Tag "agrárminiszter"

The interests of farmers must be placed at the center of the common agricultural policy

Farmers and farmers’ interests must once again be placed at the center of the European common agricultural policy (CAP), the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture declared on Monday in Brussels. (Photo:...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungary protects its pig herd from African swine fever

It is vital for Hungary to protect its domestic pig population from African swine fever, so it is working on official measures that reduce the chance of the infection spreading,...

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István Nagy: the agriculture ministers of the frontline countries jointly requested in Brussels the extension of the import ban until the end of the year

The head of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture reported on his social media page what he requested from the European Union together with several ministers of agriculture. Together with the...

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The September deadline for the cereal import ban is unacceptable

A deadline of September 15 regarding the EU import ban on Ukrainian cereals is unacceptable for the EU countries neighboring Ukraine – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized on Wednesday...

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The role of agriculture is increasingly appreciated

During the official visit of Agriculture Minister István Nagy to Indiana on Wednesday, he consulted with Indiana’s Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Foreign Affairs, farmers’ advocacy leaders, and academics....

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The Minister of Agriculture discussed the export of foodstuffs to the United States

On Tuesday, the Hungarian Minister of Agriculture also discussed the export of Hungarian waterfowl to the United States and the possibilities of transporting mangalica ham to the United States. On...

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Our shared responsibility is to provide farmers with predictable conditions

It is the responsibility of the EU presidency trio starting in July to ensure that European farmers can work predictably and in safe conditions and receive answers to their problems...

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The agriculture ministers of Central European countries are once again taking joint action against Ukrainian imports

The agriculture ministers of the Central European member states suffering from Ukrainian imports discussed the need to limit the duty-free status of Ukrainian agricultural products. There is complete agreement that...

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Hungary is committed to domestic and global food security

The coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, climate change, Brussels sanctions, high energy costs and inflation pose serious obstacles to the availability of food, especially in developing countries, stressed Oszkár...

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EU Minister of Agriculture meeting on grain imports from Ukraine

The Polish, Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian and Hungarian agriculture ministers agreed that at the Brussels agricultural council in January they will call on the European Commission to take measures aimed at...

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Because of the sanctioned energy prices, farmers need extraordinary EU support

The majority of the agriculture ministers requested the activation of the agricultural reserve due to the negative effects of high energy prices on the agricultural sectors. Due to the war...

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According to the Minister of Agriculture, cross-border agriculture is needed

In the past 12 years, we have managed to overcome the borders separating our national parts with joint efforts and have been able to unite Hungarians again – Minister of...

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The Minister of Agriculture told the truth about the rise in food prices – this is what awaits us in 2023

Consumers are affected by the continuous increase in food prices, many people buy less than before. However, the words of Agriculture Minister István Nagy about food price caps shocked everyone....

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The organizational operation of domestic pigeon and pet breeding is 140 years old

The National Association of Hungarian Pigeon and Pet Breeders, with its organizational network covering the entire country, ensures the maintenance of Hungarian pigeon and pet breeding at a high standard...

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István Nagy: the issue of food prices is also included in the national consultation

The issue of food prices is also included in the national consultation – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy pointed out in a video published on the government’s Facebook page on...

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Századvég conference – István Nagy: strengthening the economy of the countryside is strengthening the whole of Hungary

Everything must be done to strengthen the economy of the countryside, because that is the strengthening of the whole of Hungary – said the Minister of Agriculture in his video...

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The state forestry farms have increased their production capacities

There is huge interest in the Firewood Program, which in some regions is even multiple times the needs of previous years, which is why the production capacity has been increased,...

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Residential firewood needs are continuously served

Forest farms are constantly serving the needs and increasing the production capacity – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. The minister drew attention to the fact that those who request...

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The central issue of agricultural policy is the management of the effects of price increases

The central issue of the domestic agricultural policy is the management of the effects of the extreme price increases on the crop, gas, electricity and fertilizer markets, which started earlier,...

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The future belongs to farmers who can learn, change and cooperate

The farming community can only ensure the prosperity of its family and the Hungarians who have been living and producing and farming here for centuries, said Minister of Agriculture István...

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Fighting drought is a strategic issue

In addition to Hungary’s climate conditions, the fight against drought is a strategic issue at the level of the national economy, the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday in Nádudvar....

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The development potential is there in the soybean sector

The Hungarian Soybean and Protein Plant Association takes the lion’s share in the transfer of knowledge related to soybean cultivation, one of the important locations of which is the roadshow...

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A new package of measures was created to help the work of the wine industry

In recent years, we have found our way back to the heritage of the ancients, to the traditions of champagne production, and the Hungarian winemakers, who are always looking for...

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According to the Minister of Agriculture, every challenge proves the importance of agriculture and the food industry

Today’s global challenges prove that the importance of agriculture and the food industry is enormous, so it is a good decision to choose agriculture as a career, said the Minister...

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István Nagy: Hungarian wine producers are not opponents, but inspirers of each other

Hungarian wine producers are not opponents of each other, but inspire each other; this is what drives this sector forward – said the Minister of Agriculture at the ceremonial announcement...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Hungary is an agricultural country that loves honey and bees

The entire Hungarian society highly values ​​the work of Hungarian beekeepers, who make one of the most nutritious and valuable foods in the world available to us, Minister of Agriculture...

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Attention! The previously declared drought situation also helps the producers

The Minister of Agriculture announced a drought situation for the entire territory of Hungary. In a departure from the previous practice, the drought situation declared at the end of the...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Turkish-Hungarian agricultural relations must be further strengthened

There are further opportunities in the Turkish-Hungarian agribusiness relations – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated, according to the ministry’s statement, after he met with his Turkish counterpart Váhit Kiriscsi...

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Dr. István Nagy: a competitive food industry can supply the population with quality products

Hungarian agriculture is able to supply the population with high-quality Hungarian food with the cooperation of agriculture that produces excellent raw materials and the developing food industry that increases its...

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Responsible management of state forests is carried out by forestry specialists

We protect our country’s green capital, Hungarian forests are completely safe, we take extra care of them even in the energy crisis. – announced the Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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