Magazine: To spread or not to spread
The dominance of pre-packaged products and private label products characterise the liver paté market. A small drop in volume sales has been offset by an increase in value sales. Zoltán Szántó, senior product manager of Pick Szeged Zrt. told our magazine that consumers wish to choose from a large selection of products. They put liver products in their baskets every other week. Sales of 250-499g liver patés have increased by 32 percent.
Zoltán Szántó
senior product manager
Pick Szeged
Ilona Fömötör
managing director
Hamé Hungária
According to the new rules of the Food Book – valid as of this summer – ‘liver’, ‘liver paté’ and ‘liver spread’ products must contain at least 25 percent liver; plus the name of the animal it comes from can only be indicated in the product’s name if it makes up for minimum 70 percent of the product’s liver content. Ilona Fömötör, managing director of Hamé Hungária informed us that the effect of the new regulation can’t be measured in the market yet. The company’s view is that prices will increase due to the introduction of the new rules, and because of the increase in salaries and ingredient prices.
Mr Szántó revealed that in PICK’s innovation work they always take into consideration what consumers want. For instance in 2015 they launched the PICK Liver Paté With Fried Onion product on consumer demand; the PICK Chilli Liver Paté was introduced the same way in 2017. The recipe and technology for making liver spread was developed in Gyula in the early 1980s: Gyulai Liver Paté was the first spreadable liver paté. The product is available in pre-packaged version (100-250g) and from the deli counter (700g) – told Éva Tamáskovitsné Gila, marketing manager of Gyulahús Kft. Last year they also put the 500g version of the product on the market. The classic version is the best-seller, but the marjoram variety is also very popular. Gyulahús Kft.’s Sausage Seasoning liver paté is also increasingly popular. The company’s products contain no gluten or lactose.
Éva Tamáskovitsné Gila
marketing manager
Nádudvari Food Kft. has experienced a growth in liver paté sales so far this year. From the company’s products the classic version is the most popular, but sales of the marjoram variety are growing year after year. Managing director János Volosinovszki told our magazine that earlier this year they had put a 200g liver paté product on the market. In the autumn the company came out with a calf liver paté, which is marketed in practical 90g size. All of their liver products are lactose- and gluten-free. In comparison with 2016, sales of Gallicoop Zrt.’s liver patés increased by 25 percent this year – informed András Garai, marketing manager of the company. They make two types of liver paté: 120g turkey liver paté and a 100g product called Nagyi. These are very easy to spread and have delicious taste. Pápai Hús has recently launched a mangalica liver paté product, in two flavours, onion and marjoram – said János Weisz, the company’s director of commerce.
Mr Szántó called our attention to the importance of price-value ratio. In addition to the company’s premium products (Calf Liver Paté, Marjoram Liver Paté), there is consumer demand for products which are affordable to the majority of shoppers – a good example of this is the medium-priced PICK liver spread. Ms Fömötör spoke to us about the growing sales of aluseal liver paté products in modern channels of retail. Recently Hamé has put fish patés on the market, which are increasingly popular as they fit into the current health trend.
János Volosinovszki
managing director
Nádudvari Élelmiszer
András Garai
marketing manager
János Weisz
director of commerce
Pápai Hús
What about marketing strategies? PICK products are supported with an integrated marketing campaign between 2 October and 31 December 2017. The campaign involves strong media presence, a prize game and in-store activities. Gyulahús joined Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft.’s prize game in the middle of August. The new Gyulai flavours take part in the promotion, so that consumers can get to know them better.
Shoppers can come across the Gallicoop brand on Facebook and at The company uses video footages to introduce how to use their products creatively in the kitchen. They also plan an Instagram campaign and another one with culinary bloggers. Nádudvari Food Kft. launched an image building campaign this autumn for their liver patés. They also cooperate with retailer partners to promote these products. Pápai Hús concentrates their marketing work on strengthening the Pápai umbrella brand. New products are advertised with POS tools and on Facebook. Hamé’s biggest campaigns are realised on television and radio, but the online presence is also getting stronger. //
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