Tag "Balaton"

(HU) Így nyaraltunk a COVID idején

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More people bought a fishing ticket at the Lake Balaton this year

The Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. (BHN) expects 15 percent more sales revenue from fishing ticket sales this year – was said at the online meeting of the Balaton Development Council...

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28% of the visitors spent more than a month on Lake Balaton this year

In terms of number of visitors, the South Coast won by about 30% this summer. Weekdays have caught up with the weekends, with the difference averaging only 27%. The most...

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Restaurants slipped back to 2017

;”> In recent years, hospitality in July and August has even tickled the holiday-stricken December period, during which time we spent the most money on various restaurants. The restaurants slipped...

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KISOSZ: the turnover of restaurants on the shores of Lake Balaton decreased

The season at Lake Balaton started tougly, but at the end of July and August the turnover was particularly strong, however, the turnover of caterers open from spring in the...

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A tourism campaign was launched to present the cultural values of Lake Balaton

A tourism campaign has been launched to promote the cultural and gastronomic values of Lake Balaton – the Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)told M1 news channel on...

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The number of passengers on the ferries and boats at Lake Balaton decreased, while the number of transported bicycles increased

More than 300,000 less have traveled the ferries and passenger ships of the Balatoni Hajózási Zrt. (Bahart) this year than in the same period of last year, but the number...

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Szállás.hu is one third of domestic bookings in the Balaton region in the high season

Lake Balaton is an absolute hit this summer as well: in the high season, 34 percent of domestic bookings come here, so the average booking value increased by roughly 12...

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MTÜ: guests spent almost one and a half million guest nights at Lake Balaton

About 430,000 guests spent almost one and a half million guest nights around the beaches of Lake Balaton in July – Lengid László, Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency...

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The European Commission has approved the protected designation of origin for Csopak wines

The European Commission has approved the inclusion of wines produced in Hungary under the name Csopak, or Csopaki, in the register of protected designations of origin (PDOs), the EU committee...

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Government offices: excellent or good water quality on all Lake Balaton beaches

The water quality of Lake Balaton is excellent in most of the natural bathing areas, in some cases it is also good in the part of the lake belonging to...

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The beaches of Lake Balaton were classified with Blue Wave Flags again this year

The Diási Play Beach in Gyenesdiás is the beach with the highest scores this year in the Blue Wave Flag beach qualification competition – was announced on Wednesday at the...

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The Hungarian guests returned to the restaurants

The Hungarian guests returned, but the foreigners are still missing – blokkk.com wrote. In the months of the pandemic, March-June, 16 percent of the annual income of the restaurateur fell...

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MTÜ: 67 beaches will be renewed for 2.7 billion forints at Lake Balaton this year

This year, 2.7 billion HUF will be spand on the renewal of 67 beaches at Lake Balaton – the Deputy CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) said in Zánka...

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Danubius is opening its hotels with a new precaution

Not crowded, but reservations have started at Danubius Hotels. There is already an interest in the hotels at Lake Balaton and in the Bük hotel, they are waiting for the...

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(HU) Hosszú távú ingatlanfejlesztés a Balatonnál

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Kifli.hu arrives in the Lake Balaton region

Kifli.hu now also serves customers in the Lake Balaton region. The online supermarket offers same day delivery to shoppers’ homes…or to the beach! Shoppers in Szántód, Zamárdi, Siófok, Balatonvilágos, Balatonakarattya,...

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Life is relaunched at Lake Balaton

Guests and restaurant owners alike were looking forward to the weekend when they were finally able, albeit with minor restrictions, to open it. – Well, we can finally eat a...

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The first leisure map of Lake Balaton has been launched

This year, 2020, is a milestone in many ways, not only for Hungary, but worldwide. The current global health situation is making life difficult for many sectors, so tourism is...

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This year’s tourist season may be saved

According to tourism experts, this season can be saved by opening up rural beaches, hotels and restaurants. The owners of the waterfront buffets are preparing to comply with and adhere...

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Magazine: Sipping on innovations

The Association of Hungarian Brewers reported that the unusually cold weather in May 2019 entailed a considerable sales decrease in the beer category, and there were no long hot periods...

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Balaton is the guest of honor at this year’s travel fair in Debrecen

This is the thirtieth time that the Debrecen Travel Fair will be held this year, and this time Balaton is the guest of honor of the three-day event opened on...

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Tourist development series on geological heritage in Balaton Uplands National Park completed

The three-year touristic development series about the geological heritage of about 275,000 euros (90 million HUF) has been completed, including the renewal of the Hegyestű Geological Exhibition – said the...

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MNV Zrt. aells holiday homes for nearly 6.5 billion HUF.

The Hungarian National Asset Management Company (MNV Zrt.) announces a 6.5 billion HUF resort near the Balaton for e-auction on Tuesday – the organization announced on Monday. Buyers can apply...

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MNV is offering licenses for its Balaton holiday resorts

The Hungarian National Property Management Company (MNV) Zrt. Will sell its holiday resorts at an auction. The total value of the holiday resorts to be sold in the first phase...

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The price of fishing tickets at Lake Balaton is rising

The average price of fishing tickets at Lake Balaton will increase by an average of more than ten percent next year – the CEO of Balaton Fishery Nonprofit Co. Ltd....

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Balatontourist’s revenue increased by 8 percent to 2 billion HUF this year

This year’s camping season was successful, and Balatontourist Kft. plans to expand its network from 2021, which is expected to grow by 8 percent this year and exceeds 2 billion...

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Tourism expert: environmental protection and landscape planning is an important aspect when regulating the shoreline of Lake Balaton

During the new regulation of the shore of Lake Balaton, the aim is to give environmental protection and landscape planning a prominent role so a 30-meter lane can be left...

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The Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. expanded its activities

The activities of the Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. (Balaton Fishery Nonprofit Ltd.) will be strengthened with an additional 1,300 hectares of pond farms, which will enable the company to perform...

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Shoppers want the personal contact

In May JLL published a study about the future of retail. From this we learned that 65.2 percent of ‘veteran’ consumers need a professional’s help when shopping, for Baby Boomers entertainment...

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