Tag "Európai Parlament"

Farm 2 Fork strategy: A roadmap for the European food industry in the next decade

What is Farm 2 Fork? It was in May 2020 that the European Commission published its Farm 2 Fork (F2F) strategy. It is basically an action plan at the heart...

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The EP approved a draft directive to ensure the collective enforcement of consumer groups

The European Parliament approved a draft directive in its plenary session in Brussels, which will, among other things, provide greater and common protection for consumers in the event of infringement...

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Plant-based foods have won the battle

Based on the decision of the European Parliament, names and terms that have previously been specifically associated with meat and meat products can also be used for plant-based foods. In...

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Disposable plastics are really over in Hungary next year

It has been known for a year now that from 2021, the distribution of certain disposable plastics should be banned in Hungary as well. All of this was finally accompanied...

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Magazine: Some information about the rules regulating buyer power

In April 2019 Directive 2019/633 of the European Parliament and the European Council on unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain (UTP Directive) was...

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The European Parliament would tighten up the protection of bees

On Wednesday, the European Parliament called for stricter regulation on the protection of bees and other pollinators by the European Commission. The resolution adopted in Strasbourg calls for more targeted...

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EP’s professional committee wants more protection for bees than proposed before

In a resolution adopted on Tuesday by a European Parliament committee, the European Commission’s proposal on the protection of pollinating insects was considered inadequate. According to a resolution adopted by...

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EP: better consumer and worker protection is needed

The Bankruptcy of the Thomas Cook UK tour operator group highlighted the need for greater consumer and worker protection and stricter monitoring of the financial situation of airlines and travel...

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The EP asks the European Commission for a new proposal to protect bees

MEPs adopted a resolution on Wednesday calling for greater protection of bees and calling on the European Commission to draft a new proposal after Member States say they have loosened...

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Food prices jumped at the European Parliament’s canteen

Officials have filed a formal complaint to the European Parliament in Brussels after experiencing an increase in canteen prices there – hvg.hu wrote after Politico. The price increase is 25...

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The EP has adopted a food safety rule

At its plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted new rules to enhance the reliability, transparency and objectivity of the Union’s food safety risk assessment process, so that future...

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European Parliament: quality and accessibility of tap water needs to improved

The quality of tap water needs to be improved and universal accessibility must be created, which would greatly help to reduce the amount of plastic waste – the European Parliament...

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The EP adopted a directive on unfair trading practices

The a large majority of the European Parliament (EP) supported the new EU Directive on unfair trading practices – the EU Parliament announced. At the European Parliament’s plenary session in...

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The EP proposes a better EU authorization procedure for plant protection products

The European Parliament voted on the more transparent authorization procedure for pesticides in the EU at its plenary session on Wednesday in Strasbourg. According to the information of the press...

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The 2019 payments would be raised with 600 million, compared to the original EP proposal

At the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) voted for its position on the EU budget for 2019 according to which the MEPs would increase the 2019 payments with...

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The European Parliament supports stricter rules to reduce the amount of plastic waste

At the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP) on Wednesday, the European Parliament voted on the proposal to tighten rules on the reduction of plastic waste; banning the sale...

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The European Parliament would maximize the upper VAT rate at 25 percent

The European Parliament (EP) would maximize the upper VAT rate of the Member States at 25 percent – the EU Parliament’s press service said. The purpose of the overall Value...

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NiT Hungary: Hungarian carriers can exclude from the EU markets

According to NiT Hungary, Hungarian carriers may be forced out of the EU markets if the posting directive on the mobility package presented by the European Parliament (EP) to be...

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The legislations can be issued on the basis of a honey report in one and a half years

The legislations can be issued on the basis of a honey report adopted on 1 March in the European Parliament (EP) within one and a half years – Erdős Norbert,...

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The new report from the EP favors the Hungarian Sheep and Goat Farmers

The new report of the European Parliament adopted on Thursday is favorable for the Hungarian sheep and goat farmers. It contains almost all of the Hungarian proposals – Erdős Norbert,...

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The European Parliament voted on the report on honey

The most important result of the European Parliament’s resolution adopted taking into account the views of all interested parties is the focus of attention on honey counterfeiting – Erdős Norbert,...

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The European Parliament is discussing the report on honey at the end of February

The European Parliament (MEP) will discuss the report on MEPs’ plenary session on 28 February, and the MEPs will vote on this document on 1 March – Erdős Norbert, MEP...

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Consumers to be free to order online

In the future, consumers will have the freedom to choose where they can order via the net, because online retailers can not refuse their purchase intention on the basis of...

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The European Parliament proposes to ban electric fishing

The European Parliament (EP) in its plenary meeting in Strasbourg called for a ban on electric fishing in Europe on Tuesday. When electric fishing, electric wires are hung into the...

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There is an enormous interest towards the Honey Report

There is an enormous interest in the European Parliament (EP) towards the Honey Report on the situation of the honey sector, Erdős Norbert MEP (Fidesz), the the rapporteur for the...

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The kebab has escaped

At the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, MEPs did not vote the proposed ban on phosphate. According to Deutsche Welle, the vote needed an absolute majority of...

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The EP voted beside a simpler agricultural policy

At the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, measures were adopted to simplify agricultural policy and to strengthen bargaining power for farmers in the supermarkets. According to the...

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The döner may be endangered because of a planned EU rule

The Turkish fast food developed in the former West Berlin may be endangered because of a planned EU rule – the German newspaper Bild wrote. According to the report, the...

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Hungarian proposals should also be included in the EP report on sheep and goat farming

The proposals of the Hungarian sheep and goat farmers, including the lump sum support of small pet keepers, the extension of national animal welfare support and the enlargement of pasture...

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The European Parliament argued for the production of longer-life products

Members of the European Parliament (MEP) at the plenary session in Strasbourg on Tuesday introduced arguments for introducing of longer-life products. The MEPs underlined that 77 percent of European consumers...

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