Tag "fogyasztás"

Kopint- Tárki: GDP may increase by 3.2 percent this year and by 2.2 percent in 2016

The gross domestic product (GDP) can increase by 3.2 percent this year and by 2.2 for the next year – according to the forecast of the Kopint-Tárki Economic Research Institute,...

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GKI forecasts slower growth

In 2014, the performance of the Hungarian economy was much better than anticipated by anyone. Nevertheless, in a forward looking perspective, it did not reach a trajectory that ensures sound...

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Deloitte: the Hungarian population is more optimistic about finances

The Hungarian population is slightly more optimistic regarding finances, as it was in early 2012 – the joint survey of the Deloitte financial advisory firm and the Scale Research pollster...

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GKI: slowing growth and upgrade may come this year

After last year's exceptionally fast 3.5 percent growth, a deceleration may come. The GKI expects a 2 percent economic growth, and that the credit rating agencies will upgrade Hungary’s classification...

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Nielsen: the companies are competing for the secrets of the consumers

The trading companies and the consumer product companies can acquire all the secrets of the consumers soon. Mitch Barns,  Presdent and CEO of Nielsen The more thoroughly and intensively we...

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GKI: Improvement in terms of trade

The GKI Economic Research Co. predicts that – although in 2014 the growth was approx. 3.2 percent a temporarily extremely rapid growth – the deceleration started in the third quarter...

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