Tag "koronavírus"

Most spas and hotels are temporarily closed

Most of the spas and spa hotels are closed in Hungary due to the coronavirus epidemic, there are still some guests in one or two hotels, but these also prepare...

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Everything for supply

The corona crisis has put Germany in a state of emergency, and the food industry is right in the middle of it. The sector plays a key role in supplying...

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Coronavirus: Co-op fast tracks 5000-strong recruitment drive

The Co-op is to create 5000 store-based posts which will provide temporary employment for hospitality workers who have lost their jobs because of the coronavirus crisis. The grocery retailer said...

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Tesco rations all items to counteract coronavirus panic-buying

Tesco has introduced a three per person limit on all items in a bid to counteract coronavirus-linked stockpiling. In a letter to staff, chief executive Dave Lewis wrote that all...

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OKSZ: there is no point in stockpiling

There is no justification for stockpiles of food due to the coronavirus epidemic, because the goods will be in stores tomorrow and the day after tomorrow – the National Trade...

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There is enough food for the country

Sufficient domestic food is available in Hungary, so Hungarian supply is safe even during the coronavirus epidemic” – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture told MTI. The leader of the ministry...

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The NIOK Foundation will make community fundraising free during the coronavirus

An exceptional fundraising opportunity is provided by the online community fundraising portal adjukössze.hu. In emergency, the NIOK Foundation will now cover the cost of the service for community fundraising by...

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Flour Book: Make delicious homemade durable food sets!

The free recipe collection from the Hungarian Red Cross, NoSalty, and Publicis Groupe Hungary, gives you tips to how to make the most varied and delicious dishes from the home-made...

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Egy hét alatt csaknem 500 étterem jelentkezett a NetPincérhez

Drámaian megugrott az elmúlt egy hétben a NetPincérhez csatlakozó éttermek száma. A koronavírus miatt a vendéglátóhelyeknek rövidített nyitvatartáshoz, illetve csökkenő látogatószámhoz kell alkalmazkodni, így a házhoz szállítás lehet a túlélésük...

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Coronavirus scams are on the rise

Criminals are always on the lookout for finding new ways to scam people – and now they are trying to exploit the coronavirus scare that has taken over the world...

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Budapest Airport can maintain its operations

Despite the significant loss of revenue and loss caused by the drop in traffic, Budapest Airport can maintain its safe operation and ensure a resumption of traffic. In the announcement...

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L’Oréal Announces Measures To Fight Coronavirus Pandemic In Europe

L’Oréal has announced a series of measures to support those who are at the front-line in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak in the continent. Garnier will supply free-of-cost hand...

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OKSZ The demand for online shopping has increased significantly

Shopping patterns have changed as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, but delivery times for groceries ordered online are increasing due to sudden surges in demand. The food chains have...

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Ecommerce Hungary expects information from its members

Below you can read part of the announcement of the Ecommerce Hungary Közhasznú Egyesület (Ecommerce Hungary Nonprofit Association): Dear Friends, Because of the coronavirus epidemic, the situation of many businesses...

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Alza.hu provides safe, non-contact sales in its showroom

In view of the current health situation, Alza.hu has introduced a number of measures to protect the safety of its employees and customers. The company is ready for contact-free sales...

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Labor law is not designed to meet the current extreme situation

Since the advent of the COVID-19 human virus outbreak, a significant number of employers have already implemented key measures: no travel, no customer meetings, but work at home and office...

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Food delivery services help the elderly in rural towns

They also provide long-term food and lunch deliveries to particularly vulnerable elderly needy people in major cities in rural areas during a declared emergency due to the coronary epidemic. The...

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Dior perfume manufacturer begins to produce hand sanitizer

The LVMH Group, a leading player in the luxury goods market, will launch hand disinfectants to help fight the epidemic – origo wrote. The BBC has reported that the French...

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Huge losses are expected in world trade

Coronavirus will cause 320 billion USD quarterly losses in global trade, with European tourism losing 53 billion USD, the situation could improve in the second half of the year, predicts...

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The freight traffic does not stop at Liszt Ferenc Airport

Although most of the passenger flights have been canceled by airlines, freight traffic has not stopped – the Budapest Airport told MTI on Wednesday. The Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport...

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Italian star chef launches Quarantine Kitchen show

Massimo Bottura Italian star chef launched live show from Beverly Hills under the title Quarantine Kitchen on Italian Instagram by chef Massimo Bottura. Photo: four-magazin.com “Take care of yourself! Wash...

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Itt az OKSZ legújabb felhívása

Az Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség (OKSZ) tagjai az elmúlt napokban számos megkeresést kaptak önkormányzatoktól, helyi intézkedéseikről. Erre reagálva a szövetség ma közleményt adott ki – olvasható az origo-n. Az OKSZ rendkívül...

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Rapid tax policy measures are needed against mass layoffs

The economic impact of the coronavirus epidemic is not yet measurable, but it is already clear that a major downturn is expected in all industries. The primary reaction of the...

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SPAR is asking its customers not to accumulate huge inventories

After several chain stores and a trade association, Spar has published its advice and ordering rules for the epidemic – origo wrote. The company asks that no one should accumulate...

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The freight corridors have been designated

Freight corridors have been designated for trucks passing through Hungary to neighboring countries, – the state secretary responsible for information and international representation of Hungary said at a meeting of...

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Adidas stores are closing

One after another, sportswear manufacturers decide to close their stores, now Adidas has announced the closure – portfolio.hu wrote. German sportswear manufacturer Adidas has announced that it will close its...

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The borders of Hungary are closed, with most shops only open until 3 pm

On Monday, Orbán Viktor’s speech on the agenda began the session of Parliament. The Prime Minister has announced that due to the coronary epidemic, Hungary’s borders will be closed to...

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The trade association does not support the mayor’s proposal to close the stores

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) does not support the proposal of Mayor Karácsony Gergely about closing certain stores. On Sunday, Karácsony Gergely initiated an initiative for the government to allow...

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Opten: epidemic does not affect different sectors of the economy in the same way

The coronavirus will not affect different sectors of the economy in the same way, there will be companies that will not survive, and insolvency will continue to spread to the...

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MKB Bank donates one billion forints to fight the coronavirus

At the initiative of Dr. Balog Ádám, Chairman and CEO, the MKB Bank Plc. today donates 1 billion HUF to support government efforts related to the protection of the coronavirus,...

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