Tag "járvány"

60 thousand stores areopen, 80 thousand closed

Would you cheat? It won’t work, the rule is accurate. Why 140 thousand? Because retail trade statistics do not include all retail outlets, such as tobacconists, lotteries, markets, and some...

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NAK introduces an extraordinary customer acceptance policy

In accordance with the emergency measures announced by the Government, the National Chamber of Agriculture will minimize the number of personal client meetings to minimize the possibility of the spread...

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ITM Secretary of State: stores can still be open online

The pandemic has hit Europe, including Hungary, so a closure is needed, but stores can still be open online, everything can be bought online, the parliamentary and strategic secretary of...

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We accumulate household biscuits the most because of the pandemic

We’ve been eating significantly more biscuits since the outbreak of the pandemic. During the large accumulation, the turnover of household biscuits increased by 50 percent, and 50 percent more of...

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Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for tax enforcement moratorium for the most vulnerable companies

The Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BKIK) proposes that, in view of the epidemiological situation, the issuance of official collection orders initiated by the Mayor’s Office and the National...

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Most of the restrictions in Germany could be extended until the end of March

Most of the restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in Germany could be extended until March 28, according to a leaked draft proposal...

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KSH: GDP grew by 1.4 percent in the fourth quarter of last year

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 3.6 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, compared to the same period of the previous year. The seasonally and...

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The number of guest nights fell by almost 44 percent in January in Romania

In January, the number of guest nights in Romania fell by almost 44 percent to 884,300 compared to the first month of last year – the Romanian National Statistics Institute...

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Travel agency: there is a chance for a successful summer

After the restrained spring in tourism, there is a chance for a successful summer based on the intensively initiated reservations – the tourism director of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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In Austria, only the garden areas of restaurants can be opened before Easter

In Austria, only restaurant gardens can open before Easter and allow youth sports activities outdoors, but participation will be conditional on a negative coronavirus test, the Austrian government decided on...

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According to a study, the coronavirus has changed consumer habits

As a result of the coronavirus, customer habits have changed and the composition of the consumer basket has also changed – stated a research conducted by Garai-Fodor Mónika, Dean of...

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KSH: investments increased in the fourth quarter of last year

In contrast to the decline in the first three quarters of last year, the volume of investments increased by 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter compared to a year earlier....

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Shopkeepers: at least they tried

At the end of 2020, the pandemic washed away the festive rush of shoppers in stores, even though shopkeepers had high hopes for it – blokkk.com wrote. In the end,...

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Serbia: shortened opening hours to come?

Restaurants and shopping malls could be open until two in the afternoon over the weekend in Serbia due to the decision of the crisis team in charge of dealing with...

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Another wave of the pandemic is already threatening grocery stores

In recent days, there have been indications from several places that another wave of pandemics in trade is already endangering daily operations – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. It is possible...

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In Slovakia, shopkeepers, taxi drivers and inspectors are also vaccinated

The Slovak Ministry of Health has announced that from the weekend, vendors of grocery stores, taxi drivers, bus drivers and inspectors, as well as flight attendants will be able to...

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NAK initiates to allow catering suppliers to take out an interest-free restart loan

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) is initiating with the Government to let suppliers to participate in the Interest-Free Restart Quick Loan Program find. In the first round of the...

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Gulyás: Restrictions will remain until March 15

The government will maintain the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic unchanged until March 15 – Gulyás Gergely, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office said at the Government...

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The terraces of restaurants and cafés in Croatia can be opened

From March 1, the terraces of restaurants and cafes will be open and indoor training will be allowed, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at a cabinet meeting on Thursday....

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SPAR helps to protect the health of its employees with useful advice

  With the help of health care professionals, the store chain has compiled a guide helping more than 13,000 employees to protect their health. The guide provides advice and basic...

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You can already buy from an online salesman in person at Extreme Digital

Extreme Digital’s Szent István körút store has been hosting an online sales and consulting counter since the beginning of the second wave of the pandemic. A salesman logging in to...

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MTÜ: Hungarians are intensively planning their travels

By April, 518 thousand guest nights were booked in the database of the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK), and the number of bookings is growing day by day, the Hungarian...

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Magazin4: Apropos of an anniversary

Soon it will be 30 years that I have been working in this sector. I started as a filling station attendant, but so many things have changed since then. The...

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(HU) A járvány harmadik hulláma vagy nyitás?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Moody’s: the Hungarian economy is expected to reach its pre-coronavirus performance next year

The performance of the Hungarian economy is expected to reach the level before the coronavirus pandemic again next year, and as a result, the public debt ratio, which has swelled...

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Commercial, sports and cultural facilities have opened in Israel

Shops, shopping malls and markets, as well as cultural and sports institutions, opened on Sunday, and schools in Israel were reopened in several new settlements. In the second phase of...

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Hotel Association: let the protected to go to restaurants, hotels!

The Association of Hungarian Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) wants to ensure that those who are protected against the virus can go to restaurants and hotels – Flesch Tamás, the president...

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Tokyo 2020 – G7 leaders support Japan’s Olympic commitment

The leaders of the world’s seven most advanced industrialized nations (G7) have assured Japan of their commitment to host a safe and peaceful Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo this summer....

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The shops in the capital fell huge

But they still stayed in the lead in per capita spending. In December, spending fell in the capital’s stores by 15% and in 2020 as a whole by 10%. The...

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Hungary will be self-sufficient in medical mask production

Hungary has become self-sufficient in masks that protect against the virus: Vajda Papír has put the modern production lines into operation that will be used to make 1 million medical...

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