Tag "állattenyésztés"

HUF 11 billion in support is coming to milk producers and fattening bull farmers

In order to ensure the liquidity of cattle farmers in a difficult economic situation, the Ministry of Agriculture has created the conditions for the temporary national support to be paid...

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The knowledge acquired within the framework of the Eurosheep project can improve the competitiveness of the domestic sheep industry

The EuroSheep project supported by the European Union’s HORIZON2020 program is coming to an end. During the three years of the program, the actors of the sheep industry were able to...

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The “Professional Taster” career orientation program weeks were a great success

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) considers the promotion of agricultural professions, informing young people choosing careers and their parents, and promoting enrollment in agricultural vocational training institutions to...

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The farmers are waiting for the publication of the new precision application

The domestic agricultural machinery market may achieve outstanding turnover this year, but after that, the sector may experience a downturn. Although manufacturers are waiting for farmers with a number of revolutionary...

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Zsolt Feldman Each goose and duck product shows the performance of Hungarian agriculture

Every single foie gras, goose and duck product shows Hungarian knowledge, the performance of the Hungarian farmer and the Hungarian agrarian industry – stated the Secretary of State for Agriculture...

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New regulations can help waterfowl producers

The regulatory package that will share the risk in the relationship between waterfowl producers and buyers and will mean greater security for farmers can be completed in the autumn –...

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The African swine fever has reared its head in another Italian territory

In recent weeks, the African swine fever (ASP) virus has been detected in three farms in Italy, in the province of Pavia. The affected herds were liquidated by the Italian authorities,...

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Our country strongly supports sustainable agricultural livelihood systems

Our country assigns a special role to shorter supply chains, the promotion of local products, digitization and campaigns aimed at increasing awareness – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated at...

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The price of eggs at the packing point is 59 percent higher than a year ago

Based on data from the European Commission, the packing point price of table eggs in the EU was 241.92 euros/100 kilograms in the first thirty-four weeks of 2023, exceeding the...

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The producer price of young bulls did not change, but that of slaughter heifers and cows decreased

In the United States, the bull price was $6.41 (USD) per kilogram of cold cut weight in July 2023, up 32 percent from a year earlier. In Brazil, the price...

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We are raising Kyrgyz-Hungarian agricultural relations to a higher level

We will further strengthen the cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and our country in the field of seed production, crop cultivation and animal husbandry – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy, who...

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Animal keepers and veterinarians, attention! Support can be applied for carrying out resistance tests

From January 1, 2023, it became possible to implement resistance tests with financial support. The support applies to sampling, laboratory bacteriological testing and sensitivity testing for food-producing animals of small animal...

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Turkey slaughter has dropped significantly in slaughterhouses

Hungarian slaughterhouses slaughtered 105.9 million poultry in the first half of 2023, 6.5 percent more than in the same period of the previous year. The live weight of slaughtered poultry...

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István Nagy: if necessary, the government will ban the import of Ukrainian grain products under national authority

The government will protect Hungarian farmers and, if necessary, from September 16, it will close the border to certain grain products coming from Ukraine under national authority – the Minister...

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National campaign to promote the consumption of rabbit meat

The next stop of the “Rabbit-go-bele” national campaign series to promote domestic rabbit meat consumption was at the Farmer Expo in Debrecen. At the event, Zsolt Papp, Deputy Secretary of...

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The government is a strong ally of agriculture

The government is a strong ally of agriculture, producers, processors, universities, and strives with all its strength to provide assistance to the sector’s players, said the Minister of Agriculture at...

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The future of European production is threatened by the unlimited influx of Ukrainian poultry meat and eggs

The import of Ukrainian poultry meat and eggs must be stopped, because the products arriving in the European Union in unlimited quantities not only threaten the future of EU production,...

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In addition to NAK, the Czech, Polish and Slovak Chambers of Agriculture also support the citizens’ initiative

In addition to the NAK, the other three agricultural chambers of the Visegrad Four also support the European citizens’ initiative launched to preserve the values of the countryside. Nowadays, the...

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Due to the bird flu epidemic, immediate EU measures are needed regarding Brazilian poultry meat imports

The bird flu epidemic is raging in Brazil, and the infection has already reached the country’s largest poultry-producing regions. Brazil is the world’s largest poultry exporter, from which hundreds of thousands...

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MBH AgrárTrend Index: the evaluation of the situation of the food economy has strengthened back to the level of the beginning of 2022

After the strengthening experienced in the first three months of 2023, the prospects for Hungarian agriculture improved further in the second quarter, the actors of the sector overall believe that...

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ASP epidemic: territorial restrictions in Croatia are available on the Nébih page

Nébih also helps Hungarian farmers by making available a list of settlements and the EU map search engine so that they can more easily find out about the most important...

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Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia are also severely affected by the African swine fever epidemic

More than 34,000 pigs had to be killed in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina due to the African swine fever epidemic present in the region, and the competent ministries of the...

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Anywhere, anytime, poultry.

The domestic poultry sector is the largest and continuously developing sector of Hungarian animal husbandry, and its importance is outstanding in terms of supplying domestic consumers and exports. The domestic sector...

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Emődi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is developing its feeding technology with more than HUF 280 million

Emődi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is developing its feed technology at its site in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Emőd, from HUF 282.76 million, the company told MTI. According to the information, the investment serves...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungary protects its pig herd from African swine fever

It is vital for Hungary to protect its domestic pig population from African swine fever, so it is working on official measures that reduce the chance of the infection spreading,...

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Facts and misconceptions in animal husbandry – the national chamber of agriculture is launching a new video series

Who is fueling the anti-meat narrative? What would a world without livestock be like? What role does animal husbandry play in rural farming and the functioning of ecosystems? These and similar...

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Heat – In Tuscany, cattle sheds are cooled with fans

Fans and cooling showers are used to help cattle endure the extreme heat in the barns of the Tuscany province, the Coldiretti producers’ association announced on Tuesday. In the city...

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The new land regulations help the generational change

The change of generations and the strengthening of local economies will be helped by the new land regulations, which will make it easier for those starting to farm to acquire...

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Agricultural startups can cooperate with large companies in solving sector challenges

Agriculture is under pressure, in which startups can play a prominent role. The NAK TechLab large-company startup program, which is being held for the fifth time, is meant to remedy...

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Agricultural organizations ask the European Parliament for consistency

The European Parliament adopted the report on the long-term resilience of European food security and agriculture, approaching it on a professional basis. COPA-COGECA, the umbrella organization representing the interests of...

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