Tag "kiskereskedelem"

Shopkeepers: at least they tried

At the end of 2020, the pandemic washed away the festive rush of shoppers in stores, even though shopkeepers had high hopes for it – blokkk.com wrote. In the end,...

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Another wave of the pandemic is already threatening grocery stores

In recent days, there have been indications from several places that another wave of pandemics in trade is already endangering daily operations – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. It is possible...

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Shopping streets will focus on domestic customers

The pandemic is transforming the offer of shopping and themed streets. In the future the importance of services and product mix with the local market will increase, and the new...

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Small shops can also sell medicine

The government decree on the 45 billion HUF subsidy of rural small shops not only provides funds for rescuing shops in settlements of less than 2,000 inhabitants, but also provides...

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I’m jumping into the Public Register!

The compilation of the origo shows why people “jumped down” to Public Shop (Közért) reviewing the history of a store network intertwined with the period of socialism, the appearance and...

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The consumer protection authority is required to publish its decisions

These can be instructive, as it turns out exactly what the inspectors of consumer protection authorities are investigating. Not always, of course, because one decision can be opened and the...

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ITM: domestic retail has proven to be crisis-resistant

The retail sector provided essentially the same performance in 2020 as a year earlier, with the annual turnover of internet and packages post exceeding 1,000 billion HUF last year. An...

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Representative survey on selective waste collection

The concepts of selective waste collection, zerowaste, recycling, environmentally friendly solutions, carbon neutrality, ecological footprint are encountered and become part of our lives every day, and more and more packaging-free...

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You also spent four thousand less due to the 19-hour store closure

More precisely, because of the pandemic. In November, four thousand forints remained in your wallet – blokkk.com wrote. The spending per capita value was 99,000 HUF in November in the...

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The big winter fair slipped after the vaccination

Or to next winter. New rule: vaccination first, then the fair can come – blokkk.com wrote. January promotions are smaller and smaller. There is less action in stores after Christmas....

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Shop in January I just go in, come out

2021 started the way 2020 ended, and in early January we spent two and a half percent less in traditional stores – blokkk.com wrote. It makes a pre-epidemic shopping list:...

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Consumer protection: 2,947 hits

In the year 2020, the consumer protection system was quietly combed – blokkk.com wrote. From March last year, the consumer protection authority became a government office instead of a district...

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Retail sales declined in December in the United States

Retail and hospitality sales declined in December in the United States for the third consecutive month. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, severe restrictions kept consumers away from restaurants and shops...

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Closed in pounds less, pennies more, but 2021 is already pulling

Now everything is closed, if you want to spend, only the store is open. However, despite the restrictions and the economic downturn, the amount of consumption expenditures did not decrease...

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Restrictions: we used to accumulate, now we don’t spend

Shopping habit: we panicked in the spring, now we close the wallet – blokkk.com wrote. Abolishing the time zone, on the other hand, will increase purchases. Square meter rule: we...

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OKSZ member companies help with Christmas shopping and protection against the pandemic

OKSZ member companies anticipate a significant increase in family spending in commercial units before the Christmas holidays. In the current pandemic situation, in line with the Government’s strict measures for...

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We have found the answers to the challenges of the last 25 years

On the 23 October national holiday two executives of the Coop Group Géza Tóth, CEO of Co-op Hungary Zrt. and Dr István Rédei, president-CEO of Co-op Star Zrt. received high...

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We go back from the web to the store

If we can still find it. It can be observed that the growth rate of webshop spending also nicely follows the fluctuations of the pandemic. In recent years, webshop spending...

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Queuing in stores matters less than one would think

Shopper Thoughts by dunnhumby uses a 16,000-shopper panel for analysing consumer attitudes in a representative fashion. According to the latest study, 92 percent of shoppers decide where to shop based...

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Podcast with Győrffy Balázs and Neubauer Katalin

Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture and Neubauer Katalin, Secretary General of the Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce, talked about the commercial sector and the Christmas shopping...

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Analysts: October retail sales fell short of expectations

Analysts interviewed by MTI were disappointed by the development of retail sales in October and are also seen as a bad sign for economic growth in the fourth quarter. According...

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KSH: Compared to October last year, the turnover of retail stores decreased by 1.9 percent

In October, according to the raw data, the turnover of retail stores at constant prices decreased by 2.4 percent and by 1.9 percent, adjusted for the calendar effect, compared to...

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Effects of restrictions during pandemic

You’re broke even though you spent 6,173 HUF a day, measured in volume, shopping consumption decreased by 3.5 percent in the third quarter and by 2 percent between January and...

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Retail sales in Germany increased in October

In Germany, retail sales grew at a much higher rate than analysts expected in October, both monthly and annually. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) said on Wednesday that retail...

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Jobs sold out best in stores before Christmas

Not Christmas candy. Due to the severe pandemic situation, cautious, masked shoppers, in the midst of the 19-hour store lock, job seekers can also queue in stores because there are...

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Vendors trust that customers to keep time zones

Vendors are confident that customers will comply with the new regulation designating time bands, which was introduced to protect against the coronavirus pandemic – Magyar Nemzet wrote on Tuesday. According...

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The two-hour time zone clashes with the 19-hour close

And 6.4 million shoppers clashes with 1.9 million in bypassing the time zone when the younger one has to adapt – blokkk.com wrote. It’s a question of when to set...

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The number of stores has decreased, but not by that much

Despite market difficulties, the decline in the number of stores did not jump in the first half of 2020 compared to previous years. Although the number of outlets decreased by...

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By joining forces we can overcome even the biggest obstacles

2020 brought new, never-before-seen challenges for the business sector too. The hardships created by the coronavirus showed: rapid reaction, flexibility and adapting to the new conditions are very important in...

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You can shop for Christmas and New Year until 7 p.m.?

The question is valid for those, who read the decree 505/2020. The answer is no, the Hungarian Government stated, that many news misunderstood the declaration. The fact is, that the...

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