Tag "kasszanélküli üzlet"

Rewe tests new Pick&Go stores in Germany

Rewe plans to open three more Pick&Go stores in 2024 – this time in Hamburg and Düsseldorf. The company has already opened three such stores in Germany this year. Rewe...

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Colruyt opens another autonomous container store in Belgium

Colruyt Group member Okay Direct has opened a second autonomous convenience store. The unmanned container store was set up in the car park of Okay Lennik, and its floor space...

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(HU) Nincs még meg az Amazonnak a szupermarketek sikerreceptje

Amazon.com Inc, the online retailer long feared to disrupt the grocery sector, believes it has fallen short. The company has paused expansion of its Fresh supermarkets and cashier-less convenience stores...

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New Convenience Store Format Arrives In Italy

A new convenience store format is being rolled out in Italy, offering consumers the possibility of round-the-clock shopping, seven days a week. The first Slipop store opened its doors on...

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Magazine: Best Booth Design award for the Future Store at the Sirha trade show

At the Sirha Budapest trade show Trade magazin’s Future Store booth was waiting for visitors with an abundance of innovations. The Hungarian Marketing Association rewarded the booth with the Best...

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Checkout-free Shop&Go Aldi store in London

ALDI’s first checkout-free Shop&Go store opened in Greenwich, London. In the AiFi-enabled store, customers can shop without scanning a single product. The purchase of alcohol and other ‘Challenge25’ products is...

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Tesco opens first cashierless store

Tesco is testing its first cashierless store in Central London, in partnership with technology company Trigo. The supermarket’s GetGo store has sensors in the shelves that work with an AI...

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Aldi trials checkout-free stores in Utrecht

Early next year Aldi Nord will start testing a checkout-free store in Utrecht, as part of a broader test to see how artificial intelligence can simplify the shopping process for...

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Morrisons plans to open cashierless stores

Morrisons wishes to compete with Amazon Fresh stores by testing cashierless store technology. The retailer is working with US technology company AiFi, which uses cameras to track the objects customers...

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