Tag "elemzés"

Inflation stood at 3.7% in April

Slightly below our expectations, the annual rate of inflation rose to 3.7% in April. The monthly price change was +0.7%, also slightly below our expectation of 0.8-0.9%. Core inflation moderated,...

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MBH Bank analysis: Overall, this year’s annual inflation rate could be 4.1%

The last time the rate of price increase was at a similar low level was in August 2021. The change compared to the previous month was +0.7%, which reflects a...

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Ho.Re.Ca. Coffee Market in Central Eastern Europe Despite the Crisis

The Ho.Re.Ca coffee market in the CEE countries, including Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia, has demonstrated significant recovery since the aftermath of the Corona pandemic. In...

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GDP did not change compared to the previous quarter

Falling short of expectations, the domestic GDP did not change in the fourth quarter of last year compared to the same period of the previous year, while seasonally and adjusted...

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GKI: The government’s economic policy leads to the recovery of the future

Last year, the Hungarian economy overcame the most difficult phase of the crisis caused by the domestic economy caused by the division before the 2022 elections, and the global economic...

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Retail turnover decreased drastically by 7.1%

In August, the volume of retail trade fell short of expectations by 7% according to raw data, and by 7.1% adjusted for calendar effects. Sales revenue rose by 7.8% to...

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PwC Global Top 100: The market capitalization of the 100 largest companies fell sharply

Europe is the only region that was able to increase its share in the last year! The market capitalization of the world’s 100 largest companies decreased by 11% compared to...

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Biggest family businesses keep going strong

Family businesses are growing faster than the global economy – reveals the latest Global Family Business Index ranking by EY and the University of St. Gallen. On the Top 500 list...

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A surplus of 513 million euros was generated in foreign trade

A surplus of 513 million euros was generated in foreign trade in the second month of the year, which exceeded expectations, mainly thanks to the reduction in energy prices. Partly...

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Coface: The number of insolvency proceedings in Hungary has increased

Almost twice as many liquidation proceedings were initiated against Hungarian-based companies in 2022 than a year earlier, according to an analysis by Coface, one of the world’s largest credit insurers....

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Global Family Business Index survey: Family businesses are still booming

Family businesses are growing faster than the global economy, according to the latest Global Family Business Index ranking by EY and the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. The list of...

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Fidelity Analyst Survey 2023: Inflation may be easing

Consumer inflation is already past its peak, but the debate about the long-term effects of the price increase experienced last year – unprecedented in thirty years – will continue for...

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EY: A mild recession, but a sluggish recovery awaits businesses

Companies in Europe have to face a short and mild economic downturn, which is, however, only followed by a slow recovery, reads the international study by EY. The Central and...

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Industrial production increased by 2%

Far exceeding expectations, industrial production increased by 2% in December, while adjusted for the effect of working days, production increased by 5.7%, as there were two fewer working days in...

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Fidelity: There may be a light at the end of the tunnel for companies

Companies faced one of the toughest years in the past period in 2022, as the global economy was hit by several shocks coming at the same time. Now, at the...

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Now it was not food prices, but the farewell of the fuel price cap that pushed inflation

“In December, exceptionally, it was not food prices but the introduction of the petrol price cap that pushed inflation in Hungary, which unfortunately set another historical record. But at least...

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Hotel food and beverage services in 2022

According to Hotstats, the revenue from food and beverage (F&B) services in several lifestyle hotels are now bigger than from rooms. Because of this many owners monitor the Total RevPAR...

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Analysis: the central bank base rate rose to 13%, the cycle of interest rate hikes is over

The central bank base rate rose to 13% more than expected from the previous 11.75%, the Monetary Council also raised the overnight deposit interest rate to 12.50% and the one-day...

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Is the golden age of the economy over forever?

Brutal utility bills and store prices, rising loan rates, austerity, impending economic downturn. They are all phenomena that we hope were only triggered by random factors, such as the Russian...

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Opinions differ as to why bread is the most expensive in Hungary

The opposition links it to the prime minister, experts prefer to explain why the inflation of food, including bread, has shot up with the Russians’ war against Ukraine. Euronews discusses...

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Next year, the world economy as a whole may sink into recession

Players in the global corporate sector now see almost a half chance that the world economy will sink into recession in the next year, according to the September global survey...

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According to the OVF, this year’s drought was severe, but not extraordinary

Although this year’s drought was very severe, it cannot be considered extraordinary: droughts of similar severity occur in Hungary every 20-50 years – states the National Water Directorate General (OVF)...

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Takarékbank analysis: catering turnover increased by 5.8%

Compared to the rising base due to the gradual opening a year ago, the volume of catering turnover increased by 5.8% in July after the 14.7% increase in June, while...

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Recent analysis: inflation jumped to 15.6%, food prices increased more than expected

Inflation rose close to expectations to 15.6% in August due to the very wide price increase. The rising price pressure is reflected by the fact that core inflation jumped very...

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According to analysts, inflation like we have never seen is coming

Inflation is expected to continue to rise in August, and by the end of the year the rate of price increase may reach 20 percent, which has not been seen...

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Are “vegan” or “plant-based” products more popular?

ProVeg International has analysed the markets of Western Europe, trying to find out how plant-based alternatives can become more attractive to consumers. This would also be important because there is...

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Automation is pivotal to warehouse operations

Relentless eCommerce trends continue to put tremendous strain on distribution and fulfilment operations worldwide. A new Honeywell report reveals once-predictable consumer demand cycles centred around holidays and “peak seasons” have given way...

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OTP Agrarian: The Russian-Ukrainian war may further increase food prices in Hungary

The Russian-Ukrainian war will not have a direct impact on the Hungarian agricultural and food market, but may indirectly further increase food prices, OTP Agrár experts said in an analysis...

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FMCG retail and media types

Multimedia sales house Atmedia and GfK Hungária analysed the media use habits of the GfK Household Panel’s main shopper groups, and compared them with FMCG volume sales. There were 3,477...

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ÁSZ: customer awareness needs to be strengthened due to the spread of e-commerce

The share of e-commerce in Hungary has grown dynamically in the last decade. There have been a number of technological developments affecting e-commerce and the cash flow that supports it,...

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