Tag "magyar gazdaság"

MKIK: 81 percent of companies plan to raise wages this year

This year, 81 percent of companies plan to raise wages, 18 percent indicated that they will not change wages, while 1 percent expect a decline, MKIK told MTI in its...

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The MNB Vice-President: the series of base rate increases in 2022 will continue

Prolonged inflationary pressures justify long base rate hikes, and the monthly series of rate hikes will continue in 2022, Virág Barnabás, vice-president of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) said in...

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Kopint-Tárki revised its GDP growth forecast for this year downwards

Kopint-Tárki has revised its GDP growth forecast for this year down to 6.1 percent from 6.8 percent indicated in the autumn, CEO Palócz Éva announced at the online presentation of...

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The MNB has raised its inflation forecast for this year to 5.1 percent

The central bank has raised its inflation forecast for this year to 5.1 percent and lowered its GDP expectation to 6.3 – 6.5 percent, according to key figures in its...

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ManpowerGroup: 34 percent of employers plan to increase headcount in Hungary in the first quarter of 2022

34 percent of employers plan to expand their headcount in Hungary in the first quarter of 2022, while 17 percent expect a reduction; such optimism was last seen among market...

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According to a study, income of 61 percent of Hungarians did not change despite the pandemic

61% of the Hungarian population did not perceive substantial change in their income situation caused by the pandemic. About a third of the respondents reported a decrease in income –...

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KSH: agricultural output value increased by 13 percent this year

The total output value of agriculture in 2021 increased by 13 percent. Production volume fell 2.3 percent and prices rose 16 percent. The volume of crop production decreased by 6.5...

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Analysts: inflation may have peaked in November

Inflation may have peaked in November, MTI analysts said, but expect only a slow decline and continued monetary tightening. According to a report released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 7.4 percent in November

In November, consumer prices were on average 7.4 percent higher than a year earlier. The last time inflation was at least that high was in December 2007, the Central Statistical...

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MNB: wide range of products and services caused inflation to rise in November

In November, inflation rose by 0.9 percentage points and core inflation by 0.6 percentage points; The rise in inflation was reflected in a wide range of products and services, the...

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Analysts: retail started well in the fourth quarter

The higher-than-expected growth in retail sales in October marks an encouraging start to GDP growth in the fourth quarter, with the services sector remaining the only area to make a...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 5.7 percent

According to both raw and calendar-adjusted data, the volume of retail sales increased by 5.7 percent in October compared to a year earlier, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on...

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Analysts: further slowdown in economic growth may come

Due to component shortages, the energy crisis and the fourth to fifth waves of the pandemic, analysts told MTI that a fear further slowdown in economic growth may occur. In...

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KSH: GDP grew by 6.1 percent in the third quarter

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew 6.1 percent year-over-year in the third quarter, up 0.7 percent from the previous quarter. In the first three quarters, the performance of the economy exceeded...

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Earnings growth will increase further next year

Wage outflows remain high. Analysts expect increases with next year’s increases and benefits. They also warn that all of this has been offset by rising inflation risks. According to a...

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MLBKT: PMI indicates a slowing increase

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in November was 52.2 points. The pace of expansion is slightly lower than the 52.9 points in October and the...

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KSH: Earnings increased by 9.1 percent

In September, average gross and net earnings were 9.1 percent higher than a year before. Growth continued to pick up after 8.9 percent in August. The average gross earnings of...

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Government subsidies and soft loans also supported investment

The volume of investment in the third quarter exceeded the pre-crisis level, in which the government’s and the central bank’s support and concessional loan programs, but also the inflow of...

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KSH: employment increased in October

In October, the average monthly number of employees aged 15-74 was 4,688,000, 86,000 more than a year before. According to the three-month moving average used as the main indicator, the...

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KSH: enterprises and the manufacturing industry pulled the investments in the third quarter

Investment continued to expand in the third quarter, up 12.4 percent from a year before. Among enterprises, investments increased by 21.8 percent, while developments in the budgetary bodies realizing 13...

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MKIK GVI: business cycle indicator at the pre-pandemic level

The economic indicator of the MKIK GVI Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship Research (MKIK GVI) rose from 28 points to 38 points in April, the lowest value since the beginning...

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The exchange rate of the forint is at a historic low

The exchange rate of the forint reached a historic low on Tuesday against the euro and the Swiss franc, and its share against the dollar fell to its weakest level...

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Analysts: economic growth has slowed more than expected

The growth of the Hungarian economy in the third quarter came as a negative surprise, analysts told MTI, who see growth slowing more than expected in the third quarter. Economic...

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MNB: households’ willingness to save in the third quarter declined

Households’ financial savings fell by a third to 681 billion HUF in the third quarter compared to the previous year, by 14 percent year-on-year, according to preliminary data published by...

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Hungarian GDP grew by 6.1 percent on an annual basis

In the third quarter, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) was 6.1 percent higher than a year earlier, according to raw and seasonally and calendar-adjusted data, the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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EU forecast: Hungary’s economic growth will remain strong in 2022

Hungary’s economic growth will remain strong at 5.4 percent in 2022 thanks to fiscal stimulus measures, but is expected to slow to 3.2 percent in 2023 as policy support gradually...

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Analysts: inflation became higher than expectated in October

Inflation accelerated beyond expectations in October, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. The Central Statistical Office announced on Tuesday that consumer prices were on average 6.5 percent higher in October...

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In October, prices increased by 6.5 percent compared to the same month of the previous year

In October this year, consumer prices were on average 6.5 percent higher than a year before. Over the past year, the prices of fuels, spirits and tobacco have risen significantly....

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Analysts: a substantial increase in retail sales is encouraging

Analysts reporting to MTI were positively surprised by the September retail sales figures, which suggest they could have a positive impact on third-quarter GDP data as well. According to a...

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KSH: trade surplus was 1.3 million euros in September

After two months in September, foreign trade again produced a surplus, with exports exceeding the value of imports by 1.3 million euros, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Monday,...

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