Tag "digitalizáció"
Casino combats out-of-stocks together with suppliers using VusionGroup technology
Date: 2024-05-09 09:46:34
French Groupe Casino has started to provide real-time product availability data to suppliers of its Monoprix and Franprix banner operations via its supplier platform RelevanC. It calls the system Dispositif...
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Carrefour Polska Expands Collaboration With Wolt
Date: 2024-05-09 09:06:36
Carrefour Polska has expanded its collaboration with Wolt to 59 stores in the country following a successful pilot in two stores. The delivery service is currently available throughout Poland, including...
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Beauty care travels at breakneck speed
Date: 2024-05-03 12:07:36
Beauty care is one of the fastest growing markets in the FMCG sector. Within beauty care, there are many rapidly evolving segments such as face and body care, make-up, hair...
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Digimeter 2024: Reorganization instead of digital catch-up
Date: 2024-04-18 11:59:59
After 2020, 2021 and 2022, Digiméter assessed the level of digitization of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the fourth time. The value of the main index, measured on...
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Digitization contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the food industry
Date: 2024-04-03 11:00:07
Technological development and the rise of IT tools can revolutionize the food industry, creating opportunities in the field of transparency, efficiency and safety, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the...
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The automotive industry and SAP are racing towards the digital future together
Date: 2024-03-18 08:38:19
We can witness remarkably fast changes in the automotive industry today – think of driver assistance systems, electrification or reuse. Shopping habits are also changing, more and more people are...
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Corporate tech beyond AI: optimization and risk management will come to the fore this year
Date: 2024-03-12 11:52:08
While nearly 90% of large companies worldwide are currently on the path to digital transformation, the hopes for increasing (cost) efficiency may not necessarily come true. According to their own...
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The countryside is the soul of Hungary
Date: 2024-03-01 10:00:42
Before 2010, we have changed from a country that mainly produced raw materials to a country with an agriculture that uses precision farming and digitalization and produces healthy, safe, high-quality...
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The cultivation of horticultural crops can also count on support in the future
Date: 2024-02-29 09:30:36
The Ministry of Agriculture maintains priority support for horticultural crop production, rural development tenders related to the sector are expected to appear in the spring, said Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister...
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Digitization is the key to the competitiveness of agriculture
Date: 2024-02-06 11:00:00
Farming using data-based and precision technologies is now inevitable for all producers who want to appear with their products and goods on global competitive markets, where prices are shaped not...
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Hungarian companies do not excel in terms of innovation, but they take the digital transition very seriously
Date: 2024-01-05 10:34:28
For the sixth semester, K&H measures the innovation activity of the domestic medium and large enterprise sector. The K&H innovation index formed from the data of the research rose to...
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K&H: Successors digitize family companies
Date: 2023-12-31 08:32:33
A wave of digital development may come for domestic family companies. More than half of them are already dealing with this at a strategic level, and every fifth company owes...
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Next year will be about reducing the carbon footprint in the field of corporate technologies
Date: 2023-12-05 12:20:23
Next year, it is expected that the company’s digitalization efforts will further accelerate, according to the forecasts, the resources spent on transformation will reach 3.4 trillion dollars in the next...
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Here are the most important digitization trends of 2024
Date: 2023-12-01 11:21:02
Next year, it is expected that the company’s digitalization efforts will continue to accelerate, according to the forecasts, the resources spent on transformation will reach 3.4 trillion dollars in the...
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Future-proof strategies discussed at the Agóra conference
Date: 2023-11-02 11:15:37
August was a special month for Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.: they not only organised the very successful Hungarian Product Month campaign, but also the 9th Agóra conference at the Rókusfalvy Estate...
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Kiszállítás egyre gyorsabban, leginkább azonnal
Date: 2023-10-10 12:13:03
Az e-kereskedelem térnyerése jelentősen befolyásolja a logisztikai iparág alakulását. Az online vásárlás elterjedésével egyre nagyobb igény mutatkozik a gyorsabb, megbízhatóbb és hatékonyabb kiszállítási szolgáltatások iránt. A növekedés az utolsó kilométeres...
