Tag "digitalizáció"

Data loss causes unfathomable damage to companies – four-fifths of cases are caused by human factors

Last year alone, companies lost $4.35 million due to data breaches, and aside from the hefty loss, the fact is that 43 percent of companies never recover from such a...

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Digitization on the agenda of the agriculture ministers of the Turkish states

The most important goal of the Organization of Turkish States (TÁSZ) is the increase of agricultural productivity and the closest and most effective cooperation in the field of agriculture –...

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Fenntartható hatékonyságért a METRO-áruházakban

Hazai áruházainak immár több mint felét átalakította a METRO-nagykereskedelem, és még az év vége előtt további megújult áruházakat ad át a vásárlóknak. Az átalakítás alapvető célja a professzionális vásárlók beszerzéseinek...

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Forradalmi változásokat hoz a digitalizáció az élelmiszeriparban és italgyártásban is

Az élelmiszeripari és italgyártó cégek háromnegyedénél hozott komoly fejlődést a termelésben a digitalizáció, felüknél pedig még további javulásra számítanak – derül ki a Schneider Electric friss tanulmányából. A cikk a...

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Kkv-k és digitalizáció: sok múlik a cégvezetőkön

A Digiméter 2023 áprilisában és májusában végzett kvalitatív, mélyinterjús kutatássorozata a hazai kis- és középvállalkozások digitalizációját vizsgálta. A megkérdezett interjúalanyok szerint a digitalizáció kulcsa a cégvezető, aki a céges folyamatokat digitalizálja...

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A kevesebb nem mindig több

Napjainkban egyes iparágakban a kereslet-visszaesés okozta készletfelhalmozódás és az áruk áramlásának lelassulása figyelhető meg. A szállítmányozási szektort az erre adott reakciók kidolgozása és a lehetséges stratégiai irányok megszabása jellemzi. Kivárás...

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Retail trends tailored to future needs

During the coronavirus pandemic, shoppers developed a new habit: instead of spending a pleasant time with comfortably shopping in the store, they wanted to purchase what they needed as quickly...

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Digitization brings revolutionary changes in the food and beverage industry as well

Digitization has brought about a major improvement in production for three quarters of food and beverage companies, and half of them expect further improvement, according to a study by Schneider...

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Digimeter research series: digitization is not about technology, but about the organization

Corporate digitization is only apparently about technology, in fact it is the ability to apply technology, which primarily depends on the company manager, organizational culture and well-defined processes. The goal...

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MBH Bank – The biggest merger in Hungarian banking history

On 30 April 2023, the merger of MKB Bank and Takarékbank created a new universal bank as of 1 May, which has the most branches in Hungary. Our magazine asked...

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The project launched to create the ePincekönyv has been completed

The project launched on the order of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) to create the ePincekönyv has been completed – said the Deputy Secretary of State responsible for the agricultural...

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A lifeline for digitizing companies: instead of outsourcing, it is worth borrowing expertise

According to recent reports, the technology industry already accounts for 35% of the entire world market, while innovations appear every day that turn entire segments upside down. Even companies with...

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K&H: the majority of Hungarian companies focus on the digital transition

The majority of companies operating in Hungary focus on the digital transition, today only 34 percent do not see this as a significant challenge – K&H told MTI on Friday....

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Coop sales increased by 16% last year

László Pekó, a member of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and CEO Géza Tóth talked to our magazine about what 2022 was like for the retail chain. – How...

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Offering a stable vision for the future to retail partners

Our magazine sat down for a conversation with Zsófia Bánhegyi, chief commercial officer of Szerencsejáték Zrt. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. – How did the...

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AM State Secretary: the government is spending HUF 750 billion in EU funds for the development of the food industry

Instead of the previous HUF 468 billion, the government will allocate 750 billion HUF of European Union funds to the development of the food industry, the State Secretary of the...

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Syngenta: The tomato sector is facing major challenges worldwide

Tomato cultivation worldwide faces major challenges: insect pests, plant diseases, and labor problems are also serious problems for producers. The employees of Syngenta’s innovative vegetable seed business are working worldwide...

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Information technology in hospitality

“So far the economic recession hasn’t affected the HoReCa information technology (IT) sector. Partly this has to do with the reporting obligation via the National Tourism Data Supply Centre (NTAK)...

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The Agricultural Innovation Awards were presented

In addition to recognizing the exceptional performance of domestic innovators, it is important to make society aware that without creative people there is no progress, competitive economy, competitive society, i.e....

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Almost half of the members of Generation Z want a tech career

In Hungary, the digital economy provides job opportunities for almost every fifth employed person, but even with this, our country is one of the leaders on the continent in terms...

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The Telekom Digitalization Consulting program for SMEs is launched

Telekom’s Digitization Consulting program for SMEs will be launched in March, within the framework of which it helps SME customers with management consultation, online marketing consulting, as well as financial...

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KPMG Global Tech Report: digitalization has caught on for companies, but they are gathering strength before the next round

Companies would need competent data analysts and software engineers, as nowadays the lack of professionals makes the application of digital technologies the most difficult. Among other things, this is established...

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You only need to keep the spraying log in e-GN!

We would like to draw the attention of those involved in the management of the management logbook (GN) that currently only the data of pesticide treatments, i.e. sprayings, must be...

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New smart device payment for K&H customers

K&H customers can choose from more smart payment solutions: Google Pay now runs on certain types of FitBit smartwatches. Last year Google acquired smart fitness and sports watch company FitBot,...

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Euromonitor International: top 10 global consumer trends in 2023

Every year Euromonitor International publishes its forecast of global consumer trends, which seeks to assist companies in staying one step ahead of the disruption, seeing the shopping motivations of consumers...

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Vegetable and fruit cultivation is at the forefront in the use of modern technologies

The application of precision technologies, the integration of automation, robotization and digitization in vegetable and fruit cultivation cannot be neglected – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the 8th...

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Corvinus research: There is still a lot to do to make our businesses future-proof

The organization of the future is now innovative and digital according to the majority of interviewed domestic managers. At the same time, it is not necessarily flat, networked and knowledge-sharing,...

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Use nearly 14 tonnes less paper from this year to Spar

SPAR Hungary took a big step towards environmental awareness again. The company reduces the paper administration needed to operate its stores by digital solutions. With the measure, the company saves...

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The Hungarian Precision Farming Association has announced this year’s award winners

The Hungarian Precision Farming Association will once again present awards this year in recognition of the spread of agricultural digitalization, the company told MTI on Wednesday. The Award for the...

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Euromonitor reveals top 10 global consumer trends in 2023

Global market research company Euromonitor International has released its landmark “Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2023” report on January 16. Euromonitor’s annual report aims to help organisations stay ahead of...

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