Tag "klímavédelem"

The European Parliament has decided: new rules for sustainability reports

The new directive will standardize companies’ sustainability reporting from 2024, so that financial companies, investors and the wider public can access comparable and reliable information about what organizations are doing...

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Food security cannot be sustained without reducing energy prices

In order to curb the increase in food prices due to sanctions and to increase food security, the sanctions policy imposed by Brussels must be changed, energy prices must also...

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New support is coming for the preservation of valuable areas from a climate protection point of view

Within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) starting in 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture will also make the basic support for agricultural land available for areas valuable from...

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One step ahead – AGÓRA Conference

Significant changes have accured recently in the world economy, affecting Hungarian companies too: inflation, energy prices, sustainability issues. The annual traditional conference of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. focuses on and...

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Lidl Germany To Reduce Emissions In Own-Brand Milk Supply Chain

Discounter Lidl Germany is promoting climate protection in its supply chain by encouraging the farmers of its own brand ‘Ein Gute Stück Bayern’ to reduce greenhouse gas emissions per litre...

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AM: Balance needs to be found between climate protection and the competitiveness of agriculture

The direct and indirect impact of compliance with the EU’s climate and environmental goals on the competitiveness of the Hungarian food economy was presented by Juhász Anikó, Deputy State Secretary...

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Grenoble has taken over the title of European Green Capital

Grenoble in France has taken over the title of Green Capital of Europe from Lahti, Finland for a year, the European Commission announced on Monday. Grenoble has become Europe’s green...

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Coca-Cola HBC pledges to become carbon neutral by 2040

The CCEP’s objective is in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement which is set to limit the temperature rise on our planet to 1.5°C. In practice, CCEP will reduce...

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Plastic waste used for 3D-printed electric tricycle

The Australian design firm EOOS has developed the first model for an electric tricycle that can be 3D-printed from discarded plastic packaging, left over by supermarkets. The “ZUV” (zero-emissions utility vehicle) as...

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Lidl Italia introduces household products made of 95 percent recycled plastic

Lidl Italia’s first household products are made with 95 percent recycled plastic. The new range is made by PreZero, the environmental division of the Schwarz Group. PreZero is responsible for recovering...

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Association of logistics operators increased the volume of intermodal transport last year, but not enough

Domestic intermodal freight traffic grew modestly by 1.7 percent last year, but for Hungary in order to meet the agreed climate targets, 50-100 thousand truck traffic per year would have...

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Daikin launches circular economy program to reuse refrigerants in air conditioners and heat pumps

The challenges of climate change must not be forgotten despite the times of coronavirus – the latest Eurobarometer survey on climate change in 2019 points out. The research commissioned by...

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P&G chooses natural solutions to accelerate the fight against climate change, making it carbon-neutral for the next decade

The company will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and switch to 100% renewable electricity at its production facilities. The nature-based climate solutions will offset the remaining...

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Aldi Süd Launches Line Of Climate Neutral Sneakers

Aldi Süd is to start selling climate-neutral sneakers developed under its private label Crane Pure, with parts of the shoe developed from recycled PET bottles. According to the retailer, CO2 emissions...

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Henkel joins major global climate advocacy effort

Henkel is among 155 major global companies from 34 sectors, which have signed a statement urging governments around the world to align their COVID-19 economic aid and recovery efforts with...

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World Environment Day: Mars is committed to climate protection

This year, on the occasion of World Environment Day, Mars is not only working to stop the spread of the coronavirus, but also to keep in mind the impact of...

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Magazine: Year of the Rat

Our traditional trend analysis at the beginning of the year makes an attempt at systematising the large volume of information available on food in 2020, the Year of the Rat...

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(HU) Magyarország jövőre betiltja az egyszer használatos műanyagokat

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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SIG Combibloc Sets Target To Limit Global Warming To 1.5°C

Packaging company SIG Combibloc has announced that it has set a new climate target aimed at limiting global warming to 1.5°C. The ‘ambitious’ target places the company among an elite...

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Domestic Lean & Green Collaboration For Zero Emission

On 14 November 2019, the GS1 Magyarország Nonprofit Zrt., the Hungarian Logistics Purchase and Inventory Society (MLBKT) and the Hungarian Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands signed a Cooperation...

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Co-op the 1st UK signatory of UN’s climate change campaign

The Co-op has been unveiled as the first UK retailer to become a signatory of the UN’s Our Only Future campaign at its Climate Action Summit in New York. The...

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Coop Denmark Launches Campaign To Promote Eco-Friendly Eating Habits

Coop Denmark has launched a campaign to encourage consumers to adopt climate-friendly eating habits. As part of the campaign, Kvickly, SuperBrugsen, Dagli´Brugsen stores will distribute 500,000 free posters to encourage...

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ITM: environmentally friendly technology is the key in preserving European competitiveness

The success of the transition to a new, innovative environmentally friendly technology in the energy sector is a key factor in preserving European competitiveness. But the countries must also rely...

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Water for irrigation should only be drilled to the extent that nature can replace

Áder János Presidents considers the increase of the size of irrigated agricultural land as inevitable, however clean water should only be drilled to the extent that nature can replace. Áder...

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L’Oréal is successfully launching its Carbon Disclosure Project

In an attempt to reduce the impact of its activities and products on the environment, L’Oréal involves its suppliers in its environmental program, favoring sustainable and locally sourced supplies. L’Oréal...

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