Tag "kiskereskedelem"

In Russia, retail sales growth is accelerating and real wage growth is declining

Instead of the significant slowdown expected by analysts, retail sales growth in Russia accelerated in March, while real wage growth slowed. The Russian statistical office announced on Monday that retail...

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Wholesale shopping is radically transforming

The continuous spread of the coronavirus epidemic and the restrictions imposed in the name of protection have significantly reshaped everyday life, to which everyone is trying to adapt – hellovidek.hu...

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Almost every store in Israel can open

In Israel, as part of a new phase of facilitation, almost every store can open from Saturday night, with only indoor shopping malls remaining closed – the public service radio...

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More and more stores are reopening

There is nothing to prohibit the opening of shops selling non-essential items, but it is forbidden to enter such a shop. And that could put 50,000 stores in an impossible...

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GKI: Will there be growth in retail this year?

Between 2017 and 2019, retail sales increased by 20% in value and 13% in volume. Monthly growth was 7.6% in January 2020 and 11.3% in February, partly due to panic...

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(HU) GfK: átalakulás a kereskedelemben

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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The special retail tax is coming again

The special retail tax will be reintroduced in Hungary, which will be used in the fund set up to control the epidemic. Multinational retail chains will pay 36 billion HUF...

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Nielsen declining epidemic demand

Between the 8th and the 14th week there was a price increase of barely 1 percent; in week 13, the turnover of hypermarkets, supermarkets and drugstores increased by only 4...

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Analysts: retail could jump in March

The record increase in retail sales in February was driven by the coronavirus epidemic, and this indicator is one of the few to be positively affected. Consumption will certainly continue...

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Romanian retail sales increased by 12.5 percent in January and February

According to raw data, the volume of Romanian retail sales increased by 12.5 percent in the first two months of this year, compared to the same period of last year...

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The turnover of retail stores increased by 10.9 percent in February,

According to raw data, retail sales in February were 10.9 percent higher and calendar-adjusted 11.3 percent higher than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday....

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SPAR takes over employees from other sectors

SPAR has taken over almost 900 new workers from other sectors in the last two weeks, providing immediate job opportunities in its national network for jobseekers. SPAR attaches great importance...

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NAK prepared a food situation panorama

The food supply of the population is continuous and will continue to be continuous in the future. The National Chamber of Agriculture, based on information from 1 April, carried out...

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Innovation in retail trade, 2020

Liz Alton published an article at smartercx.com, titled A Preview of Retail Innovation in 2020. Below we provide an overview of this. Experience-based selling is in the centre of retailers’...

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Nielsen: we spent 57 billion HUF in hypermarkets, supermarkets and drugstores Between March 9-14

By the time of COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak (week 10), 98 percent of Hungarians had heard of the epidemic, and six out of 10 were worried about it before the infection...

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Retail chain sales increased by almost half in the second week of March

According to retail chains, consumers spent 56.9 billion in grocery stores and drug stores between March 9-15, 47 percent more than in the same period last year. According to the...

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Retail sales in Romania increased significantly in late February and early March

Retail sales in Romania increased by 37 percent between February 23 and March 15, due to the coronavirus epidemic – the international market research firm Nielsen announced on Friday. Nielsen...

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Blokkk.com: shops of manufactured goods could lose two thirds of the expected revenue

Some commodity stores could lose 1,300-1,400 billion HUF in 2020, two thirds of the expected annual revenue. Calculated today. After all, everyone buys food and toilet paper, maybe socks, not...

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The limit for touchless payments without a PIN is raised to fifteen thousand forints

Up to 5,000 to 15,000 HUF for touch pay card purchases allowed without a PIN from April 15, with an estimated 90 percent of purchases without having to touch the...

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OKSZ: there is no point in stockpiling

There is no justification for stockpiles of food due to the coronavirus epidemic, because the goods will be in stores tomorrow and the day after tomorrow – the National Trade...

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Itt az OKSZ legújabb felhívása

Az Országos Kereskedelmi Szövetség (OKSZ) tagjai az elmúlt napokban számos megkeresést kaptak önkormányzatoktól, helyi intézkedéseikről. Erre reagálva a szövetség ma közleményt adott ki – olvasható az origo-n. Az OKSZ rendkívül...

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Retail sales in the United States fell in February

Retail and hospitality sales in the United States declined in February, probably due to the increasingly stringent measures are being taken to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. The...

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The Market Hall in Szombathely to be renewed

The plans of the completely renewed Market Hall in Szombathely have been finalized. Construction is about to begin – portfolio.hu wrote after nyugat.hu Preparations have been going on for years...

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Retail sales in China dropped significantly

Industrial production and retail sales in China dropped significantly as a result of the precautionary measures introduced in the first two months of the year as a result of the...

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The call of OKSZ for the safe shopping of the families

On 11 March, 2020, the Government announced the declaration of an emergency. The member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) (ALDI, AUCHAN, LIDL, METRO, PENNY MARKET, SPAR, TESCO) continuously...

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Nielsen: sugar turnover tripled

The value of international retail chains increased by 25 percent in value due to fears of the COVID-19 coronavirus between February 24 and March 1, 2020. According to scanned data...

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The appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary did not cause any commercial shock

As the population was prepared earlier, the announcement of the coronavirus in Hungary did not cause much shock to the trade – the National Trade Association reported to the Hungarian...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 7.6 percent in January

Retail sales grew by 7.6 percent in January, according to both raw and calendar-free data, compared to a year before – the Central Statistical Office announced on Wednesday. Growth has...

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The European Court of Justice has ruled on the Hungarian Government in special tax cases against Tesco and Vodafone

The European Court of Justice has ruled in two special tax cases in Hungary, in the special retail and telecommunications tax cases in force between 2010 and 2012. In one...

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Monthly retail sales in the euro area rose as expected in January

In January, retail sales in the euro area grew at the rate expected by analysts in December, surpassing the estimated growth rate of a year earlier. The European Union’s statistical...

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