Tag "Magyar Falu Program"

Coop: serving the future with secure business development

In 2023 the Coop Economic Group continued to implement its development goals as planned. We spoke to László Pekó, chairman of the board of CO-OP Hungary Zrt. and Géza Tóth,...

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Support for small shops: almost HUF 40 billion in development funds arrived in Zala

Almost HUF 40 billion in development funds have arrived in Zala as part of the Hungarian Village Program (MFP), which has been ongoing since 2019, said Kustánszegen, the government commissioner...

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Kereskedelmi terek fejlesztése a vevők szolgálatában – Akár kistelepülés, akár nagyváros: modern bevásárlás a Coop vásárlóinak

A Coop Gazdasági Csoport lefedettségéből és kiterjedtségéből adódóan része az emberek mindennapjainak. A kereskedelmi csoport 1450 településen mintegy 2200 üzletet üzemeltet, ezért jelentősége az élelmiszer-ellátás területén megkérdőjelezhetetlen. Az üzletpolitikájában mindig is nagy hangsúlyt...

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The strengthening of the countryside makes the whole of Hungary richer

In order to create a livable countryside and pass it on to future generations, we must work together. Our common values and our Christian faith are the bond that forges us...

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Alpár Gyopáros: the Hungarian village program is successful in supporting village communities

The Hungarian village program is successful in supporting village communities; Since the start of the program, the government has spent almost HUF 50 billion in support to strengthen or save...

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The farmers’ market in Bőcs, Borsod, was handed over

The 118 million HUF farmers’ market was handed over in Bőcs, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, on Wednesday. At the event, Gergely Gulyás, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, said that...

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Alpár Gyopáros: the success of the Hungarian Village Program can be measured by the population of the small settlements

A Magyar Falu Program elsődleges célja a kistelepülések népességfogyásnak megállítása, melynek eredménye mára a demográfiai adatokból is lemérhető – jelentette ki a Miniszterelnökség modern települések fejlesztéséért felelős kormánybiztosa a program...

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István Nagy: the government’s focus is on preserving the rural way of life

István Nagy emphasized in his speech at the producers’ and artisans’ fair held on Búza tér: it is possible to build on traditional ways of life. Today, the market is...

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Safety of supply is the biggest priority

Promising results This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Dr Beáta Felkai, deputy state secretary of food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture gave an interview...

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Alpár Gyopáros: the government subsidized village convenience stores with approximately HUF 60 billion

The government has provided HUF 50 billion for the infrastructural development of village small shops, and another HUF 8 billion for their operational support in the Hungarian village program, the...

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Alpár Gyopáros: the government supports village convenience stores with eight billion HUF

The government will provide 8 billion HUF operating support to businesses operating 2,806 small village shops in the Hungarian village program, the government commissioner responsible for the development of modern...

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Alpár Gyopáros: many convenience stores were saved in the Hungarian village program

Since the start of the Hungarian village program, the government has provided more than HUF 1,000 billion in development resources to small settlements in Hungary, mainly from domestic budget resources,...

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A rally that is about cooperation – for the 16th time

Just like last year, the Coca-­Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. team won the Coop Rally. On 7-8 September the driver teams visited locations in Heves, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties. The...

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New small shops will be opened in 121 settlements through the Hungarian Village Program

Thanks to the Hungarian village (Magyar falu) program, a small shop will be opened in 121 settlements where it has not been in recent years and decades, the government commissioner...

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The government supports measures to improve the local quality of life in small settlements with twenty billion forints

More than one thousand three hundred small settlements won support in the Hungarian Village Program’s 20 billion HUF tender supporting local quality of life measures, the government commissioner responsible for...

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Standing firm during the crisis – with progressive development projects

Our magazine interviewed László Pekó, chairman of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and Géza Tóth, the CEO of CO-OP Hungary Zrt. How did 2020 go for the Coop Group?...

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MNKSZ: The pandemic strengthened the ties between members

Our magazine interviewed Katalin Neubauer, secretary general of the Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ). – What was the time between the 2nd and the 3rd wave of the pandemic enough...

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Customers remain in the centre of Reál’s strategy

Reál is modernising stores and at the same time plans to increase the role of the online channel in communication and marketing. Trade magazin interviewed Lívia Jeszenszki, the 20-year-old retail...

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Support for village small shops can be requested

Two weeks beyond the original deadline, individual applications for support for small shops in the Hungarian Village Program can be submitted until 28 June, the government commissioner responsible for the...

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The Hungarian Village program is expanding with the support of small shops

The fourth pillar of the Hungarian Village (Magyar falu) program starting this year supports the operation and development of the small shops in the villages, as well as the reopening...

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The government has launched new tenders for the Hungarian Village Program

The government has announced three more applications under the Hungarian Village Program, this time for a total of seven billion forints for the construction of medical service housing, the construction...

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Already, 1500 billion has been paid to Hungary’s largest urban development program

More than 1500 billion HUF have been disbursed so far in the framework of the Modern Cities Program for the comprehensive development of 23 cities (with county rights), including 1050...

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Gyopáros: many successful applicants prove the success of the Hungarian Village Program

Many applicants and many winners prove the success of the Hungarian Village Program and the fact that applications tailored to real needs have emerged – the government commissioner responsible for...

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Another four calls for proposals have been launched in the Hungarian Village Program in a value of 16 billion forints

Another four calls for proposals have been published on kormany.hu in the Hungarian Village Program with a budget of 16 billion forints – government commissioner responsible for the development of...

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New calls for proposals in the Hungarian Village Program

The government is launching four new calls for proposals in the Hungarian Village program worth nine billion forints – the Commissioner responsible for the development of modern settlements announced at...

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The Hungarian village program has started

The Hungarian Village Program has been launched on Wednesday with two applications for the use of public spaces – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Gyopáros Alpár, government commissioner responsible for the...

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The government will spend 150 billion HUF on the Hungarian Village Program this year

This year, more and more central budget resources will be spent on settlement development in Hungary, of which 150 billion HUF will be spent on the Hungarian Village program –...

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