Tag "Magyar Államkincstár"

The deadline for payment of the damage mitigation contribution is approaching

The Ministry of Agriculture draws farmers’ attention to the fact that members of the agricultural damage mitigation system must pay the damage mitigation contribution by September 15, 2023. The above deadline...

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There are only a few days left to pay the damage mitigation contribution!

The Hungarian State Treasury (Treasury) draws the attention of agricultural producers who are members of the damage mitigation risk community to the fact that it is possible to legally fulfill...

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NAK: amending proposals to improve the operation of the territorial monitoring system

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has put together a package of proposals regarding the operation of the territorial monitoring system (TMR) affected by satellite monitoring of uniform support...

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Notification of storm and downpour damage in agriculture

The extreme weather also caused a lot of damage to agriculture across the country, but the damage mitigation system provides assistance in the case of downpours and storm damage in...

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Nébih helps the management of eGN by uploading the data of the Single Request

Nébih uploaded the territorial data provided in the Single Application into the eGN system, making it easier to fill out the electronic diary. After the mass transfer of the EC data,...

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Information about compensation

The amount of the damage mitigation contribution payment obligation at plant level is the area for the cultivation of arable crops and field vegetables, as well as the area declared...

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Notification of stubble conservation

Due to the questions received in connection with the HMKÁ 6 regulation regarding the minimum soil cover included in the conditionality and due to the uncertainty experienced, the Hungarian State...

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What should be done with the orders of the Territorial Monitoring System?

In the past period, 28,000 producers have been notified electronically that there are administrative non-compliances or deviations detected by satellite images in their submitted 2023 uniform application. In addition to...

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The beekeeping support program starts

The Ministry of Agriculture has announced this year’s support schemes to support the work of beekeepers with a resource budget of HUF 2.8 billion, which play a key role in...

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The period for submitting a single application has been successfully completed

Farmers submitted almost 165,000 uniform applications for the 52 agricultural support titles announced on the basis of the new EU rules, requesting support for approximately 5 million hectares of land,...

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Application of the preparation at field level within the framework of AÖP support

In the AÖP, in the case of all exercises related to the use of substances, the rules of the regulation state that the preparation must be distributed in accordance with...

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About two-thirds of the unified applications were submitted by farmers this year with the help of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy

The village farmers of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) actively contributed to the submission of uniform applications this year. More than 65 percent of the 164,603 applications submitted...

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Information for dairy cattle, beef and sheep farmers

The database supporting the identification of animals on the electronic interface available for submitting the unified application has been updated, which helps the submission of animal-based support applications with better...

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Uniform applications can be submitted without penalty for only three weeks

By May 21, 2023, farmers submitted 89,836 uniform applications, more than 77 percent of which, 69,677 pieces, were submitted with the help of the Chamber’s village farmers. Applications can be...

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You can still apply for the animal welfare subsidy for dairy cattle

The Ministry of Agriculture draws attention to the fact that, in connection with animal welfare support related to the keeping of dairy cattle, support applications can be submitted to the...

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Useful information for cattle, sheep and goat farmers about the 2023 uniform subsidy application

As is known, animal data according to the ENAR system will be displayed on the Unified Application interface from this year. It is therefore important that incorrect data be corrected...

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The submission of uniform applications for 2023 has started

The legislation required for the submission of uniform applications for the new support period of the Common Agricultural Policy has been published, so farmers can submit their applications without penalty...

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Many farmers reported spring frost damage in their plantations

So far in the 2023 damage mitigation year, producers have reported spring frost damage to an area covering more than 400 hectares, this number will definitely increase significantly due to...

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You can find out the legislation related to this year’s unified application

The support period of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) started on January 1, 2023. In recent months, farmers have been able to learn about the essential professional content of...

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The payment of 2022 mitigation benefits will begin

On March 28, 2023, the Hungarian State Treasury (hereinafter: the Treasury) started paying damage mitigation benefits within the framework of the agricultural risk management system. Within a few days, the...

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HUF 59 billion in agricultural subsidies were received by farmers in one day

The payment of EU agricultural subsidies after 2022 is proceeding rapidly, as part of this, yesterday the Hungarian Treasury allocated HUF 59 billion to farmers under several legal titles, announced...

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The payment of agricultural insurance premium subsidies begins

The effects of climate change, which can be felt in everyday life, but especially in farming, or last year’s drought situation on a historic scale, emphatically draw the attention of...

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The animal welfare grants have reached the farmers

This year, the drought, the drastic increase in the price of input materials and fodder have put livestock keepers in serious trouble. For this reason, within the framework of the...

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This year, Nébih is also providing this opportunity to livestock keepers

According to the provisions of the current legislation*, as in previous years, those cattle keepers who fulfill their obligation to provide data within the deadline are still entitled to benefit...

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A new version is available for the mobilGAZDA application

The new version of the application includes many convenience changes, technical and interface modifications; with the renewed menu system, using the application has become much more convenient. In addition to...

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The last day for agricultural damage mitigation has arrived

Until November 30, 2022, farmers can submit their application for damage mitigation benefits on the electronic application interface of the MKR (Agricultural Risk Management System) of the Hungarian State Treasury...

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The data reconciliation related to the 2022 uniform applications begins

On October 20, 2022, the sending of data reconciliation orders containing certain errors concerning area-based unified applications to customers or their representatives will begin. As in the previous year, in...

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Advance payment for uniform applications begins

The advance payment of the increased amount related to this year’s uniform applications will begin on Monday, the Minister of Agriculture said at his Monday press conference in Budapest. István...

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Advance payments of direct grants will begin soon

As of October 17, Hungary will – as in the past years – start paying advances to farmers in the case of direct subsidies. In the case of EU-funded direct...

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The legislation on support for feed transport has been published

A decree developed on the basis of the decision of the Drought Emergency Task Force has been published, which provides assistance in financing the transport costs of bulk feed for...

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