Tag "beruházás"

The Market Hall in Szombathely to be renewed

The plans of the completely renewed Market Hall in Szombathely have been finalized. Construction is about to begin – portfolio.hu wrote after nyugat.hu Preparations have been going on for years...

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Pernod Ricard buys distillery in Kyoto

Pernod Ricard has announced a ‘significant investment’ in Kyoto Distillery brand KI NO BI Kyoto Dry Gin, as part of its ‘Transform & Accelerate’ strategy. The drinks company said that...

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A multi-billion HUF baking plant will be built in Hatvan

The Lipóti Bakery, Tóth Péter and Paár Attila’s bakery builds a baking plant in an industrial park on the outskirts of Hatvan – napi.hu wrote. The baking plant of the...

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The HFI Kft. expanded its production capacity from one billion HUF

The HFI Kft. in Pusztaszer and Mélykút, producing peppercorns, dried herbs, vegetables and fruits and live food supplements, expanded its production capacity from almost one billion forints with the help...

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Tourist and angler visitor center is being built in the Diving Valley of Esztergom

The construction of a 640 square meter, two-storey tourist and fishing center near the Kerek tó (Round Lake) of Búbánat Valley has been started by the Vasas Fishing Association of...

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Nearly one billion HUF capacity expansion investment at the HFI Kft.

The HFI Kft., which is mainly engaged in the processing and preservation of vegetables, expanded its capacity at its depots in Mélykút and Pusztaszer plant with almost one billion HUF...

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Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft. a builds seed plant in Szeged

The Szeged-based Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft. (Grain Research Nonprofit Ltd.) is building a seed plant with an investment of 300 million forints. Thanks to the development, the export of the company...

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A tourist complex is being built in Zemplén

At the end of the Pálházi State Forest Railway in the Hegyköz, Northern Forestry Zrt. Is realizing the new tourist complex of Zemplén by “rethinking” the former Rostallo key house...

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Developed at the Pápai Hús Kft. from 2 billion forints

Meat processing and packaging at Pápai Hús Kft. will be modernized from 2 billion HUF. The development, which began last year, will close in the spring of next year, which...

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Coca-Cola to spend 1 billion euros in 5 years on French operations

Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola European Partners (CCEP) are to invest up to a EUR 1 billion over the next 5 years in its French operations. The investment will include the introduction...

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A top feeling

In 2020 economic growth was around 5 percent in Hungary, and this was one of the top growth rates in the EU. For 2020 GKI calculates with a 3-3.5 percent...

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Almost 900 million HUF development at the Bát-Grill Kft.

The Bátaszék-based company specializing in poultry processing, has upgraded its slaughterhouse with an investment of 870 million forints – the company’s managing director told MTI. The project was funded by...

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The Budapest Airport’s air cargo handling center has been opened

The first cargo flight, a Boeing 747 type giant aircraft, has arrived at BUD Cargo City, the Budapest Airport’s cargo handling center, so the facility has become operational – the...

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A new sauna complex in Zalakaros was built from nearly half a billion forints

A sauna complex with a capacity of almost two hundred people has been built with an investment of 450 million HUF in the Zalakaros Bath. Juhász Szabolcs, director of tourism...

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Varga Winery has been developing its Badacsonyörs bottler with an investment of one billion HUF

With the investment of one billion forints a modern machine line was put into operation, which also checks the purity, integrity and filling level of the bottles at the Varga...

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1 billion HUF development at Varga Winery’s High-end bottling technology in Badacsonyörs

The winery received 307.47 million HUF non-refundable subsidy and 315.79 million HUF a 1 percent interest rate loan for the implementation of the 1 billion HUF investment. The project was...

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The new cargo handling center of the Budapest Airport was inaugurated

Cargo City, the new cargo handling center of the Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airport was inaugurated on Thursday. At the opening ceremony, Magyar Levente the Parliamentary Minister of State of...

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Allee Shopping Center will be renovated from more than 5.5 billion HUF in 2020

The Allee shopping center in Buda will be renovated from more than 5.5 billion HUF. The construction will begin in the second quarter of 2020 and is expected to be...

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Billion HUF business modernization in Kaposvár

Municipal-owned downtown shops and green areas were renewed in Kaposvár. The closing event of the 1.1 billion HUF development lasting more than a year was held on Tuesday in Kaposvár,...

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Varga Mihály: the government supports a capacity expansion investment in Jászberény

A new, automated warehouse center will be built from 1.4 billion HUF in Jászberény, and the government will support the capacity expansion investment of Szatmári Commercial and Service Ltd. with...

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A new passenger terminal to be built at the Debrecen Airport

A new passenger terminal will be built at the Debrecen Airport to accommodate growing passenger traffic – the city’s mayor announced on Friday as he welcomed this year’s 500,000th passenger,...

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Pa-Comp Kft. expanded its production plant in Újfehértó

In the next period, the government will spend more than 100 billion HUF on supporting the development of packaging, stockpiling and market entry of Hungarian food companies – the Minister...

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The 35th INTERSPAR hypermarket will be built in Kaposvár

SPAR spends around 5 billion forints to build its latest INTERSPAR hypermarket in Kaposvár. The modern, environmentally conscious INTERSPAR hypermarket, meeting the highest customer expectations is expected to be available...

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SPAR is building a new supermarket in Törökbálint

In October this year, SPAR will begin the construction of a modern store that meets all customer expectations in Pest County. The SPAR supermarket, which will be built as part...

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A new dairy plant was handed over

The food industry is one of the driving forces of the Hungarian economy, with 4,500 businesses providing jobs and livelihoods to 86,000 people, the parliamentary Minister of State of the...

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A local producer market has been established in Olaszliszka

A local producer market has been established in Olaszliszka. The cost of the investment was nearly 41 million HUF, which was won by the local government in the Regional and...

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The foundation stone of a milk complex was laid at Szenttamás

The milestone of the milk complex was laid down at a ceremony on Monday in Szenttamás within the investment of Törökszentmiklós-based Mezőgazdasági Zrt. (TM Zrt.). The trial run is expected...

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Hungexpo: arrival to the 21st century

Hungexpo’s revitalization program began in Budapest with the foundation stone laying. Existing pavilions will be renovated and upgraded from net 55 billion HUF until 2021. In addition, two new exhibition...

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Alföld Milk is renewing its “Magyar” brand and launching an intensive product launch campaign

Alföld Milk expands its offering with a new product: it introduces a cheese produced in the newly opened Debrecen plant into the Hungarian food market under the company’s “Magyar” (Hungarian)...

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New industrial site to be built in Medgyesegyháza from almost half a billion forints

About eight hectares of new industrial space will be created in the inner city of Medgyesegyháza – the Medgyesegyháza Industrial Park Investment and Development Nonprofit Ltd. announced on Tuesday. Within...

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