Tag "fogyasztói hangulat"

The US consumer sentiment deteriorated significantly in April

US consumer sentiment worsened much more than expected in April, according to the the preliminary results of the Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, which were published on Friday. The consumer...

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Improved consumer sentiment in the world’s largest economy

Consumer sentiment improved significantly in March in the United States, according to a regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. According to the final data released on Friday, the consumer...

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Consumer sentiment improved somewhat in March in the euro area

Consumer sentiment in the euro area improved modestly in March on the basis of a survey by the European Commission. The DG ECFIN (Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs)...

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Consumer sentiment deteriorated in Europe’s largest economy

The consumer sentiment weakened slightly in Germany, according to the consumer sentiment index published by the GfK Market Research Institute on Tuesday. The figure calculated on the basis of a...

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Consumer sentiment improved somewhat in March in the euro area

In March, consumer sentiment improved in the euro area on the basis of a survey published by the European Commission’s Economic and Financial Directorate on Thursday. Based on preliminary data...

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The US consumer sentiment deteriorated in February

The US consumer sentiment deteriorated strongly in February – according to the Michigan University’s regular monthly survey that was published on Friday. The consumer sentiment index decreased from the previous...

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US consumer sentiment improved significantly in February

The US consumer sentiment was much better than expected in February, according to the Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, which was published on Friday. The consumer sentiment index stood at...

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The sentiment of American consumers are above expectations

Compared to December, the US consumer sentiment weakened, but were above expectations in January – according to the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The January consumer sentiment...

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US consumer sentiment worsened significantly in January

US consumer sentiment worsened much more than expected in January, according to the Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, whose preliminary results were published on Friday. The consumer sentiment index stood...

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The sentiment of German consumers is at an annual low

The consumer mood index of the German GfK market research institute fell to its lowest point in December. The German consumer mood index of GfK (Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung) declined to...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area is on a twenty month nadir

In November, the consumer sentiment of DG ECFin, decfreased more than expected and reached a 20 month low – according to the preliminary data. In November, the consumer sentiment index...

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The consumer sentiment has fallen in the United States

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the US Michigan University became worse than expected in November. In November, the Consumer Sentiment Index of the US Michigan University dropped to 97.5 points...

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The consumer sentiment deteriorated in November in the United States

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the University of Michigan and the Reuters news agency decreased but became better than expected in November in the United States. In November, the consumer...

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Stagnation in the German consumer mood index of GfK

Instead of the expected decline, the consumer mood index of the Nurenberg-based GfK Institute for Economics stagnated in November, while the income and economic expectations of consumers declined and the...

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Consumer sentiment has fallen in the world’s largest economy

The consumer sentiment in the United States declined in October – according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. The results were published on Friday. In October, the...

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US consumer sentiment improved in September

The mood of US consumers has improved significantly in September, according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University. The consumer sentiment index increased to 100.1 points from the...

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The consumer sentiment in the euro area and in the EU also deteriorated in September

The confidence of consumers in the euro area and in the European Union has also deteriorated in September, according to a preliminary estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday....

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Consumer sentiment has improved in the world’s largest economy

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the Michigan University improved more than expected in September. In September, the uncompleted Consumer Sentiment Index of the Michigan University rose from the previous month’s...

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Weak consumer sentiment in the euro area

Consumer confidence in the euro area declined in August, reaching the lowest level of more than a year earlier, according to preliminary figures released by DG ECFIN (Directorate General for...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area has not improved in July

The euro-zone consumer sentiment index has not moved in July from the eight-month low of June, as assessed by the European Commission. According to the data of the European Commission’s...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States is on annual low

The Consumer Sentiment Index of the Michigan University and Thomson Reuters business news service declined to the lowest level of the past year in August. In August, the consumer mood...

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French consumer mood deteriorated in June

Instead of expected stagnation, consumer confidence in France declined to its 21-month low in June, according to a statement of the National Statistical Office (Insee) published on Wednesday. In June,...

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Consumer sentiment declines in the United States

The consumer sentiment in the United States worsened in July – the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University revealed. In July, the preliminary value of the consumer sentiment index...

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Consumer sentiment improved in the United States

June’s consumer sentiment improved in the United States – the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan revealed. In June, the final consumer sentiment index increased to 98.2 points...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area and in the EU also fell in June

Consumer confidence in the euro area and in the European Union has also deteriorated in June, according to a preliminary estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday. The consumer...

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The mood of American consumers has not change in May

The mood of American consumers has not change in May – the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University reveals, whose preliminary results were published on Friday. The consumer mood...

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The US consumer sentiment has deteriorated

The US consumer mood index in April deteriorated more than the analysts expected, according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University, whose preliminary results were announced. The consumer...

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Consumer sentiment improved in the United States

Consumer confidence improved in the United States in February. The US households are more hopeful to the current and prospective situation of the economy – according to the regular monthly...

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The confidence of the American consumers is growing

Compared to January, the consumer confidence in the United States strengthened in February. The University of Michigan announced on Friday that the monthly consumer sentiment index reached 99.7 points, which...

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The consumer mood decreased in the United States

US consumer confidence deteriorated in January after US households found the current economic situation worse – according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University whose preliminary results were...

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