
Counterfeiting threatens the economy of the EU

Intellectual property rights (IPR) related industries are increasingly threatened by organized crime, producing and selling counterfeit products – the notice of the National Board Against Counterfeiting (HENT) warns. The notice...

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Four Hungarian universities have developed food safety curriculum

A food safety curriculum was developed by four Hungarian universities. The participating universities were the Universities of Debrecen, Szeged, Eger and the Western Hungarian University – Jávor András, vice-rector of...

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Smuggled cigarettes were seized near Beregdaróc

Nine thousand boxes of cigarettes worth 7.5 million HUF were left behind by fleeing smugglers near Beregdaróc – the press officer of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told...

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Paris’s iconic department store la Samaritaine to be extended

The La Samaritaine, which is one of Paris’s iconic landmarks, is to be reborn following an ambitious makeover project. The famous department store, first opened in 1870, is situated between...

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After the (almost) seven lean years

The economy seems to be recovering from recession that started in 2008, but the question is: can the old model be used any longer? It is sure that the last...

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Beers that give more: the Association of Hungarian Brewers opens the new season

In May the Association of Hungarian Brewers launched its ‘Beers that give more’ programme. The objective is to educate consumers about beer and beer consumption. It will be at the...

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Where does the meat come from?

As of 1 April more precise data must be indicated on packaged fresh, cooled and frozen meat in the European Union. In most cases the place of origin has to...

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Aerospace & Defense Executive Joins Stanton Chase

Kristi Moe, a veteran aerospace and defense executive, has joined the Atlanta office of Stanton Chase, a global retained executive search firm, as a Director. The announcement was made by...

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The agricultural producer prices are driven down by global overproduction

According to the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the twenty-two month-long downward trend in the agricultural price index continued in April 2015. According to the data of...

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The NFM stands by the central tobacco shop supplier

According to the Ministry of National Development (NFM), tobacco sales will be faster and more flexible with the cooperation of the central tobacco shop supplier from 1 November. The NFM...

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The NAV seized more than half a million bottles of spirits

More than half a million bottles of spirits were seized by the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) at a beverage wholesaler. The wholesaler was previously fined for 100 million...

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New professional award for young leaders

The Academy of Young Leaders (Fiatal Vezetők Akadémiája) announces the “Young Leader of the Year – 2015” award for the first time. The award would recognize the managers with exemplary...

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US-Chinese cooperation to encourage Chinese investment

The newly formed Hungarian-Chinese New Immigrants Investment Encouraging Association (MBKSZ) and the Hungarian National Hungaricums and Values Association (MNHSZ) signed a cooperation agreement to encourage Chinese investment in Hungary –...

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Mobile phones are our virtual wallet

Mobile technologies are changing the way retail works and retailers have to adapt to these changes – says Balázs Szánthó, concept manager with Media Markt. The consumer electronics retailer is...

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Magazin: The age of cheap money

After the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) had cut the base rate again, the forint weakened against the euro and climbed to the zone way above 300. Interest rates are...

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Savings Bank: private consumption can be the engine for economic growth

The Savings Bank analysts say that the GDP in 2015 will increase by 3.3 percent in Hungary, while they believe that inflation will be higher than expected, an annual average...

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A double-digit growth occured on the European and Hungarian e-commerce market in 2014

According to the data of the Ecommerce Europe, the European e-commerce sector grew by an average of 14 percent in 2014 and its turnover reached 126 trillion HUF (423 billion...

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Tobacco Manufacturers: the selection of suppliers is non-transparent and discriminatory

With the adoption of the joint offer of the BAT Pécsi Dohánygyár Kft. and the Tabán Trafik Zrt., the Hungarian government chose two privileged operators in a non-transparent and discriminatory...

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Tállai: the ekáer is successful

The introduction of the electronic road freight traffic control system (ekáer) is effective and successful. The system contributes to the whitening of the Hungarian economy. Since its introduction tax authorities...

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Only three EU Members consume less than Hungary

Hungary's GDP per capita is the fifth lowest in the European Union – according to Eurostat’s report that was published yesterday. In personal consumption Hungary is even further back, since...

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According to a research, the Internet is the leading source of information in Hungary

Four in five domestic internet users read every day on the web, while the ratio of TV viewers is less than 50 percent among people under 30 – the research...

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The EU agricultural ministers agreed on the new EU regulation on organic farming

Ministers agreed today at the AGRIFISH Council on a general approach on the Commission proposal for a new organic regulation. An IFOAM EU delegation in Luxembourg witnessed a last minute...

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Inflation returns to the European Union

A positive rate of inflation was registered in May both in the Euro Zone and in the European Union, after the previous month's zero percent. The Eurostat reported on Wednesday...

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Trans fatty acids to be banned in foods in the US

Trans-fats are unsafe to eat and must be banned from the food supply within three years, US regulators have announced. The US Food and Drug Administration said partially hydrogenated oils...

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1.5 billion HUF for the student work program this year

The government spends 1.5 billion HUF on the summer student work program program this year – Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs announced on Wednesday. The summer student work program...

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Facebook ads have no influence on young people

ArvaliCom surveyed Hungarian Facebook users for the second time. There were 834 participants in the study. The time spent on Facebook increased in all age groups, but the rise was...

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Accountants’ task made easier

Accounting work can be done 50 percent faster by using the cloud-based system developed by SDS Zrt. Thanks to the Smart Document System of the accounting software it is enough...

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Robotic chef in the kitchen

According to its manufacturer Moley Robotics, they will start selling the chef robot in two years’ time. The automatic chef will know 2,000 recipes, it has two hands and it...

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No reduction in the proportion of regular smokers

The government’s anti-smoking measures seem to be useless: cigarettes are getting more and more expensive, and the smokers can smoke in fewer and fewer places. However, there is no reduction...

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Symptom-free life even with lactose intolerance

Instead of leaving milk and dairy products, the experts drew attention to the benefits of milk products. Nógrádi Katalin (Hungarian Dietetic Association) and Györki Niké dietitian Millions are affected by...

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