Tag "járvány"

CBRE: domestic travel needs of Hungarians can be the lifebelt of Hungarian tourism

The coronavirus seized international tourism across Europe in about the same way in April, but the pace of recovery could be very different. In previous years, the proportion of domestic...

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Seventy percent of Internet users shop online

Even before the pandemic, Hungarians used the Internet regularly to manage their various affairs; online shopping and related activities are the most common, with seven out of ten netizens already...

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The U.S. economy is performing better than expected in June

As in May, the U.S. economy performed better than expected in June, according to a survey by the London-based financial and economic data provider IHS Markit. As more and more...

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Post-epidemic recovery in Germany will be slow

There can no longer be a “V-shaped” boom, ie a rapid recovery in Germany after a sharp downturn, but a slow and cumbersome improvement in the situation, according to a...

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Nielsen: European retail sales increased by almost 10 percent due to the coronavirus

The Covid-19 pandemic had a dramatic impact on retail: after a subdued start to the year, the sector produced 9.8 percent nominal growth in the first quarter of 2020, compared...

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The salary of the shoeseller decreased by 68 thousand

Due to the pandemic shopkeeper’s payroll and headcount decreased – blokkk.com wrote. In April, the number of sellers in the larger stores decreased by 17 thousand. Wages also decreased with...

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The pandemic has made plant-based foods popular in Britain

According to Mintel’s market research study, the coronavirus pandemic has made vegan, “healing” and durable foods the most attractive to consumers – agrarszektor.hu wrote. A survey of UK consumers clearly...

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Online purchases increased as long as the stores were closed

In April, online shopping purchases doubled with 58 billion HUF, while the traditional stores lost 83 billion HUF. And in May, following the opening of the store, the reorganization between...

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The number of tax audits may increase as a result of a health emergency

The number of tax audits has dropped dramatically in recent years. However, historical data and the experience of recent months show that the economic slowdown caused by the health emergency...

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Coronavirus: trade is still needed

One of the lessons of the coronavirus crisis so far has been that long supply chains make countries around the world dangerously vulnerable, because if there is a problem in...

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As the emergency ceases, labor law rules also change

The National Assembly passed the Emergency Response Act, which entered into force on 18 June 2020. The special labor law rules previously introduced will be abolished, but some of them...

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Consumer sentiment in Germany has improved significantly

The German consumer sentiment index of the GfK economic research institute in Nuremberg was higher than expected in July. According to the results of the July survey published on GfK’s...

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The Michigan index rose in the U.S.

The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index in the United States rose in June, albeit to a lesser extent than indicated by preliminary data. The rise in the index in...

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GKI is less pessimistic about this year’s growth forecast

In its latest forecast released on Thursday, GKI Economic Research rejected the less pessimistic scenario outlined in its previous March forecast, which predicts a 3 percent decline in GDP, while...

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The MNB expects modest GDP growth this year

According to the central bank’s forecast, gross domestic product (GDP) may grow at a modest pace in 2020, between 0.3 and 2.0 percent, GDP growth next year will be 3.8-5.1...

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Erste can strengthen micro-enterprises out of the crisis

The crisis caused by the corona virus has been handled much better than expected – Erdei Zsuzsa, Erste Bank’s head of small business said at the credit institution’s online press...

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The U.S. economy declined sharply in the first quarter

The U.S. economy’s performance decreased at a steep pace in the first quarter after the coronavirus pandemic and austerity measures to curb its spread virtually halted the entire country in...

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Hajdúszoboszló opens its gates

After three months of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic, Hajdúszoboszló is ready to open its doors to tourists, the mayor of the spa town said at the opening press...

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The tourist flood the coasts south of England, which has been declared a serious incident

The council of the city of Bournemouth in the south-west of England on Thursday described a flood of tourists visiting the coast as a serious incident requiring official action. In...

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Századvég expects significant growth after the downturn

According to Századvég, the annual performance of the Hungarian economy will decline by almost 3 percent this year, but may expand significantly above 5 percent next year – Regős Gábor,...

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Rail Cargo Hungaria: outstanding increase in grain transportation traffic

Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt.’s (RCH) grain turnover to Italy exceeded the volume of the same period last year by a record 50 percent in the first five months of the...

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Employment may have reached a low point

In the last week, as many people have registered as jobseekers in the employment departments of the district offices as many have left the system – nepszava.hu, wrote. In addition...

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From now on, Amazon users can also pay with Mastercard’s innovative payment technology

Thanks to Mastercard’s MDES (Mastercard Digital Enablement Service) technology, card information needs to be updated manually less and less, making shopping more convenient and payment processes simpler. Tokenization has so...

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German business sentiment improved by a record in the ifo survey in June

The German business sentiment index of the ifo economic research institute in Munich improved in June compared to the previous month. The companies included in the survey rated their current...

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25 billion HUF for the national export protection program

Based on the government’s decision last week, a national export protection program with a budget of 25 billion HUF will be launched within the framework of the economic protection action...

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Meat factory infection will restore pandemiological restrictions in a district in Germany

PAndemiological restrictions will be lifted in Germany in the district of Gütersloh in the province of North Rhine-Westphalia due to a massive coronavirus infection in a meat plant, the provincial...

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In June, the deterioration in performance in the euro area economy continued to moderate

In June, the euro area performed significantly better than expected, and for the second consecutive month the rate of deterioration in the euro area economy moderated, according to the results...

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Restaurants and swimming pools are open in Moscow

In Moscow, guests will be welcomed again in the interiors of restaurants and cafés, as well as swimming pools, sports halls and gyms, in another, third phase of the lifting...

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Winemakers can apply for aid to compensate from Monday

Tenders will be opened for Hungarian viticulturists and wineries to alleviate the economic damage caused by the coronavirus – the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD) told MTI. According to the announcement,...

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KSH: freight performance decreased in the first quarter

The volume of goods transported decreased by 8.7 percent and the transport performance in freight tonne-kilometers by 11.7 percent in the first quarter compared to a year earlier, according to...

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