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Data loss causes unfathomable damage to companies – four-fifths of cases are caused by human factors
Date: 2023-10-09 11:27:30
Last year alone, companies lost $4.35 million due to data breaches, and aside from the hefty loss, the fact is that 43 percent of companies never recover from such a...
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Digitization on the agenda of the agriculture ministers of the Turkish states
Date: 2023-09-27 11:00:47
The most important goal of the Organization of Turkish States (TÁSZ) is the increase of agricultural productivity and the closest and most effective cooperation in the field of agriculture –...
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Fenntartható hatékonyságért a METRO-áruházakban
Date: 2023-09-15 11:25:56
Hazai áruházainak immár több mint felét átalakította a METRO-nagykereskedelem, és még az év vége előtt további megújult áruházakat ad át a vásárlóknak. Az átalakítás alapvető célja a professzionális vásárlók beszerzéseinek...
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Forradalmi változásokat hoz a digitalizáció az élelmiszeriparban és italgyártásban is
Date: 2023-09-13 12:28:52
Az élelmiszeripari és italgyártó cégek háromnegyedénél hozott komoly fejlődést a termelésben a digitalizáció, felüknél pedig még további javulásra számítanak – derül ki a Schneider Electric friss tanulmányából. A cikk a...
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Kkv-k és digitalizáció: sok múlik a cégvezetőkön
Date: 2023-09-08 11:25:03
A Digiméter 2023 áprilisában és májusában végzett kvalitatív, mélyinterjús kutatássorozata a hazai kis- és középvállalkozások digitalizációját vizsgálta. A megkérdezett interjúalanyok szerint a digitalizáció kulcsa a cégvezető, aki a céges folyamatokat digitalizálja...
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A kevesebb nem mindig több
Date: 2023-09-05 10:29:29
Napjainkban egyes iparágakban a kereslet-visszaesés okozta készletfelhalmozódás és az áruk áramlásának lelassulása figyelhető meg. A szállítmányozási szektort az erre adott reakciók kidolgozása és a lehetséges stratégiai irányok megszabása jellemzi. Kivárás...
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Retail trends tailored to future needs
Date: 2023-07-24 15:46:10
During the coronavirus pandemic, shoppers developed a new habit: instead of spending a pleasant time with comfortably shopping in the store, they wanted to purchase what they needed as quickly...
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Digitization brings revolutionary changes in the food and beverage industry as well
Date: 2023-07-19 11:53:37
Digitization has brought about a major improvement in production for three quarters of food and beverage companies, and half of them expect further improvement, according to a study by Schneider...
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Digimeter research series: digitization is not about technology, but about the organization
Date: 2023-06-30 11:34:16
Corporate digitization is only apparently about technology, in fact it is the ability to apply technology, which primarily depends on the company manager, organizational culture and well-defined processes. The goal...
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MBH Bank – The biggest merger in Hungarian banking history
Date: 2023-06-28 17:01:01
On 30 April 2023, the merger of MKB Bank and Takarékbank created a new universal bank as of 1 May, which has the most branches in Hungary. Our magazine asked...
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The project launched to create the ePincekönyv has been completed
Date: 2023-06-22 11:00:59
The project launched on the order of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) to create the ePincekönyv has been completed – said the Deputy Secretary of State responsible for the agricultural...
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A lifeline for digitizing companies: instead of outsourcing, it is worth borrowing expertise
Date: 2023-06-19 11:07:26
According to recent reports, the technology industry already accounts for 35% of the entire world market, while innovations appear every day that turn entire segments upside down. Even companies with...
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K&H: the majority of Hungarian companies focus on the digital transition
Date: 2023-06-16 12:22:21
The majority of companies operating in Hungary focus on the digital transition, today only 34 percent do not see this as a significant challenge – K&H told MTI on Friday....
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Coop sales increased by 16% last year
Date: 2023-06-14 11:58:25
László Pekó, a member of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and CEO Géza Tóth talked to our magazine about what 2022 was like for the retail chain. – How...
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