Tag "Franciaország"
The most popular French brands are from the car industry and beauty care
Date: 2016-09-27 11:00:10
The tire manufacturer Michelin, the Peugeot car factory and the Yves Rocher cosmetics company are leading the list of the most popular brands in France – Le Figaro wrote. According...
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Catastrophic wheat crop in France
Date: 2016-09-19 11:01:35
French farmers are desperate. They are calling up the newly created local helpline, because the worst wheat crop of the past three decades makes their livelihood hopeless – agrarszektor.hu wrote....
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Wine production may decrease by ten percent in France
Date: 2016-08-25 11:06:52
Due to wild storms which hit France in April wine production may decrease by almost 10 percent this year – the ministry of agriculture announced on Thursday. The unseasonably cool...
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A significant drop occured in foreign tourism in France
Date: 2016-08-23 10:34:00
The number of foreign tourists decreased by seven percent in France since the beginning of the year due to the terrorist attacks, the bad weather and a series of strikes...
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The French said goodbye to the plastic bags
Date: 2016-07-04 11:02:42
From the first day of July disposable plastic bags are prohibited in France – Local’s French edition wrote. France’s efforts to reduce the number of plastic bags in distribution comes...
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French prohibited the use of plastic bags in trade from July
Date: 2016-04-01 11:02:44
The ban, once introduced, will apply to small shops and supermarkets alike. Only reusable thicker plastic bags and paper bags may thenceforth be used. These may be given free of...
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France is no longer the number one trading partner of Germany
Date: 2016-03-03 11:10:47
The United States became the top destination for German exports last year, overtaking France for the first time since 1961 thanks to an upturn in the U.S. economy and a...
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The stores that throw out food to be fined in France
Date: 2016-02-15 11:32:48
France has become the first nation in the world that will ban supermarkets if wasting food – according to a new law this month. From now, the large grocery stores...
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The International Association of Perfume Makers was established
Date: 2016-02-09 11:01:01
The world's major sixty perfume makers founded the International Association of Perfume Makers (SIPC) in Versailles France in hope to reach higher recognition – the Le Monde daily newspaper wrote....
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Six hundred Michelin-starred restaurants in the 2016 French Michelin guide
Date: 2016-02-01 10:20:59
Two of Paris's ritziest dining establishments joined the select list of three-Michelin-star restaurants in the 2016 Michelin Guide, the little red book that confers the highest gastronomic accolades. The awards...
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Terror attacks in Paris: a significant downturn in the hotel and catering industry
Date: 2015-11-18 10:40:50
Three days after the terror attacks in Paris, the French capital's hotels and restaurants are experiencing a significant downturn. In particular, the Asian and South American visitors postpone their trip...
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French wine producers expect average yield and very good quality
Date: 2015-08-24 11:10:28
Because of the drought, the yield is slightly lower than last year, but the French wine producers expect very good quality wines this year. “Good vintage is expected this year...
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500 years old wine-grape re-naturalised in France
Date: 2015-07-16 11:20:42
Vine-pest in the 19th century perished all vineyards in France – except one in Soings-en-Sologne, 35 kilometres from Château de Chambord. At this only vineyard they have preserved some grapevines...
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Paris’s iconic department store la Samaritaine to be extended
Date: 2015-06-19 11:02:49
The La Samaritaine, which is one of Paris’s iconic landmarks, is to be reborn following an ambitious makeover project. The famous department store, first opened in 1870, is situated between...
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A Frenchman won the World's Best Cheesemonger contest
Date: 2015-06-08 11:10:16
Fabien Degoulet won the title at the second edition of the International Best Cheesemonger Competition which was held in the French city of Tours on Sunday. The 31-year-old Degoulet, who...
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Hungary was the guest of honor at a wine competition in France
Date: 2015-05-26 11:10:49
The 2010 five-butt Tokaji Aszú of the Pannon Tokaj winery and the Villany-based Bock winery’s Libra Cuvée 2011 red wine won the Special Prize of the international federation of wine...
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The French law banning food waste would have a global effect
Date: 2015-05-26 11:00:51
The French law on banning food waste that was accepted last week would raise the law to a global level. The started of the initative Arash Derambarsh, municipal councilor of...
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Mandatory food donations in France
Date: 2015-05-22 11:16:31
French supermarkets will be banned from throwing away or destroying unsold food and must instead donate it to charities or for animal feed, under a law set to crack down...
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A French MP would fight against food waste by taking home the leftover
Date: 2015-04-16 11:03:42
The doggy bag is almost unknown in France. A French MP would fight against food waste with the introduction of a bag, in which the leftover could be taken to...
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The French government publishes the expansion of the Sunday opening hours in a decree
Date: 2015-02-18 11:18:54
The French National Assembly adopted the French Government’s proposal on the extension of Sunday opening hours. It was one of the most controversial issue of the economic reform package. Instead...
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