Tag "Inno d’Or – Év Innovációja"

Innovation Day for the fourth time this year

This year’s Innovation Day event and the awards ceremony of the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2024 competition was organised at Hungexpo on 16 May. This article is...

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Védjegyes termékein keresztül is eléri a fogyasztókat a Pécsi Sörfőzde

A Pécsi Sörfőzde 175 éve van jelen a hazai sörgyártásban. A 2017 óta magyar tulajdonban lévő cég nagy hangsúlyt fektet a minőségitermék-előállításra és innováció­ra, és a hagyományos gyártási eljárások megőrzésére is. A...

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Future? Present!

Péter Szabó, managing director of Microsoft for 7 years now – who used to work in the FMCG sector for 17 years – gave a presentation at this year’s the...

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What will the future bring? – Changing innovation rules

Food policy analyst Réka Szöllősi spoke about the planned future regulations in both Hungary and the European Union at the Innovation Day conference. She told it is a big advantage...

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The art of persuasion

At this year’s Inno d’Or conference, persuasion and influence technique expert Dr László Újszászi-Bogár was the keynote speaker. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. He revealed...

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Different generations, different approaches to innovation

According to Andrea Princz, a consultant of SteiGen Consulting, when we are talking about generations, we are talking about a community of people born in a certain age and time...

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Government policy: let’s improve the situation of domestic innovation in the food industry

According to the latest report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), nearly 800 million people suffer from hunger on a daily basis, and more than...

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This year’s “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards were presented at the Innovation Day conference

For the third time, Trade magazine organised the award ceremony of the contest that first took place in 2021, as part of the programme of a one-day conference. There were...

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Busy schedule!

Competitions, events, new projects, new colleagues, team building programmes and restructuring… One task comes after the other. We have a busy schedule and the days and weeks are running away...

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(It will be) Better

All things considered, the beginning of the year was better than expected. Last year, at the Business Days conference, we had already seen the dark clouds gathering in the sky,...

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“Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards presented

Trade magazine presented the “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year” awards to the winners in Hungexpo’s new Congress Centre on 26 May. Managing director and editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed...

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The winners have received their “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2022” awards

Last year Trade magazin first organised the competition with the goal of rewarding value-creating innovations, which satisfy relevant consumer needs, fit into existing trends or have been inspired by actual...

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The word playground can have many meanings and connotations. This September the theme of our Business Days conference will be exactly this, the playground. Every year we have a different...

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The beginning of the future

At the end of each year we take a moment to look back on the past months, but right after this we already look to the future, casting our eyes...

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…well, as a matter of fact we have actually never closed down. There was only one day during the first wave of the pandemic when we didn’t work for a...

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