Tag "baromfi"

The chief veterinarian ordered the confinement housing of poultry in three counties

The national chief veterinary ordered the confinement housing of poultry in Békés, Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Tuesday. The regulations aim to...

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NÉBIH: each farmer will be given compensation, because of the bird flu

It is mandatory to slaughter the bird flu-infected livestock, but state compensation will be given to all affected farmers; the sum is the market value of the animals – the...

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Eight countries have introduced ban on imports of Hungarian poultry yet

Because of the bird flu virus, Taiwan also restricts the entry of the Hungarian poultry and poultry products into the country, so until now eight non-EU countries have introduced ban...

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Several countries have introduced import bans on poultry from Hungary

Due to the avian influenza virus detected in Békés county, several countries outside the European Union have banned the export of live poultry and poultry products from Békés county and...

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Japan bans Hungarian poultry

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture forbade the importation of certain Hungarian poultry products on Saturday – index wrote. The ban on chickens, ducks, turkeys and other poultry products was brought...

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The Poultry Marketing Board encourages the purchase of Hungarian eggs and poultry products

The Hungarian eggs have good quality and are safe to eat – the Poultry Product Council (BTT) underlines. According to the organization, the Polish eggs infected with salmonella also highlights...

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The Kisvárda-based Master Good Kft. has developed its poultry processor plant

The Kisvárda-based Master Good Kft. has developed its poultry processor plant from a total of 878 million HUF. The company won government assistance of 439 million HUF in grants under...

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Increased output in the poultry sector

The output of the poultry sector has increased. In 2015, the sector gave 13.3 percent of total agricultural output – Czerván György Minister of State said on Friday in Devecser....

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The cattle population has continued to grow

The cattle population has continued to grow and the number of sheep increased as well in a year, while pig and chicken stocks fell, and the number of poultry remained...

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A poultry slaughterhouse to be built in Tiszatenyő from about two hundred million HUF

A poultry slaughterhouse to be built in Tiszatenyő with a hundred percent support of the Interior Ministry. The greenfield investment will create a minimum of fifteen new jobs. It is...

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The eggcompetition continues

Poultry consumption in 2017 may increase by up to five percent due to the reduced Value Added Tax (VAT). According to the evaluation of the Poultry Product Council, the tax...

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No more bird flu in Northern Italy

The Ministry of Health in Italy at the end of June withdrew the stict measures in the Emilia Romagna region. The first suspected case was in La Nuova Ferrara at...

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The VAT reduction on poultry and milk are accepted

The National Assembly approved the government's proposed tax package for next year on Tuesday. According to the tax package, the Value Added Tax (VAT) on poultry meat, eggs, fresh milk...

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Poultry Product Council: consumers may be the biggest winners of the reduction in poultry VAT

According to the president of the Poultry Product Council (BTT), the consumers may be the biggest winners if value added tax (VAT) on eggs and poultry will be reduced next...

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New VAT cuts to come

The Ministry of National Economy sent its 2017 budget draft to the Budget Council on Wednesday. Varga Mihály told MTI that next year's budget will be the budget of tax...

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The poultry producers welcome the reduction of VAT

Csorbai Attila CEO of the Poultry Product Council (BTT) considered the announcement of Varga Mihály, Minister of National Economy very favorable for the poultry sector. According to the Minister of...

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The Master Good will receive a 3.56 billion HUF support for its investment

The government is contributing to the investment of Master Good with a 3.56 billion HUF support. The Master Good Group is dealing with poultry breeding and processing and plans to...

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The reduced VAT would be beneficial to other sectors

The price of pork spectacularly declined in recent weeks, in addition that live pig prices also fell, the VAT reduction came into force on 1 January seems to be successfull....

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Poultry Product Council: the impact of VAT reduction can not be felt in case of fowl meat yet

The impact of pork VAT reduction can not be detected in the evolution of turnover of poultry meat – the Professional Advisor of the Poultry Product Council (BTT) told MTI...

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The first phase of the expansion of the poultry processing plant in Pacsa has been completed

The first phase of the expansion of the poultry processing plant in Pacsa has been completed with the handing over ceremony of the new host hall and storerooms with an...

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This year’s season product campaign starts with the promotion of apples

This year’s season product campaign starts with the promotion of apples, followed by poultry products, wine and fish in the consumption incentive campaign of the agricultural marketing directorate of the...

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The poultry processing plant in Pacsa started a half billion HUF worth enlargement

The Pacsa-based Pulyka-Java Kft. started a half billion HUF worth enlargement. The company re-opened the plant of the former Zalai Baromfifeldolgozó Kft. At the press conference held at the site...

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Gallicoop invested more in development than originally planned

Last year Gallicoop Turkey Processing Zrt. purchased 9 percent more live turkey, 40,000 tons, than in 2013. Their original plan was to spend HUF 800 million on investment, product innovation...

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The current president of the Poultry Product Board was elected for additional three-years

The Poultry Product Council (BTT) elected its presidency during this weekend. The current president was given a new three year mandate – the professional organization told MTI on Monday. According...

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Poultry World Day

The Poultry Product Council (BTT) organizes the domestic series of events of the Poultry World Day for the second time. With the event, the Poultry Product Council (BTT) would like...

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The Poultry Product Council asks for same judgment as the pig sector in taxation

The Poultry Product Council (BBT) asks for same judgment as the pig sector in taxation. According to the Poultry Product Council there is no technical reason that while the Value...

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The elimination of the avian flu epidemic cost about 200 million HUF in Füzesgyarmat

More than 161 thousand ducks were killed in Füzesgyarmat, due to the detected avian influenza virus. The elimination of the epidemic cost about 200 million HUF – the Ministry of...

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More than a hundred thousand birds were killed due to bird flu in Füzesgyarmat

The elimination of more than a hundred thousand duck stock is completed at the poultry farm in Füzesgyarmat, where the bird flu virus turned up last week. The detected H5N8...

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More than two million poultry were slaughtered because of bird flu in Taiwan

So far more than two million poultry had to be cut down, due to the spreading bird flu epidemic on the island of Taiwan. According to the latest nerws a...

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Budai: The Hungarian companies meet all the Russian food safety standards

An examination revealed that the Hungarian companies meet all the Russian food safety standards, so deliveries can start immediately after the Russian decision – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner told M1...

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