Tag "Bonafarm"

Cheer and win with Mizo!

Mizo places special emphasis on supporting a varied, healthy diet and local communities. “Sole-Mizo Zrt. is the largest dairy company in Hungary, employing 1,300 people and processing around 400 million...

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Milk and dairy product alternatives optimised for healthy nutrition

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 “The number of people living with food intolerances is increasing year by year, strengthening the need for sugar-, lactose- and...

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Grilling product market hopes to heat up again

Price hikes and weakening purchasing power have had their effect felt on the whole grilling season. Households have held fewer barbecues, switching to cheaper, often private label (PL) products and...

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“I Love Trade Marketing” conference series: Inflation from different perspectives

Held around Valentine’s Day for more than 20 years, the online conference I Love Trade Marketing took place on 15 February and attracted nearly 200 participants. This article is available...

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PICK gets people moving again this year, contributing to the life of the community

Let’s create lifelong flavour memories when on a trip or cheering together! In addition to quality, the PICK brand’s core values also include excellence and taking responsibility for the well-being...

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Ham could perform well again this year

A rather big double-digit decline in volume sales of Easter ham was caused by dropping real incomes and a significant rise in prices: over 40% (mainly due to a sharp...

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Tartós installációs az Év Displaye 2023

Nagy érdeklődés övezte a POPAI és a Trade Marketing Klub összevont évzáró eseményét. A házigazda Pick Szeged a gyorsan változó vásárlási igényekre adott válaszaival, a szervezők pedig a POPAI Awards POP...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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Csak a virsli roppan, a piac nem

Alaposan megtépázta a tavaly év végi virslieladásokat a magasba szökő árszínvonal, de a piac idén lassan helyreáll. Ettől még az árpolitikának, a promóciós taktikának decemberben kiemelkedő szerep jut majd, miközben...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Preserving the values of poultry processing in Szentes: the team behind the VALDOR brand

The VALDOR brand collective has been a member of the Bonafarm meat marketing team since 2020. It is a real challenge in the diverse domestic poultry meat market to make...

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Iced coffee brands didn’t melt

Iced coffee prices have soared 40% and this put an end to the rapid expansion in the category. Volume sales still developed a little in 2022, but in the second...

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“Salami memories of our generations” – works inspired by PICK are presented by MOME’s graphic designers

There are few iconic products that, even at the mere mention of its name, can evoke pleasant memories, feelings, and moods in members of various generations, and bring them back...

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Level up with hams – HERZ came up with a new campaign

Take it to the next level with the renewed Herz hams! – this is the main message of Herz’s latest campaign, the aim of which is to make the renewed...

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Permanent, non-FMCG winner at Display of the Year in 2022

This year’s last POPAI Hungary Association meeting was held in MOM Paulaner restaurant on 1 December. The Bonafarm trade marketing team was the host, who introduced the latest PICK and...

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Inferior quality foods can be the winners of the crisis

Although food shortages are not expected, demand will most likely shift to cheaper, lower-quality foods due to inflation. – said Attila Csányi, CEO of the Bonafarm Group. According to the...

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Iván Kamarás recalls flavour memories with the help of PICK

PICK is one of the most traditional – going back more than 150 years – and best known Hungarian brands. This July PICK started a one-of-a-kind partnership, with one of...

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FMCG workplaces with a domestic production base lead in the career choice ranking of young people

According to a survey carried out by Zyntern.com, the job portal of the Z and Y generations, agricultural and economic sciences are among the top 5 industries among career choosers,...

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Teleki Villányi Chardonnay

The latest addition to the Teleki Villányi wine product line is a refreshing Chardonnay. White fruits and meadow flowers dominate in its mildly intense fragrance. This wine has a round...

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Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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(HU) Átalakult a Bonafarm kereskedelmi szervezete

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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(HU) Az élelmiszeriparban is megbízható partner

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Innovative solutions for high quality pork

Bóly Zrt., part of the Bonafarm Group, the Kaposvár Campus of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and the consortium established by the University of Debrecen within the...

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Magazine: Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…

Even the coronavirius couldn’t beat our Business Days conference, which we organised together with the Chain Bridge Club in September. Thanks to the strict health protection protocol, the nearly 550...

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MIZO lavender-coconut drink 450 ml

A new milk drink in the market that builds on the lavender trend – there is no flavour combination like this in the market yet. The product isn’t only lactose-free,...

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Csányi Sándor: agriculture is one of the most stable sectors of the national economy

The coronavirus crisis highlighted the importance of agriculture, proving that it is one of the most stable sectors of the national economy, and the stability of food supply in the...

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Csányi Sándor: This is how the Hungarian companies overcome the epidemic

Csányi Sándor, owner of the Bonafarm Group, president and CEO of OTP Bank, and president of MLSZ was the guest in the latest part of the Brain Bar live video...

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Pork from Mohács is constantly available in the shops

Despite the difficulties arising from the current epidemiological situation, the MCS Vágóhíd Zrt. will do its utmost to continue to serve its partners and domestic consumers with quality pork. In...

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Csányi Sándor’s wine company in Villány has made a huge capital increase

The Csányi Pincészet Zrt. increased its registered capital by 1.57 billion HUF to 3.45 billion HUF, according to official information published in the company bulletin. The Csányi Winery closed 2018...

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Bonafarm and PTE are starting to cooperate in the food industry

The Bonafarm Group and the University of Pécs (PTE) concluded an agreement on food and nutrition science cooperation on Thursday in the seat of Baranya county. According to a document,...

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