving, marketable value creation in the 21st century – the State Secretary responsible for Agriculture said at the opening of...

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Black mangalica has become a protected, indigenous breed

The black mangalica was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture in June 2019 as a stand-alone breed, and an amendment to the zootechnical regulation issued at the end of January...

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Mangalica meat is popular in Japan

Although the consumption of mangalica meat is increasing in Hungary, Hungarian mangalica meat is still more popular abroad than in Hungary – index quotes the communication of the National Association...

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KKM: a discussion took place in Budapest about the export of Hungarian pork to Thailand

Representatives of the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KKM) were discussing licensing of Hungarian pork in Thailand and successful Hungarian measures against swine fever in...

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The campaign to encourage mangalica consumption lasts until 18 April

For the first time this year, the campaign that promotes the consumption of mangalica meat with the title “Eat good – the mangalica meat is special” lasts until 18 Apri,...

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A privilege of kings and a favourite of aristocrats

Mangalica fat used to worth more than the pig’s meat and Emperor Franz Joseph himself used to own 3 million Mangalica pigs. Péter Ondré, managing director of the Agricultural Marketing...

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Mangalica festival with a winter farewell masquerade in Debrecen

The mangalica festival to be held in Debrecen for the tenth time this year, together with the three-day winter farewell masquerade – Széles Diána deputy mayor said on Wednesday at...

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Nagy István: the Hungarian mangalica products conquer the world market

The Hungarian mangalica products conquered the world market from Singapore to Canada. They are present among others in Japan, the United States, Brazil, but also play a role in our...

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Mangalica Festival in Debrecen

The mangalica festival has begun for the ninth time on the main square of Debrecen, the Kossuth square in front of the Reformed Great Church. Tóth Péter, president of the...

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Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is

Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is, ami az agrártárca által az elmúlt években bevezetett intézkedéseknek köszönhető, így például a sertésstratégia és az állatjóléti, tenyésztésszervezési támogatások egyaránt hozzájárultak...

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Products of the breeders and primary producers at this year’s Mangalica Festival

Hungarian and local fresh dishes of Mangalica breeders and product makers, cooking contest and small farmers’ marketplace is awaiting the audience between 9 and 11 of February at the Szabadság...

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The mangalica festival begins on Friday

On the 9th of February, the 11th Budapest Mangalica Festival will open its gates for three days of free-to-air event that awaits the visitors with live animal exhibitions, mangalica products,...

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The Romanian Government gives free piglets to the mangalica breeders

A minimum of two, up to ten free piglets will be given by the Romanian government to those livestock farmers who under certain conditions undertake the fattening of Bázna mangalica...

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The Gourmet Festival opens with star chefs and top restaurants

The Gourmet Festival was opened on Thursday with the most comprehensive selection ever; This year, more than 200 different dishes and more drinks await the guests at the Gourmet Festival...

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Strawberries and mangalica are the main ingredients at this year’s Gourmet Festival

Strawberries and mangalica will be the two main ingredients at this year’s Gourmet Festival, which crosses the borders and in addition to the finest Hungarian restaurants, will familiarize the visitors...

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250 mangalica frams are operating in Hungary

The traditional animal breeding methods – like mangalica – have a priority nature conservation importance, are part of the Hungarian landscape and ethnographic traditions linked to them. They are part...

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Mangalica breeders and their products will be showcased in Budapest in February

Locally made food, cooking contest, live animal exhibitions, small farmers market and pop music concerts will await the audience at the 10th Mangalica Festival in Budapest between 10 and 12...

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Mangalica exports may begin in the United States

Hungarian mangalica exports may begin in the United States of America – the president of the National Association of Mangalica Breeders told MTI. Tóth Péter told that the export opportunities...

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Hungarian gastronomic days in Marbella

Hungarian gastronomic days began on Thursday in Marbella in southern Spain. The Hungarian gastronomic days present the country's flavors such as mangalica, goulash soup, Villány and Tokaj wines, as well...

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Hungarian flavors presentation and agricultural ministerial meeting in Washington

Fazekas Sándor Hungarian Minister of Agriculture was negotiating about the dairy market crisis, the European-US free trade negotiations and about maintaining the GMO-free status. Scheduled to the visit, culinary product...

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Mangalica festival to be held in Debrecen

The mangalica has become the big hit of home cuts – Tóth Péter, president of the National Association of Mangalica Breeders said this weekend in Debrecen at the press conference...

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The mangalica is a driving brand of the Hungarian livestock

The mangalica is a good investment not only for the farmers, but for the state, it is the driving brand of the Hungarian animal production is and product group, which...

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International Slaughter Competition in Napkor

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county's largest winter culinary event the 15th International Slaughter Competition will be held on Saturday in Napkor. Támba Miklós main organizer told MTI that more than ten thousand visitors...

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Japanese-Hungarian agricultural negotiations at the Grüne Woche

The Hungarian Minister of Agriculture negotiated with his Japanese counterpart on a possible cooperation in the research of short-term bred rice varieties and sour cherry cultivars among other things in...

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