Tag "KAP"

Soybean production must be increased further, the goal of which is also self-sufficiency

Agricultural subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also provided for the period until 2027, so the complete and comprehensive renewal of our agriculture and food industry can continue – stated Sándor...

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István Nagy: if necessary, the government will ban the import of Ukrainian grain products under national authority

The government will protect Hungarian farmers and, if necessary, from September 16, it will close the border to certain grain products coming from Ukraine under national authority – the Minister...

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The war is a market risk for Hungarian agriculture

The Russian-Ukrainian war and its consequences interrupted the market and production security of agricultural production, which had strengthened in the last decade, moreover, it led to sales uncertainties and an...

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Choosing a Hungarian product guarantees quality and safety

Hungarian producers benefit from customer awareness, but this needs to be reinforced with attitude-shaping campaigns and trademarks. It is important to know that if you “choose a Hungarian product, you are...

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Actors in the fish farming sector can apply for several billion forints

With great interest, a professional day was held in Kecskemét for the actors of the fish farming industry, at which both interest organizations and farmers were represented. György Zsolt Papp, Deputy...

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They were engaged in the cultivation of berries in Fertőd

Although the size of berry fruit plantations has decreased in recent decades, according to the researchers, the cultivation of these crops, be it raspberries, currants or even blackberries, still has...

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Hungarian wine and winemakers are celebrated in Eger

Hungarian winemakers are full of innovations, while respecting their traditions and lovingly guarding their professional secrets, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared at the Egri Wine Festival on Thursday. The...

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Good brandy requires dedication

For years, we have increasingly noticed that the quality of brandies is also increasing, which is very important feedback for us – stated dr. Olga Beáta Felkai, Deputy State Secretary...

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Agricultural companies are also subject to ESG reporting – we show what to prepare for

Protecting environmental values is not only a requirement of regulators and consumers, but also the key to efficient operation due to high energy costs. However, with regard to measures for...

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About two-thirds of the unified applications were submitted by farmers this year with the help of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy

The village farmers of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) actively contributed to the submission of uniform applications this year. More than 65 percent of the 164,603 applications submitted...

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In the case of dairy products, we also have to think in terms of a supply chain

We are examining the possibility of supporting those branches of the food industry for the next calls of the KAP, which typically process domestic raw materials, and the supply chain...

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A record amount is available for the development of agriculture

In connection with the payment of subsidies awarded in the Rural Development Program, the Hungarian budget provides 750 billion forints this year, of which 386 billion forints have already been...

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The electronic management diary is available from the second half of June

From the second half of June, the electronic management log (eGN), which farmers participating in the new support system must keep, will be available on the electronic interface of the...

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István Nagy: the safety of production can only be maintained by irrigation

Today, the safety of production can only be maintained by irrigation – said Agriculture Minister István Nagy on Thursday at Újrónafő in the Győr-Moson-Sopron county, at the handover of the...

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Secretary of State for Agriculture: the government views agriculture as a strategic sector

The foundations of Hungarian agriculture are stable, the measures of the past 13 years have made it clear that the government views Hungarian agriculture as a strategic sector – the...

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The new logistics center of the Southern Gardeners’ Cooperative was handed over in Szentes

The new, 10,000-square-meter complex logistics center of the Délalföldi Gardeners’ Cooperative (DélKerTÉSZ) was handed over in Szentes on Thursday, which was built with HUF 2.7 billion. Sándor Farkas, the parliamentary...

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The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy has prepared for the first application period of the new support system

The regulations of the new Common Agricultural Policy, which was launched in January this year, have changed significantly compared to the previous ones, and the National Chamber of Agriculture faces...

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The submission of uniform applications for 2023 has started

The legislation required for the submission of uniform applications for the new support period of the Common Agricultural Policy has been published, so farmers can submit their applications without penalty...

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A priority goal is to strengthen the food chain

The food industry is a very complex area, but it is only part of the whole, the food chain, the regulation and examination of which can only be understood in...

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Hungarian agriculture achieved the 5th highest efficiency improvement in the EU

Despite all the difficulties, since 2010 Hungarian agriculture has shown the fifth largest improvement in efficiency in the European Union – said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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You can find out the legislation related to this year’s unified application

The support period of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) started on January 1, 2023. In recent months, farmers have been able to learn about the essential professional content of...

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The government and the Ministry of Agriculture provide the foundations for future agricultural professionals

The knowledge acquired in the field of agriculture always provides a solid foundation and a good livelihood at all times. Because you always have to eat and the raw materials...

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Five and a half billion forints will go to ewes farmers

The payment of subsidies for ewes related to production has begun. The support financed by the European Union will be paid to more than 7,000 sheep farmers in the amount...

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With a series of videos, the NAK also helps farmers learn about the new Common Agricultural Policy

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy is launching a nearly 20-part video series about the new Common Agricultural Policy (KAP). In the short films of a few minutes, farmers and...

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Green recommendation: farmers receive specific proposals

NAK also helps its members to use agro-ecological subsidies. With the launch of the 2023-2027 Common Agricultural Policy this year, the system of area-based subsidies has changed: the Agro-ecology Program...

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Many tools help the new agrarian generation to prevail

Agriculture is a sector of strategic importance, and generational change is key in aging agriculture, and the government supports it with a number of tools – it was said at...

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The government condemns and opposes all forms of introduction of local land taxes

The Ministry of Agriculture and the government stand by the Hungarian farmers and therefore condemn and oppose all forms of the introduction of local land taxes, said the Minister of...

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The leaven of success in agriculture is the cooperation between sector players

We will keep our promises to the region that provides the backbone of the Hungarian nation, and we will launch unprecedented developments. All players in the sector know that “it’s...

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Area-based additional support for young farmers in the new Common Agricultural Policy

The Ministry of Agriculture has issued information about the changes in area-based support for young farmers. In the new agricultural support system starting this year, area-based additional support for young...

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A publication presenting the details of the Agro-ecological Program has been published

The Agro-ecological Program (AÖP) is perhaps the most important new support element of the I. pillar support framework defined by the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) starting...

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