Tag "egészség"
3 tips for a more sustainable diet
Date: 2021-08-26 09:51:21
While it is convenient to point the finger at the private jets of the richest or the giant cargo liners to say that there is nothing we can do for...
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Magazine: They will even know what we are thinking
Date: 2021-07-21 06:53:49
According to a Deloitte study on the future of retailers, there are four fields where the rules are likely to be rewritten: 1. differentiating between digital investments, 2. connecting supply...
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Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing chronic liver disease
Date: 2021-06-23 09:47:47
Drinking coffee reduces the risk of developing chronic liver disease, said British researchers who published their study in the medical journal BMC Public Health....
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METRO keeps up with the needs of healthy lifestyle followers
Date: 2021-06-03 09:54:36
Health-conscious lifestyles are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. In Europe, the number of people who buy products for healthy lifestyles has increased by 35% in recent years. This trend has been...
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(HU) Nemzetközi szinten is elindult az Európai Friss Csapat program
Date: 2021-05-21 10:40:46
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Product innovations: At the gates of a new world
Date: 2021-05-10 07:55:37
Healthy, natural and immune system strengthening food products are very popular and numerous companies are building portfolios with products like this. Chobai has recently announced launching a new probiotic yogurt...
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Retailers in the era of artificial intelligence
Date: 2021-03-16 10:01:14
Loyalty comes first Experts predict that 2021 will be the year of both uncertainties and opportunities. With the pandemic 2020 brought the online food industry boom which had been forecasted...
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2021 is finally here!!!
Date: 2021-01-25 09:49:14
2020 was the Year of the Virus and we were really looking forward to its end. Let’s start the New Year now and hope for the best! Right now the...
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Immunity-boosting supplements will be a top 2021 trend
Date: 2020-12-08 11:00:12
Immune-boosting products, spices, oils, vitamins, healthy snacks and ready meals, health-promoting ingredients will be outstanding food trends in 2021, according to forecasts by Natural Grocers and The Fresh Market USA...
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Despar Italia Introduces Juices And Nectars With Less Sugar
Date: 2020-11-11 08:10:12
Despar Italia has launched a new range of juices and nectars containing less sugar, consisting of 31 SKUs. The new recipes are the result of the “Obiettivo Benessere” (Wellness Objective)...
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Chief veterinarian: foods and their packaging do not spread the coronavirus
Date: 2020-10-16 11:47:37
Based on the scientific knowledge so far, food and its packaging do not play a role in the spread of the coronavirus, the national chief veterinarian said on Friday at...
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It’s good to know: the larger Auchan stores are also resuscitation points
Date: 2020-10-16 11:28:54
Today is World Resuscitation Day, and on this occasion, Auchan would like to draw attention to the fact that the company’s larger stores are also resuscitation points. All hypermarkets, superstores,...
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Book a mammography appointment – soft drink manufacturers’ posters encourage all over Budapest
Date: 2020-10-16 11:22:50
The cold that comes with the second half of autumn gives us more opportunities to pay more attention to ourselves – our soul, our body and our health. October is...
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The Breast Cancer Information Association is preparing with three very strong campaigns in October for the month of the fight against breast cancer
Date: 2020-09-25 11:12:43
The Breast Cancer Information Association is preparing with three very strong campaigns for Breast Cancer Month this October. But what about pink food in the offer of more than thirty...
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(HU) Félelem az elhízástól
Date: 2020-09-21 08:12:13
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To protect our health, take antioxidants
Date: 2020-09-08 11:10:26
Maintaining our health, strengthening our immune system, reducing the negative physiological effects of stress is always important, but there are situations and periods when this can be especially important. You...
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Less is sometimes more
Date: 2020-07-21 11:35:03
Retailers and CPGs are moving toward selling fewer products in stores to decrease complexity and costs. At the same time innovations are needed. As the coronavirus pushes some items off...
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Walmart unveils new Walmart Health prototype
Date: 2020-07-01 08:10:29
Walmart is opening a fourth freestanding facility devoted to health-and-wellness. The new Walmart Health is the first store in the format to be opened outside of Georgia. Located in Northwest...
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A Hungarian company has developed the first lung vitamin on the market
Date: 2020-05-13 11:16:02
The lung vitamin is specially designed to protect the lungs. It is a special capsule has been put together by a domestic company. The new dietary supplement formulation, which contains...
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Swedish research: filtered coffee is the healthiest
Date: 2020-04-24 11:07:18
Scientists have researched the healthiest way to make coffee: examining the relationship between different methods and heart attack and mortality, the survey has found that filtered coffee is best for...
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In a storm of changes: Food trends in 2020
Date: 2020-03-26 10:01:40
Grocery stores need to invest and develop faster than they would like to if they want to keep up with consumption changes and their competitors. However, this situation seems to...
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The University of Debrecen is researching the health effects of Mádi wine
Date: 2019-12-09 11:11:22
The health effects of Mádi wine are being researched at the new laboratory research facility of the University of Debrecen. According to a statement of the university sent to MTI...
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Reckitt Benckiser Opens Science And Innovation Centre In Hull
Date: 2019-12-06 08:10:07
British household goods maker Reckitt Benckiser has inaugurated a state-of-the-art science and innovation centre in Hull as part of its £200 million (€235.7 million) investment in the UK. The innovation...
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Taste Tomorrow: Being familiar with consumption trends is the key to success
Date: 2019-11-18 09:08:49
Bakery and confectionery ingredient maker Puratos Group is the Belgian parent company of Puratos Hungary Zrt., and it has 69 affiliates and employs 9,100 people – the group is the...
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Magazine: Canned food products underwent software and hardware update
Date: 2019-10-18 07:24:37
According to András Szirbek, marketing director of Bonduelle Central Europe Kft., the main canned food consumption trends are the same in Hungary as in other parts of Europe: sales of...
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Magazine: Habits from the past, values from the future
Date: 2019-10-07 07:29:19
Eating is a symbolic activity of consumer society, so it isn’t surprising at all that it already has its own direction in modern sociology (sociology of food). Researchers can point out...
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Obesity cause cancer more times than smoking
Date: 2019-07-03 11:01:30
Obesity, like smoking, is already playing a major role in the four most common types of cancer, a British research organization said. According to the data of the Cancer Research...
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Waste-Not Kitchen Creates Change
Date: 2019-06-12 08:30:23
The Waste-Not Kitchen has created a range of nourishing soups that provide a practical solution to reducing food waste and feeding those in need. Each soup is filled with NZ-raised...
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Spar Austria Forms Alliance to Promote A Reduced-Sugar Diet
Date: 2019-05-30 12:54:11
Spar Austria has launched a sugar reduction initiative to draw attention to the benefits of lower sugar consumption, the retailer said in a statement. The aim of the initiative is...
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Food firms plan to phase out industrially produced trans fats
Date: 2019-05-16 08:30:02
Members of the International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA) – including Nestlé, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo – will aim to phase out industrially produced trans fats from their products...
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