
Dairy Product Board: turning point in the dairy sector

Trend turning point occured in the dairy sector in recent times. The declining trend of prices has stopped and a price increase started in the market – the chairman of...

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New app helps consumers

A new mobile application created by the Budapesti Békéltető Testület (BBT) (Arbitration Board of Budapest) helps the consumers. The consumers can report their problems already in the store – the...

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Twenty-four thousand students are studying from September in agricultural vocational schools

Twenty-four thousand students are studying in the 48 agricultural vocational schools of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) at 63 sites from September. The agricultural, food and environmental education is carried...

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Samsung's latest investment positively affects the Hungarian suppliers

Samsung's latest investment in Göd will be favorable for the Hungarian suppliers. The National Investment Agency (HIPA) identified 117 companies and offered them to investors, of which 11 received a...

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The Polish Solidarity would restrict the Sunday opening hours of shops

The Solidarity submits a bill for the limitation of the Sunday opening hours of shops, after collected the necessary signatures – Piotr Duda, president of the largest trade union in...

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German retail sales decreased

Compared to the previous year, retail sales in July fell in Germany instead of the expected rise, however on a monthly basis, German retail sales increased more than expected. According...

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EU leaders: the expansion of the economy and trade in the focus of the G20 summit

Job creation, economic growth and international investments are in the focus of the G20 summit – EU leaders have revealed the details of the conference in their joint statement on...

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Beyond stereotypes

Several global advertising agencies have already joined Unilever’s #unstereotype initiative, which was announced at the Cannes Festival of Creativity. Unilever’s objective is to take a stand against gender stereotyping with...

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Only consumers’ wallet sets the limit

Consumption habits are changing in the baby food market too, more and more parents decide to feed their babies with baby food – instead of cooking for them – if...

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Magazine: Everything costs money – even for shops

The government made the right decision when in April they set the same rules that used to be in force before the banning of Sunday trading. It isn’t obligatory for...

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KSH: the number of employees increased in May-July

In May-July, the number of employees increased with 148 thousand people, compared with a year earlier. The number of employees (4 million 372 thousand), corresponds to an increase of 3.5...

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Hungary exports horticultural propagating material to Tatarstan

The state-owned Hungarian Gardening Propagation Office (MKSZ) is exporting horticultural propagating material to Tatarstan – the company told MTI According to the information, several hundred thousands of Hungarian seed grafts...

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Women are more open to new technologies, according to a survey

Women are more interested in the new technologies. In Hungary, 32 percent of them were interested in innovations, while in case of males this proportion is 26 percent in most...

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FTA negotiations in a dead end street?

Despite the dobts voiced for a few days the Free Trade Agreement (TTIP) discussion have not come to a dead end. The goal remains to make an agreement before the...

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Several supports help school start

This year, several kinds of supports will help school start – the deputy chairman of the National Association of Large Families (NOE) told M1 news channel. Joó Kinga explained that...

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The British traders would return to the ” traditional” units of measurement

More and more grocers and butchers across Britain are demanding the right to go back to using traditional British units of measurement after Brexit. The British Weights and Measures Association...

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Meat export aims the Far East

The Far East exports will take over the role of the lost Russian market and low buying prices also helped the manufacturing companies – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The EU’s meat...

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The bad weather damaged the nuts

The walnut harvest begins soon. Nuts are grown on nearly six thousand hectares in Hungary. The Hungarian walnut exports are mainly directed to Germany – wrote. In recent years...

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Corn prices are low

A downward trend occured in the price of corn. Corn prices only reached 165 euros in Paris – told Privátbanká The exchange rate decreased by 5.5 percent overseas, while...

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Free trade negotiations stalled

Negotiations on the free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States (TTIP) have failed – German economy minister Sigmar Gabriel’s statement was quoted by Népszabadság Online. Negotiations...

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The MNB created a credit risk model from the data of two hundred thousand companies

The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) created a credit risk model from the data of about two hundred thousand companies – Banai Ádám, head of the department of the Hungarian National...

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The excise tax on tobacco products will increase from 1 September

The excise tax on tobacco products will increase from 1 September based on the new Law on Excise Duties approved by parliament in June – wrote. The cigarette’s tax...

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Finances managed well is an application that makes it possible to manage our finances in a well-arranged fashion. The app connects directly to our bank account, getting spending data from there, which...

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(HU) GKI: Gyorsuló, de szerény növekedés

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Protected pálinka

The Hungarian government does everything they can for Hungarian pálinka, and the results include the public body National Pálinka Council, pálinka becoming a Hungaricum product and having a protected designation...

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Retail sales may increase further

The growth in retail sales may remain, if the trends of the last four years continue – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told...

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Sweet paprika growers closed a good year

This year, the not too much heat favored the pepper gardeners, while outdoor pepper producers closed only a moderate year, due to the rains. Ledó Ferenc Chairman of the FruitVeB...

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Private consumption growth is stimulating the economy

The public's attitude is changing to the situation of the Hungarian economy, which has a positive effect on economic growth – Németh Dávid, senior analyst of K&H toldd M1 news...

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FM: Russia illegally banned pork from the European Union

Russia illegally banned pork from the European Union. The Russian pork import ban was not based on the relevant international laws – according to the World Trade Organization (WTO) –...

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MNB: SME lendings grew in the second quarter by 5 percent

Improving trends occured in the lendings of the credit institutions to the private sector. In this year's second quarter the loans to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME sector) grew...

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