Tag "állategészségügy"

Genetic engineering against swine flu

Genetic engineering technologies could help prevent the spread of swine flu in pig farms and also reduce the risk of epidemics, British researchers say. According to scientists at the Roslin...

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In Russia, bird flu has spread to humans

The new avian influenza type A (H5N8) has spread to seven people in southern Russia, Chief Medical Officer Anna Popova, head of the Russian Consumer Protection Inspectorate (Rospotrebnadzor) said at...

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The country’s wild boar population needs to be reduced

The Hungarian wild boar population needs to be reduced in order to slow down the spread of African swine fever and to make the country free of the disease in...

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Bird flu has appeared in Bács-Kiskun county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has also confirmed the presence of the bird flu virus in another area, in Bács-Kiskun county, the eradication of the...

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Nébih: the national chief veterinarian, ordered the poultry to be kept closed

Bognár Lajos, the national chief veterinarian, ordered the mandatory confinement of poultry with immediate effect, as the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has been identified in several European...

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African swine fever has appeared in Germany

African swine fever has reached Germany, the swine fatal virus (ASP) has been detected in a wild boar carcass, the federal government’s agriculture and food minister announced in Berlin on...

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New African swine fever outbreak points were discovered near the Romanian-Hungarian border in Romania

In Romania, the authorities discovered 15 more African swine fever outbreaks last week, two of them in the Bihar and Satu Mare counties near the Romanian-Hungarian border, the Romanian Food...

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Nébih: a pig farm in Cegléd violated all regulations

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has ordered restrictions on the movement of 166 domestic pigs and 34 sheep at a livestock farm in Cegléd, ie no animals or...

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Poultry is also screened in Békés County

Poultry flocks that are not currently restricted are also being screened in Bács-Kiskun, Csongrád and now in Békés county – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Tuesday....

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Avian influenza has also appeared in Nébih Békés county

Avian influenza has also appeared in Békés County. The experts have started to liquidate almost 10,000 flocks of geese in Nagykamarás, while in Battonya, the flocks of young fattening turkeys,...

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Nébih ordered traffic restrictions at two poultry farms in Bács-Kiskun County

In two neighboring poultry farms in Bács-Kiskun County, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) ordered immediate traffic restrictions and confinement due to deficiencies in the control of epidemics that...

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Hungarian poultry has been banned in Mexico

Mexico has banned the import of day-old poultry and hatching eggs from Bács-Kiskun county after the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) identified the bird flu virus...

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The killed ducks did not have bird flu

Avian influenza was suspected in a flock of ducks in Pusztaföldvár Békés County. The herd was eradicated on Sunday, but later tests showed that the animals were not infected, the...

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Minister of Agriculture important to maintain the pathogen-free status of pig and poultry farms

It is important to preserve the pathogen-free status of the pig and poultry farms, therefore the Ministry of Agriculture announced a call for tenders to support epidemiological investments in the...

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Two billion HUF tendering opportunity to support the Hungarian pig and poultry sector’s disease protection investments

The Ministry of Agriculture announced a call for tenders in the framework of the Rural Development Program to support the epidemiological investments of the swine and poultry sector, which are...

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Avian flu has reappeared in Hungary

The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nebih) confirmed the presence of the H5N8 subtype of avian influenza in a duck farm in Bács-Kiskun County on Wednesday, and veterinary experts have...

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Nébih has published a plan for the eradication of African swine fever in Hungary

Hungary’s plan for the eradication of African swine fever has been renewed, including several changes to the compensation process – according to the website of the National Food Chain Safety...

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Nébih has lifted some restrictions due to avian flu

On Monday, the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) lifted restrictions on highly pathogenic avian influenza in Komárom-Esztergom and Hajdú Bihar counties. From now on, domestic and EU poultry shipments...

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Ten countries restrict Hungarian poultry exports already

The number of countries that have restricted Hungarian poultry imports due to highly pathogenic avian influenza has continued to rise in recent days – mfor.hu wrote. On 12 January, Nébih...

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Nébih has produced guidelines for the control of bovine tuberculosis

The Nébih has prepared guidelines for controlling bovine tuberculosis. The guidelines are now available on the agency’s website. The development of the guides was justified by the fact that while...

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Poultry should be kept indoors throughout the country

The national chief veterinarian has ordered poultry to be kept indoors throughout Hungary in order to further reduce the chance of contact with wild birds and thus the risk of...

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Avian Influenza – Virus infection requires slaughtering of a hen farm in Maramureş

The outbreak of avian influenza virus has required the destruction of a hen farm in Seini, Maramureş county – the Romanian Department of Animal Health (DSVSA) announced on Wednesday. Of...

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Avian flu: the eradication of the infected duck colony in Hajdú-Bihar county has started

The eradication of the infected duck colony in Létavértes, Hajdú-Bihar county has begun, as poultry flocks infected with avian influenza virus have been found here on Tuesday – Bognár Lajos,...

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Avian flu was detected in poultry in Komárom-Esztergom county

The presence of avian influenza virus has been detected in a large turkey farm in Ács, Komárom-Esztergom County, and the authority has taken immediate action – the National Food Chain...

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Bird flu has appeared in another settlement in Poland

In a new settlement in western Poland, a highly contagious H5N8 subtype of avian influenza virus has emerged. This time killing a 6,000 goose had to be slaughtered – the...

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Avian influenza also appeared in Slovakia

Bird flu spreading in the neighboring Poland has already appeared in Slovakia since the end of last year – the Slovak Public Service Agency (TASR) reported on Friday, referring to...

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Another 26,000 pigs have to be slaughtered due to African swine fever in Romania

Another 26,000 pigs have to be slaughtered by the Romanian Animal Health and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) following the detection of African swine fever (ASP) virus in a pig farm...

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Nebih warns of a closed disease control

Bird flu continues to occur sporadically in Europe, so poultry keepers have to keep their plants closed due to disease control – the statement from the National Food Chain Safety...

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Wild boar carcass infected with African swine fever was found in Békés

An African swine fever (ASP) virus has been detected in a wild boar in the outskirts of the village of Biharugra, Békés County, by the Laboratory of the National Food...

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Nébih has expanded its infected area due to swine fever

African swine fever (ASP) was confirmed by the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nebih) in the immediate vicinity of the previously infected Pest County closed wildlife park....

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