Tag "infláció"

We need to rethink measuring inflation in the digital age

The central banks of the developed countries have been unable to meet their inflation targets for nearly a decade, despite considerable efforts – Világgazdaság Online wrote. In two thirds of...

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MNB: rising food prices pushed up core inflation in October

With the food price index moving up, the central bank explains that inflation and core inflation rose by 0.1 percentage points in October compared to the previous month. In October,...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 2.9 percent in October

Consumer prices were on average 2.9 percent higher in October than one year before, which is a 0.6 percent increase, compared to September – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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The rate of increase in consumer prices in the OECD countries slowed down in September

In the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member states, the lowest inflation rate occured in September, since November 2016. It was 1.6 percent, after the 1.9 percent of...

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October euro area inflation declined

The annual rate of increase in consumer prices in the euro area in October was lower than in the previous month, mainly due to lower energy prices. The European Union’s...

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Az előzetesen becsültnél is alacsonyabb volt az éves infláció szeptemberben az euróövezetben

Az előzetesen becsültnél is alacsonyabb szintre, közel hároméves mélypontra süllyedt a fogyasztói árak emelkedésének éves összevetésű üteme az euróövezetben szeptemberben. Az Európai Unió statisztikai hivatalának (Eurostat) szerdán kiadott végleges adatai...

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Consumer prices in the United States stagnated in September

Consumer prices in the United States remained unchanged in September, compared to the previous month. Core inflation has become lower than expected, supporting expectations that the Federal Reserve’s Open Market...

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MNB: rising cost of services increased core inflation

Inflation fell by 0.3 percentage points to 2.8 percent in September, while core inflation rose by 0.2 percentage points to 3.9 percent. The slowdown in inflation was mainly caused by...

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Analysts: duality characterizes inflationary processes

Inflationary processes are characterized by duality: in contrast to the decline in the main indicator of inflation, core inflation adjusted for products showing strong price movements has risen. The former...

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KSH: prices increased by 2.8 percent in September

Consumer prices increased by 2.8 percent on average in September, compared to a year before. Compared to August prices increased by 0.1 percent – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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Euro-area inflation declined in September

The fall in consumer price increase was lower than expected, mainly due to lower September consumer price growth in the euro area, according to a preliminary report released on Tuesday...

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Consumer spendings in the United States rose slightly in August

US consumers have made more savings and have just increased their spending in August, but rising incomes suggest that the tightness may not last long. The Washington Department of Commerce...

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Annual inflation in the euro area was stagnant in August

The pace of year on year consumer price increase was stagnant in the euro area in August. According to the final figures released by the European Union Bureau of Statistics...

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European retail in 2019

A study made by GfK has revealed that purchasing power grew considerably in the European Union in 2018. The engines of this growth were Latvia (+10.3 percent) and the Czech...

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KSH: consumer prices rose by 3.1 percent in August

In August, consumer prices rose by an average of 3.1 percent year-on-year, down 0.1 percent from July – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The annual rate of...

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Consumer prices in the OECD countries accelerated in July

In particular, the rise in food prices accelerated the rate of increase in consumer prices in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in July....

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Inflation remained depressed in the euro area in August

Inflation remained depressed in the euro area in August, which is likely to further strenghten market expectations that the Governing Council of the European Central Bank will loosen its monetary...

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Consumer spending in the United States rose sharply in July

Consumer spending in the United States rose sharply in July, which may ease the fears of a recession in the financial markets, but consumption growth is unlikely to be sustained...

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The rate of increase in consumer prices in the euro area slowed down in July

The rate of increase in consumer prices in the euro area slowed to one percent in July. The European Union Bureau of Statistics (Eurostat) announced on Monday that consumer prices...

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Consumer prices in the United States have risen

Consumer prices in the United States rose slightly more than expected in July, but this is likely to alter little in the expectation that the Federal Reserve’s open market committee,...

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Potatoes and vegetables became more expensive in the Czech Republic

In July, annual inflation in the Czech Republic accelerated to 2.9 percent from the 2.7 percent in June – the Czech Statistical Office announced in Prague on Monday. Analysts expected...

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Consumer prices increased by 3.3 percent in July

In July, consumer prices were 3.3 percent higher on average year-on-year, and were 0.2 percent higher compared to June – according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH). Inflation declined further,...

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Euro area inflation has increased

In June, The European Union’s Statistical Office, the Eurostat reported on Wednesday that contrary to expectations, euro area inflation increased. In the euro area, inflation increased by 1.3 percent in...

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Analysts expect annual inflation of around 3.5 percent

This year, analysts interviewed by MTI are expecting 3.3-3.5 percent inflation based on the latest KSH data and do not expect significant monetary tightening from the central bank in 2019....

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KSH: the price of alcoholic beverages, tobacco and food products is at the forefront in inflation

Consumer prices were on average 3.4 percent higher in June than a year before. Compared with May an average of 0.2 percent decrese in prices occured – the Central Statistical...

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The rate of rise in consumer prices slowed down in the OECD countries in May

The rate of increase in consumer prices in the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) slowed down in May. In May, average annual inflation in...

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Euro area inflation was 1.2 percent in June

The rate of inflation expected by analysts was 1.2 percent in June in the euro area, based on a report by Eurostat on Friday, based on preliminary data. In May,...

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Inflation report: the catch up of the Hungarian economy continues

Despite the slowdown in external activity, the Hungarian economy will continue to catch up in the next period – Balatoni András, Director of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) said at...

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Record speed in the first quarter

In the first quarter of 2019 the Hungarian economy defied expectations and didn’t slow down; on the contrary, it accelerated to reach a record speed. Thanks to this, GKI modified...

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Inflation decreased in the EU

Inflation dropped to a one-year low in the euro area in May and consumer prices continued to fall across the EU – Eurostat announced on Tuesday, confirming the preliminary data...

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