Tag "kiskereskedelem"

Analysts say that the halt in retail sales is only transient

The slowdown in retail trade in February could be temporary, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. Ürmössy Gergely, senior macroeconomic analyst at Erste Bank said that the slowdown in...

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Varga Mihály: No plans to amend the retail law

There is currently no plan to modify legislation affecting retail trade – the National Economy Minister announced on Thursday. Varga Mihály, at a press conference organized on other topics, added...

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OKSZ: the mandatory requirement of staff number is a new tax

The mandatory requirement of staff number would be a new tax on retail – the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) said on Tuesday, in response to the government trade policy proposals...

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The growth of retail sales slowed in the Czech Republic

Retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 0.6 percent on an annual basis in February. In January, this indicator was 5.6 percent – the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) announced...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 1 percent in February

The volume of turnover in retail stores, according to the raw data increased by 1.0 percent, while calendar effect adjusted increased by 1.2 percent in February, compared to the same...

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NGM: retail expansion indicates public trust

Retail sales expanded moderately in February, which have been steadily increasing for 44 months – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news...

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EU and the euro area retail sales increased in February

The seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade rose by 0.7 percent in both the euro area and the whole European Union (EU28) in February compared to the first month of...

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The Slovak stores will be closed on all public holidays

The Slovak legislature on Tuesday in Bratislava approved the amendments to the Labor Code, which extends the store closure on public holidays. The amendment tabled by the ruling coalition take...

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NGM: the growth in household incomes is faster than growth in retail

The strengthening of Hungary is indicated by the increase in household income that exceeds the growth of retail. The data indicates that the propensity to save of the households remains...

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Worldwide retail revenue reached 4 trillion dollars

According to an analysis by Deloitte, sales of the world’s 250 leading retailers improved by 5 percent in 2015, generating a revenue of USD 4.31 trillion. Although sales of Wal-Mart...

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The Clean Air Action Group recommends the dissemination of home delivery services

Instead of taxing the home delivery services, these services should be encouraged, because they are environmentally more favorable – the Clean Air Action Group wrote in its letter that was...

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Retail sales growth accelerated in the Czech Republic

Retail sales increased by 5.6 percent on an annual basis in the Czech Republic in January – the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague. In December last year, this figure...

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OKSZ: the new regulatory proposals of trade violate the interests of consumers

According to OKSZ, such package of measures was prepared for the government that curbs the further development of trade as a whole – including small businesses – as well as...

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Large stores becoming more important in grocery retail

December 2015-November 2016 grocery retail sales valued at HUG 1,620 billion. Value sales were up 2 percent but volume sales dropped 1 percent in the 90 food categories audited by...

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Six new DESPAR grocery stores to be opened near LUKOIL filling stations

The number of LUKOIL filling stations with grocery stores is growing further. In addition to the first three stores opened in 2015, shopping is available at six other LUKOIL gas...

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Romanian retail started the year well

Romanian retail sales volumes rose 6.4 percent in January, compared to last year’s first month – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Friday. The calendar adjusted value indicates a...

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NGM: retail sales increasing for 43 months

The growth in retail sales continues in Hungary. The growth in consumption lasts for 43 months – Marczinkó Zoltán, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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January retail sales in the eurozone

Eurozone’s retail sales increased by 1.2 percent year-on-year in January 2017, following an upwardly revised 1.2 percent growth in December and missing market expectations of an 1.6 percent gain. Retail...

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Januárban 4,7 százalékkal nőtt az üzletek forgalma

Januárban a kiskereskedelmi üzletek forgalmának volumene a nyers adat szerint 4,7, naptárhatástól megtisztítva 3,7 százalékkal nőtt az előző év azonos időszakához képest – jelentette pénteken első becslése alapján a Központi...

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German retail sales fell in January

German retail sales fell unexpectedly in January, data showed on Friday. The volatile indicator, which is often subject to revision, showed retail sales fell by 0.8 percent on the month...

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Nielsen: retail sales increased by four and a half percent in the last quarter of 2016

In terms of value, retail sales in Hungary increased by four and a half percent in the last quarter of 2016 – Nielsen measured the food and chemical products market....

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The chain of stores are preparing for significant wage increases

Wage negotiations are taking place smoothly this year at the a large international supermarket chains – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In order to keep the workers, the companies were forced to...

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The US retail sector started the year with overwhelming enthusiasm

After the 1 percent increase of December, retail sales in the United States increased by 0.4 percent this January, which significantly exceeded analysts’ expectations. The annual pace of 4.4 percent...

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The indication of the availability of consumer protection authority is not mandatory in the stores

The indication of the availability of consumer protection authority is still not mandatory in the stores, due to the lack of this, the authority shall not fine the traders, as...

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Romanian retail sales volumes grew 13.5 percent last year

The volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 13.5 percent last year, over the previous year – the Romanian national statistical institute announced on Friday. The increase is primarily due...

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Retail sales increased by four and a half percent in 2016

The volume of retail sales increased by 4.5 percent in 2016, after the 5.8 percent of the previous year. The calendar-adjusted figures indicate a 4.6 percent increase – according to...

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NGM: retail turnover increased in all three sub-sectors in 2016

Retail sales increased last year in the food, non-food and fuel retail sub-sectors – Marczinkó Zoltán István, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news...

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The earnings of sellers has increased

The earnings of sellers, cashiers, pickers working in stores and department stores increased by 25 thousand forints in November 2016 compared to January exceeding 179 thousand forints, while the in-store...

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NGM: retail trade may increase further through the wage agreement

Through the wage agreement adopted by the Government and the social partners last November, the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum wage for skilled workers will significantly increase. According to...

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The popularity of malls has decreased

Over the past decade, the turnover generated by the secondary school students in the malls decreased by 30 percent, so an increasing number of shopping centers forced to close –...

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