Tag "magyar gazdaság"

The Hungarian growth is not enough to catch up

The growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter of 2016 surprised the analysts, but the 2.6 percent growth indicator is deceiving. If it is cleaned off...

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The Hungarian economy increased better-than-expected

In the second quarter the gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 2.6 percent compared to the same period of the previous year after a 0.9 percent rise in the first...

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Analysts: the better than expected GDP data can improve the economic performance of the entire year

The growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter was significantly higher than the expectations of the analysts, so the average performance of this year can be...

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NGM: moderate inflation in Hungary

A moderate inflation environment can be found in Hungary for two and a half years. This helps in the conservation of wages and pensions values – the Deputy Minister of...

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Opten: company establish mood reduced in July

In July, 1844 a new companies were established in Hungary, which is 13 percent less, compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to June it represents a...

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Analysts: the trade surplus exceeded the expectations

The growth of trade surplus far exceeded the expectations of macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. According to the latest reports of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the value of exports...

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KSH export increased by 5 and import grew by 1.3 percent in June

The value of exports in euros increased by 5 percent, while imports grew by 1.3 percent in June compared with a year before, so the trade surplus increased by 302...

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Analysts: retail sales growth remains in the long-term

Among other things, due the growth of real wages, the increase in employment and the strengthening of consumption, retail sales growth may remain long-lasting for the remainding part of the...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 5.7 percent in June

The volume of retail sales in June, increased by 5.7 percent according to both the raw data and calendar effect adjusted data, compared to the same period of the previous...

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Nielsen: the Hungarian consumer confidence fell in the second quarter

The consumer confidence index in Hungary decreased: the second quarter’s 57 points is 4 points less than the first quarter’s 61 points. However, if we compare it with the 55...

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KSH: 142 thousand more workers than a year ago

The number of employees in April-June was 4 343.700, 142 more than the year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Thursday. Among the employees 4 304.500 belonged...

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Improved business and consumer confidence

The business activity index of GKI improved in July. According to the survey, both business and consumer expectations have improved, but are still slightly below the high level at the...

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KSH: retail trade grew 6.8 percent in May

In May, the volume of retail turnover – according to the raw data – increased by 6.8 percent. According to the calendar effects adjusted data the increase was 5.7 percent,...

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NGM: retail sales increase since nearly three years

Retail sales grow for nearly three years. The growth that lasts for 35 month may remain permanently high this year, due to, inter alia, employment expansion, the rapidly rising wages,...

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Analysts: household consumption will be the engine of economic growth

Household consumption will be the driving force of economic growth – analysts interviewed by MTI evaluated the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the data of the...

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Raiffeisen: economic growth will be 2.2 this year and 2.7 percent in the next year

The analysts of the Raiffeisen Bank expect a 2.2 percent economic growth for this year a 2.7 percent for the next year and 2.9 percent for 2018 – Török Zoltán,...

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Huge amount of cash in the economy

On 1 January 2016, 425 million banknotes and one and a half billion coins were in the economy in Hungary. The government could also gain one hundred billion HUF amount,...

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The Kopint-Tárki expects 2.2 percent growth for this year, and a 2.7 percent growth for next year

The Kopint-Tárki decreased its Hungarian economic growth forecasts (forecasted in April) from 2.4 per cent to 2.2 per cent, while next year’s forecast from 2.9 to 2.7 per cent –...

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There is still no inflationary pressure in the economy

There is still no inflationary pressures in the economy, so throughout the year an average of 0.6-0.7 percent price increase can be expected. Analysts told MTI that according to the...

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KSH: export growth accelerated in May

In May, the value of exports in euros increased by 6.3 percent, while the value of imports in euros increased by 2.4 percent, compared to a year before. The export...

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KSH: consumer prices fell 0.2 percent in June

In June, consumer prices were on average 0.2 percent lower than a year before. Compared with May consumer prices rose by an average of 0.2 percent – the Central Statistical...

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Bisnode the number of new companies increased in the first half of the year

Several years of downward trend has been reversed. Now the number of new businesses grew by 5.9 percent in the first six months in Hungary, compared to the first half...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 6.8 percent in May

According to the raw data, retail sales in May rose 6.8 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year. Calendar effect adjusted the increase was 5.7 percent –...

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MLBKT: the purchasing managers’ index in June indicates a slowdown in growth

The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) in June was 1.3 percentage points lower than in May and became 50.9 percent. The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) is indicating an expansion for the...

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The GKI lowered this year's growth forecast to 2 percent

The GKI Zrt. expects a 2 percent economic growth this year after the previously projected 2.3 percent. Vértes András president of the GKI told at a press conference on Tuesday...

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GKI forecasts fewer investments and economic slowdown

GKI Economic Research Zrt. forecasts a 2.3-percent economic growth in 2016 (after the 3.7-percent expansion in 2014 and the 2.9-percent growth in 2015). Data from the beginning of the year...

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GKI: business expectations are deteriorating since January

GKI’s business climate index is stagnated in June and May as well. According to the (www.gki.hu), survey conducted in June with the support of the EU, business and consumer expectations...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 5.0 percent

In April, the retail sales volume exceeded 5.0 percent over the previous year. Calendar effect adjusted the increase was 6.7 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported in its...

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The investment mood of SMEs is improving

After last year's low point SMEs' willingness to invest revives again. Currently 56% of the CEOs are preparing for some kind of improvements – according to the K&H SME confidence...

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Savings Bank: next year Hungary's GDP may expand by 3.3 percent

After the temporary slowdown of this year (2.1 percent economic growth), the economy may grow by 3.3 percent next year – according to the Hungarian Savings Bank’s quarterly forecast. According...

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