Tag "agrárminisztérium"

Ministry of Agriculture must pay the compensation contribution by 15 September

Members of the agricultural damage compensation scheme must pay the compensation contribution by 15 September 2021. The deadline is the deadline for the receipt of the consent to the account...

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41 entries from 38 applicants earned the Value and Quality Grand Prix award in 2021

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AM: the “Szegedi tükörponty” also received EU protection

With the decree published by the European Commission on Wednesday, the “Szegedi tükörponty” became a protected name in the EU. This is the fourth Hungarian freshwater fish name after the...

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Farkas Sándor: investing sentiment in animal husbandry is growing

Thanks to the targeted subsidies, the willingness to invest in animal husbandry will increase, the parliamentary secretary of state of the Ministry of Agriculture said in Kistelek on Tuesday, at...

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OMÉK is about to open its gates

From 7 to 10 October 2021, the 2021 National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) will be held as an accompanying event of the “One with Nature” Hunting and...

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Ministry of Agriculture: In the coming years, the application opportunities for agricultural development will not be reduced either

Thanks to the resources available until the end of the EU development cycle, the opportunities for tenders to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the sector’s participants will not be...

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The first phase of the Magyartarka Genome Project has been completed

The Ministry of Agriculture will support the development of a more competitive breeding herd of Hungarian breeds with an even higher genetic value with 150 million HUF, Minister Nagy István...

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A campaign to encourage the consumption of pork is launched

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Association of Hungarian Meat Industry (Meat Association) will continue their campaign to promote the consumption of pork and...

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AM Secretary of State: preservation of the Hungarian gastronomic tradition is our national interest

Our creed is value creation, which is conveyed by the demanding appearance of domestic products, their high quality, the nurturing of gastronomic traditions and the possibility of healthy eating, said...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Jászsági Summer Truffle received EU protection

The Jászsági Summer Truffle has received EU protection, the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Friday. As they wrote, the European Commission gave EU protection for the “jászsági nyári szarvasgomba”...

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AM: the government decided to support the domestic grape and wine sector

In order to address the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the short and medium term, the Hungarian grape and wine sector has decided to support wineries interested in...

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AM: the new Wine Act and its implementing regulations entered into force

The new wine law and its two implementing regulations came into force on 1 August this year, and the measures of the new wine law regulation, which contains significant administrative...

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AM: constantly growing interest in agricultural vocational training

About 10 percent more people enrolled in the vocational training institutions of agricultural centers, compared to the previous school year, Nagy István, head of the ministry, said in a statement...

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Minister for Agriculture: wines around Sümeg may be awarded a protected designation of origin

Wines and sparkling wines produced in Csabrendek, Sümeg and Sümegprága can be given a protected designation of origin from this year’s harvest, which will open up new opportunities for the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture gives priority to the livestock sector

“The Ministry of Agriculture treats the livestock sector as a priority: the amount of last year’s tender for the support of the development of livestock farms was increased from 50...

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AM: one can already apply to support precision developments

From Monday, applications for support can be submitted in the framework of a call for proposals entitled Support for Precision Developments Related to the Digital Switchover of Agriculture, the Ministry...

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AM: From Monday you can apply for support for precision development

From Monday, aid applications can be submitted in the framework of the call for proposals entitled Support for precision developments related to the digital transition of agriculture, the Ministry of...

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The Hungarian Minister of Agriculture urged to help the beekeeping sector in Brussels

Hungary made concrete proposals for measures to help the beekeeping sector at Monday’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels. The document submitted was fully supported by France, Greece, Croatia, Italy...

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(HU) AM: elfogadhatatlan az Európai Bizottság Új erdő stratégiája

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Ministry of Agriculture: Canada has opened its doors to Hungarian rabbit meat

Exports of rabbit meat and meat products to Canada may begin. Following a successful audit and a series of negotiations of the past several years a new product line to...

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(HU) Bárhol, bármikor, baromfi – főszerepben a grillszezon

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AM: active Hungarian participation for sustainable food

Hungary is a multifaceted participant in world food projects and is committed to achieving sustainability goals, Bencsik Dávid, Deputy State Secretary for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture said...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the domestic food industry can count on government support

Increasing the productivity of the Hungarian food economy is a key issue, for which it is extremely important to support digitization and the application of new technologies, Erdős Norbert, State...

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The domestic food industry can count on the government’s support

Increasing the productivity of the Hungarian food economy is a key issue, for which it is of paramount importance to support digitalisation and the use of new technologies, said Norbert...

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AM: the result of this year’s tender supporting non-governmental organizations in the agricultural sector

NGOs have an important role to play in meeting the agricultural sector objectives of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM). The ministry intends to provide effective assistance for this with its...

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AM: period of permanent water shortage has been announced

The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) have initiated the announcement of a permanent water shortage period at the Ministry of the Interior. The announcement on...

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Lessons learned from the crisis can help to get back on our feet

The coronavirus pandemic put the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) to a great test, too. Our magazine interviewed NAK president Balázs Győrffy. – How did the coronavirus pandemic influence the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: the support of the beekeeping sector is a public interest

Hungary supports the review of the special protection objectives for bees by the European Food Safety Authority, Minister of Agriculture Nagy István said at the Luxembourg meeting of the Agriculture...

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Ministry of Agriculture Agreement reached on CAP reform in Luxembourg

An agreement has been reached on CAP reform in Luxembourg. Under the leadership of Hungary, the interests of small farms have been defended with enormous efforts, the Ministry of Agriculture...

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