Tag "Egyesült Államok"
Whole Foods unveils new pollinator policy
Date: 2023-12-21 09:35:45
Whole Foods’ new pollinator policy aims to support honeybees as well as native pollinators like bumble bees, wasps and butterflies that are essential to the food system and biodiversity, according...
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YouTube, TikTok top list of teens’ most used social platforms
Date: 2023-12-14 09:41:05
YouTube ranked as the most widely used (93%) online platform among U.S. teens for the second consecutive year in Pew Research Center’s annual survey of U.S. teens. TikTok ranked second (63%),...
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Consumers on weight-loss drugs buying less in certain grocery aisles, study finds
Date: 2023-12-13 09:15:04
Buy rates are down as much as 20% in some categories, with bakery and snacks among the hardest hit, Numerator found. Consumers using GLP-1 medication for weight loss are spending...
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The producer price of young bulls and slaughter heifers increased
Date: 2023-11-28 09:00:51
According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), US beef production decreased by 5 percent and veal production decreased by 11 percent in January-October 2023 compared to...
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PLMA: 64% of Gen Z shoppers buy private brands always or frequently
Date: 2023-11-24 09:21:04
As younger shoppers look to save, private label products are becoming increasingly popular with Gen Z. In a survey by the Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA), more than two-thirds (67%)...
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Ramen maker Nissin Foods to spend $228M on new US plant
Date: 2023-11-21 09:46:10
The investment comes amid “unprecedented demand” for its popular noodle offering, with the company reporting four consecutive quarters of high double-digit growth. Ramen noodles maker Nissin Foods plans to spend $228...
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Ahold Delhaize USA selling FreshDirect to Getir
Date: 2023-11-16 09:39:42
The food retail giant said it is offloading the grocery e-commerce service to focus on omnichannel. Ahold Delhaize USA announced Wednesday that it plans to sell its FreshDirect online grocery service...
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Walmart ensuring faster delivery, better availability this holiday
Date: 2023-11-08 09:24:17
Walmart is leveraging its enhanced supply chain capabilities to provide a better customer experience this holiday season. This will be the first holiday shopping season where in-store and online customers...
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Tyson Foods partners with insect protein startup to develop ingredient facility
Date: 2023-10-25 09:02:20
The meat giant will work with Protix to construct a plant dedicated to insect protein items in the U.S., for use in pet food, aquaculture and livestock production. Tyson Foods...
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Consumers Are More Accepting of Ultra-Processed Foods if They Contain Healthier, More Nutritious Ingredients: Ayana Bio
Date: 2023-10-20 09:40:05
More than half of Americans (57%) believe ultra-processed foods have a negative impact on health. But two-thirds would eat more and even pay more for ultra-processed foods that contain more...
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Koalíció alakítását fontolgatják a növényi alapú élelmiszerek gyártói
Date: 2023-10-19 11:39:33
Az erőfeszítések és erőforrások egyesítésével létrejöhet a „Got Milk” húsmentes változata is. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Az Egyesült Államokban a növényi alapú húsok gyártói – akik...
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Csúcsot döntött a Walmart online élelmiszer-kereskedelmi részesedése
Date: 2023-10-16 11:45:05
A második negyedévben a Walmart a teljes amerikai online élelmiszer-értékesítés közel 36%-át adta, ami új rekord a kiskereskedő számára: az egy évvel korábbihoz képest 5 százalékponttal magasabb részesedést jelent –...
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Anheuser-Busch modernises Houston brewery from USD 22.5m
Date: 2023-10-16 11:41:19
Anheuser-Busch is spending USD 22.5m on its Houston brewery, which includes upgrades to enhance workplace safety and improve brewery efficiency. Anheuser-Busch employs more than 1,000 people in Texas, and the...
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DoorDash introduces stricter measures to stop underage alcohol orders
Date: 2023-10-13 11:41:43
As the school is beginning, DoorDash is strengthening its efforts to prevent people who are underage from ordering alcohol from the e-commerce provider’s platform. The updates include blocking deliveries to college campuses...
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Fagyasztott ételeket dob piacra Gordon Ramsay az Egyesült Államokban
Date: 2023-10-11 11:26:26
Gordon Ramsay nyolc különböző fogásból álló fagyasztott termékcsaládot dob piacra az Egyesült Államokban a „By Chef Ramsay” márka alatt, mely kizárólag a Walmart üzleteiben elérhető. Bár a séf számára nem...
