Tag "édesipar"

Mars was the first to make vegan table chocolates

Mars introduces a vegan version of Galaxy’s most popular tabloid chocolate on the UK market – origo wrote. The US company is the first major confectionery manufacturer to offer its...

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Exciting l’Atelier novelties for the holidays

Nestlé expands its offerings from October with Ruby Chocolate enriched with raspberry slices, and an exclusive praline selection. New versions of l’Atelier will be available in Hungary from October. The...

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There will be more Pöttyös Túró Rudi

The capacity of FrieslandCampina Hungária’s Pöttyös Cottage Cheese plant making Túró Rudi and Milli products is expected to increase by 25 percent as a result of a five-year series of...

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A new confectionery plant will be built in Békés

The Prevail Co. Kft., builds a new six thousand square meter confectionery factory from one and a half billion HUF. The foundation stone of the plant was placed in Békés...

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The first domestic Lindt store opens on 5 April

The Swiss premium chocolate producer Lindt & Sprüngli opens its first exclusive exclusive store in the Allee Shopping Center on 5 April in Budapest. image: chocolate.lindt.com As part of Lindt’s...

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Túró Rudi with a lower sugar content is available

Pöttyös markets a new Túró Rudi. Its sugar content will be 30 percent less than the classic, but it will also besweetener free. The new Túró Rudi, which is already...

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Cerbona bites bigger from the the market of Sport mueslis

There is also a growing demand for functional foods, as well as towards products that serve the needs of healthier consumers and specific consumer groups in Hungary. Cerbona, that is...

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The government supports the hundreds of millions HUF development of Szamos Marcipán

The term “Made in Hungary” must be so high that it is a guarantee for the market in itself – the Minister of Finance said on Wednesday in Pilisvörösvár. photo:...

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Mars has appointed a new Central European supply chain leader

Sophie Gaspard joins as the new Central European supply chain leader of Mars to one of the world’s leading food and confectionery companies’ regional leadership team. With her appointment, she...

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Coca-Cola took over the confectionery company

Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company takes over the leading Serbian confectionery company, the Bambi in Požarevac from the Mid Europa partners London-based investment fund – Világgazdaság Online wrote after the Magyar...

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Sixteen exhibitors at the Seventh Chocolate Carnival in Pécs

The Seventh Chocolate Carnival in Pécs will be organized in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter in Pécs on 9 and 10 February. Mosonyi Éva, chocolate maker and the organizer of the...

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MARS launches a three-year leadership training program

One of the world’s largest confectionery, food and pet food companies MARS launches a three-year leadership training program called Mars Leadership Experience (MLE). The program is looking for ambitious graduates...

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The Swiss Nestlé closes its only Romanian plant

The Swiss Nestlé Food Group closes its only Romanian plant in Temesvár, leaving 388 people unoccupied -the company announced on Friday. Workers are already negotiating the terms and conditions of...

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The trademark of Szerencsi Chocolate in new hands

The Nestlé Hungária Kft. resigns from the use of the trademark “Szerencsi” on confectionery products. From now the trademarks can only be used by Szerencsi Bonbon Kft. With this, the...

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Manufacturers of sweets expect a record annual turnover of over 10 billion forints

Seasonal sweets can be in excess of 10 billion forints in December, and annual candy can sales may increase from last year’s 200 billion forints to 250 billion forints. Still...

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The famous Italian chocolate production goes to Turkey

The Turkish Toksöz Holding, owner of the Italian Pernigotti sweets manufacturer, decided to take the manufacture of one of the most popular chocolates in Italy, the Pernigotti chocolate to Turkey...

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The Mondelez moves the production of Negro sweets to Turkey

The Mondelez International, snack maker company will relocate the production of Negro sweets to the plant into Gebze, Turkey by the end of June next year. So the sugar factory...

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The sweetest weekend of the year has opened

The “Get It!” Fish Consumption Promotional Campaign is awaiting the guests at the largest sweetness festival in Hungary, the Sweet Days. Between September 14-16, 2018, visitors can taste the finest...

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New Managing Director at Szamos

In addition to the unchanged ownership structure, the Szamos Marcipán Kft. has become a holding and the management of the Szamos family business also appointed a new managing director. Justin...

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Manufacturers of sweets are expecting the same amount of traffic as last year

The Association of the Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers (MÉSZ) expects a similar Easter traffic as in last year, Sánta Sándor, chairman of the association told MTI. The association referred to the...

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A chocolate factory is under construction in Bátonyterenye

The Árklub Kft., the manufacturer of the Vadász products is building a chocolate factory in Bátonyterenye with a 8.3 billion HUF investment, with the support of the government. The factory...

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The Urbán és Urbán Kft. is expanding

The Urbán és Urbán Kft. is expanding its capacity with a new manufacturing plant in Rétság, Nógrád County; the current 22-tonnes capacity will be expanded with a further ten tonnes...

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Enter the world of GURUs!

The Pöttyös GURU is completely renewed in March. Not only does the packaging and the logo become cooler and dynamic, but in addition to the usual caramel flavor, two new...

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Szamos Marzipan is observing the trends

One of the favorite brands of the domestic sweet lovers, the Szamos Marcipán took part at one of the world’s largest confectionery exhibitions at the ISM in Cologne ISM with...

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Milk Cookie + chocolate = Milk Cookie MEGaCSOKI

The formula given in the title is simple, it is not a stop after the last renewed Milk Cookie. The popular Pöttyös product line is now expanding with a new...

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Ferrero bought Nestlé’s American confectionery business branch

The Ferrero Group and its affiliated companies (“Ferrero”), a global confectionary group, today announced a definitive agreement pursuant to which it will acquire the U.S. confectionary business from Nestlé for...

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The chocolate saloon has opened its gates

The famous Ghraoui Chocolade from Damascus has opened its shop in Budapest. After the civil war broke out in 2011 in Syria, the Ghraoui Chocolade started its activity in Hungary....

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Nestlé is entering the vegetarian market

The owners of Kit Kat, Maggi and Nescafé recently announced that they are purchasing the Sweet Earth company in California, which produces vegetable-based burgers and burritos – Origo wrote. The...

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The Chocofacture Chocolate Salon opened its doors

The Chocofacture Chocolate Salon’s opening ceremony was held on 12 September 2017 in the Kende Street. The name of the store can already be familiar, as Vasmatics József confectioner has...

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Concerts, tastings, chocolate statue at the National Chocolate Festival in Szerencs

Among others, concerts, tastings, chocolate statue and adventure park await the visitors at the 10th National Chocolate Festival between August 25-27 – Koncz Ferenc (Fidesz-KDNP) announced on Wednesday in Szerencs....

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