Tag "élelmiszerárak"

FAO: world food prices rose in January

In January, world food prices increased, mainly due to higher prices of dairy products, oilseeds and sugar. The five basic food price indexes of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization...

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Inflation was 2.1 percent in the Czech Republic last year

Inflation in the Czech Republic was 2.1 percent year-on-year – the Czech Statistical Office published on Thursday. It has been the third highest Czech inflation in the past ten years....

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KSH prices increased by 3.8 percent in October

In October, consumer prices were on average 3.8 percent higher than the previous year’s 3.6 percent increase. Prices on average increased by 0.5 percent, compared to September – the Central...

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A significant food price increase may come

Despite the VAT cuts, a price increase of more than 10 percent is likely to occur in food prices – penzcentrum.hu wrote. The rise is due to the rise in...

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FAO: world food prices increased

In February, FAO’s food price index increased by 1.1 percent. The five basic food price indices monitored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) grew to...

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The NAK urges the continuation of VAT cuts

The Food Processing National Department of the National Chamber of Agriculture considers the continuation of the VAT reduction of foodstuffs as one of the most important objectives. The Food Processing...

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KSH: inflation slowed down in September

In September, consumer prices were on average 2.5 percent higher than last year, after the 2.6 percent of the previous month. Compared to August, prices increased by an average of...

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Global food prices decreased in August

Global food prices fell in August. The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) index decreased by 1.3 percent to 176.6 points from the previous month’s 178.9 points. ; In the three...

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The Amazon reduces food prices by one-third

The Amazon reduced food prices by 30-40 percent after officially took over the management of the Whole Foods Market food chain. Whole Foods’s 13.7 billion USD acquisition has seriously stirred...

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Butter prices rose twofold

Food prices may became more expensive this year, due to the increase in the price of butter – Origo wrote. Butter prices have doubled this year, due to unfavorable weather,...

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The Brexit brings food price increases to the British

One of the expected impacts of Brexit will be that most of the prices will rise in Great Britain thanks to the free flow of goods from EU countries –...

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Czerván György: the reduction of VAT on food saves about 50-60 thousand HUF for the families

The reduction of VAT on foodstuffs saves about 50-60 thousand HUF for an average for a family of four members each year so far – the Minister of State of...

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MNB: In May, food and energy prices mainly caused the increase in inflation

In May, mainly the volatile, food-and-energy prices had an impact on price increases – May inflation figures were evaluated on Thursday by the National Bank of Hungary (MNB). According to...

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Inflation has jumped

In February, consumer prices were an average 2.9 percent higher than a year before and rose 0.4 percent in a month – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday....

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FAO: World food prices rose in February

FAO’s food price index increased in February for the seventh consecutive month, this time led by increasing wheat and maize prices. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 175.5 points in...

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The increase in oil prices increases the price of agricultural products

Cereal prices may increase significantly, or at least the recently seen rise in oil prices forecasts this trend – portfolio.hu wrote. In the former agricultural inflationary cycles the oil price...

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FAO: World food prices rose in January

The FAO Food Price Index rose notably in January, led by sugar and cereals, even as global markets remain well supplied. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 173.8 percent in...

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The FAO Food Price Index fell for the fifth consecutive year in 2016

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged almost 172 points in December 2016, unchanged from November with strong gains in the prices of vegetable oils and dairy largely offsetting a...

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FAO’s food basket in negative territory

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged almost 171.9 points in December 2016, unchanged from November with strong gains in the prices of vegetable oils and dairy largely offsetting a...

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The food VAT cut is part of a process

The food VAT cut is part of a process that – depending on the performance of the economy – can continue in the future – Nagy István, the Minister of...

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NGM: inflation will be below 0.4 percent this year

The government's convergence program expects an average inflation of 0.4 percent for the whole year. According to recently published data it will be slightly below it – Balogh László, Deputy...

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Growing global food prices

Food prices in August rose to their highest level in 15 months as advancing dairy and palm oil markets outweighed weakness in grains, which have been depressed by prospects of...

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Where a dozen eggs cost 42 thousand forints

Such high inflation as in Venezuela cannot be found in the world and the situation is getting worse – origo.hu wrote. Due to the depreciation of the exchange rates prices...

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A slight decrease occured in global food prices in July

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations announced (FAO), on Thursday, said food prices have seen a slight decrease in July, noting that the decline was the result of...

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Food prices in Russia increased by nearly one-third since the introduction of the embargo

Food prices in Russia increased by 31.6 percent over two years, as a result of the embargo against the Western countries – the Russian economic development ministry told RIA Novosti...

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Food is the most expensive in Slovakia among the Visegrád countries

Among the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland) the highest food prices can be found in Slovakia, although they still remain under the European Union (EU) average,...

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Global food demand may decline

Global demand for food is growing slower over the next decade, while thanks to the increase of the agricultural productivity and the slight increase of agricultural areas the needs to...

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Double differences in food prices in EU countries

Last year, more than twice differences were measured in average food prices in the European Union. Foods and drinks were the cheapest in Poland, while the most expensive in Denmark...

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Food prices increased further in May

FAO’s world food price index, which measures monthly changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat and sugar, rose 2.1 percent in May to average 155.8 points. Rising...

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That is how food prices increased in the past 10 years

On the basis of the data of the Central Statistical Office, penzcentrum.hu collected how food became more expensive in the past 10 years. Here's the list: Pork: 1000 HUF ->...

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