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Danone joins alliance for turning food waste into renewable energy
Date: 2023-10-10 11:29:00
In an effort to transform food waste into renewable energy, Danone North America is about to join forces with other large companies. The dairy and yogurt maker will become a...
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More than two-thirds of shoppers will pay a premium for fresh food: Deloitte
Date: 2023-10-04 09:39:58
More than two-thirds (68%) of shoppers who participated in a recent survey “Fresh Food at the Intersection of Trust and Transparency,” conducted by Deloitte indicated they are willing to pay...
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France kicks off bird flu vaccination despite trade backlash risk
Date: 2023-10-03 09:59:48
France began vaccinating ducks against bird flu on Monday to try and stem the virus that killed millions of birds worldwide, a move that prompted the United States to impose...
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Date: 2023-09-28 11:22:53
Egyre több borravaló egyre kevesebb szolgáltatásért: terjedő jelenség ez az Egyesült Államokban. A Square pénzügyi tanácsadó cég adatai szerint az amerikaiak 2022 utolsó negyedévében 17%-kal több borravalót adtak az éttermekben, mint...
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Pumpkin spice returns to shelves once again
Date: 2023-09-28 09:31:40
Once again, fall-inspired pumpkin spice flavors are making their way back to store shelves in a cinnamon-and-nutmeg-flavored flood. While pumpkin spice remains a popular flavor, the question on market researchers’...
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Walmart CEO talks consumer spending, inflation predictions
Date: 2023-09-14 09:01:26
Inflation is on course to continue declining, but food prices are unlikely to return to their levels from two years ago, Doug McMillon said at an investor conference Tuesday. Grocery...
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TikTok Shop launches in US
Date: 2023-09-13 09:59:09
Brands, merchants and creators can sell products directly through shoppable videos and livestream features. TikTok Shop went live in the U.S. on Tuesday, according to a blog post by the social...
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Older adults are drinking more in the US, research finds
Date: 2023-09-12 09:07:37
The percentages of 18- to 34-year-olds who report that they either drink at all, drank in the past week, or sometimes drink more than they should are all lower than...
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Vegán ramen márkával társul a brit sztárséf, Gordon Ramsay
Date: 2023-09-08 11:27:09
A brit sztárséf, Gordon Ramsay a kanadai Borealis Foods vegán ramen vállalattal lépett együttműködésre. A húsmentes instant tésztaételeket fémjelző Chef Woo és a Ramen Express márkáiról ismert céghez Ramsay mint „stratégiai...
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Rising Caffeine Levels Spark Calls For Ban On Energy Drink Sales To Children
Date: 2023-09-04 10:07:33
Pediatricians and parents are calling for the US to treat new high-caffeine energy drinks like alcohol and cigarettes and ban their sale to minors as a single serving can contain as much caffeine...
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Pepsi To Roll Out New Branding To Mark 125th Anniversary
Date: 2023-08-29 09:10:46
Cola giant Pepsi will roll out its new logo and visual identity as part of its 125th anniversary celebrations. On the occasion, the company offered free Pepsi to everyone across...
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Kroger Expands Supply Partnership With Vertical Farming Company 80 Acres Farms
Date: 2023-08-28 09:20:53
US retailer Kroger plans to offer fresh produce from vertical farming company 80 Acres Farms to around 1,000 stores across the Midwest and Southeast. 80 Acres Farms has been supplying...
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Ferrero to expand New York ice cream plant, add more than 200 jobs
Date: 2023-08-23 09:10:11
The sweets giant said the project underscores its long-term growth and leadership in the novelty category following its purchase of Blue Bunny and Halo Top maker Wells Enterprises. Ferrero’s Wells Enterprises ice cream...
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Unilever’s Dove Launches Limited-Edition Smoothie Range
Date: 2023-08-22 09:40:56
Unilever’s personal care brand Dove has unveiled a series of limited-edition smoothies, in partnership with US firm Juice Press, which are ‘inspired by the indulgent ingredients and creamy, nourishing feel...
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Aldi to acquire Winn-Dixie and Harvey’s Supermarket
Date: 2023-08-18 09:03:02
The deal, which includes approximately 400 grocery stores across five Southeastern states, continues the discount grocer’s aggressive growth trajectory. Aldi announced Wednesday that it has agreed to acquire Winn-Dixie and Harveys...
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