
Trend cocktail – analysed, not forecasted!

One of the most influential factors in Hungary’s restaurant business is globalisation – in both the general sense of the word and in the culinary sector. Hungarian hospitality businesses must adapt...

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Digitisation and automation are the future in logistics

In January the Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ) organised the 9th International Transport Logistics Conference in Herceghalom. The keynote speaker was major general Károly Szabó, chief customs director of...

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Crystal clean growth

Sales results of general cleaners from last year reveal that consumption habits are changing. According to Franciska Marton, brand manager of Henkel Magyarország, sales of bathroom, toilet and window cleaners grew...

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CP Contact: We buy more and more consciously

Consumer protection awareness was improved in the fourth quarter of 2017 and confidence in retailers also became slightly stronger compared to the previous quarters – quotes the current values...

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Agricultural Marketing Center: fish consumption should be increased by 20 percent by 2023

Végvárné Henter Lilla, spokeswoman of the Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) said on Friday at a press conference in Budapest at the Sirha International Food and Horeca Trade Fair that the campaign...

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KSH: Foreign trade surplus decreased to 8.2 billion euros in 2017

The Hungarian foreign trade closed last year with a surplus of 8.234 billion euros, which is 1.487 billion euros less than in the previous year, according to a first estimate...

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Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is

Egyre népszerűbb a mangalica és sikeres a sertéságazat is, ami az agrártárca által az elmúlt években bevezetett intézkedéseknek köszönhető, így például a sertésstratégia és az állatjóléti, tenyésztésszervezési támogatások egyaránt hozzájárultak...

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The European Parliament is discussing the report on honey at the end of February

The European Parliament (MEP) will discuss the report on MEPs’ plenary session on 28 February, and the MEPs will vote on this document on 1 March – Erdős Norbert, MEP...

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The country’s largest chocolate fountain was built in Szeged

The country’s largest chocolate fountain was built for the sixth time at the Szeged Chocolate Festival, which began on Friday. Sebestyén István, President of the Hungarian Records Association, said on...

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Magazine: Less money available to pay workers for extra hours

In the last four years those who work in retail trade did 30 percent more overtime. Meanwhile the salary costs of employers increased by 40 percent, HUF 180 billion – informed...

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The Széchenyi Program Office supported the delivery of 1000 billion HUF EU funds

The Széchenyi Program Office contributed in the delivery of 1000 billion HUF EU funds, which is about 40 percent of the 2488 billion HUF EU subsidy allocated to the Hungarian...

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Hundreds of thousands of fake chocolates were seized by the financiers

More than 30 million HUF worth fake confectionery were seized by the financiers near Lajosmizse – the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) informed MTI. Fehér Andrea, the press officer...

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German foreign trade broke all records last year

The value of Germany’s exports and imports has risen to all time record level last year, reflecting the strong growth of the German economy and the world economy. According to...

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Retail sales grew by 5.6 percent in 2017 in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, retail sales grew by 5.6 percent in a year-on-year comparision, according to the Czech Statistical Office (CSÚ). Calendar effect adjusted (two workdays less than in 2016)...

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Most of the announcements affected fruits and vegetables in the EU

Last year, a total of 2930 reports were submitted to the RASFF at the EU level, according to the recently published summary of the European Commission, and 88 percent of...

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Romanian retail sales grew by 10 percent

The volume of Romanian retail sales grew by 10.2 percent in the first ten months compared to the same period of last year, according to the Romanian National Statistical Institute....

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Alternative foods are offered by European scientists

Europe’s scientific academies say that urgent action is needed in the area of nutrition and nutrition safety: Europe needs to change its dietary habits to avoid hunger caused by climate...

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Magazine: Print media is more efficient and reliable than social media

Higher trust drives higher purchase intent. According to a recent study commissioned by NewsMediaWorks, consumers trust advertisements and articles published in daily papers more than those in other media channels....

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NGM: Retail sales are rising for 54 months

Retail sales have been rising steadily for 54 months – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news channel commenting on the latest...

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The European Commission is expecting a a GDP growth of 3.7 percent for this year and 3.1 percent for 2019 in Hungary

The European Commission has published its winter economic forecast for the European Union as a whole and for each Member States. In the recent assessment of the economic and financial...

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The SME development strategy is under shaping

The SME development strategy that helps the development and the growth of the Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is under shaping – Balogh László, Deputy Minister of State of...

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Carnival gastronomic weekend in the Downtown Market

The foods of guests kitchens and chefs van be tasted at the Gastro Weekend of the Hold Street Downtown Market. On the last weekend of the carnival, from Friday to...

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The extreme weather may cause great damages to agriculture again this year

The effects of climate change also increase the sensitivity of the plants. In this context, only last year, Generali paid for nearly 1,500 agricultural damages: for example, the insurance company...

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Japanese love edible shelled bananas

Consumers from all over the country have traveled to the southwest of Okayama specifically for edible shelled bananas. And although a special banana’s costs 6 USD (1,500 HUF) a piece,...

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Innovations by MARS at Future Store – Join the trade tour!

New products by MARS  will be introduced at the SIRHA Budapest 2018 traDeshow, within the compass of the Future Store platform. More info at: You can now sign up...

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Dynamic growth in retail sales continues

Retail sales will increase in the next few months at a rate similar to last year, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. On the basis of the data released by...

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Analysts: Foreign trade impoves

Although the surplus of the foreign trade balance declined in October, the turnover grew significantly, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. Suppan Gergely, analyst of Takarékbank pointed out that...

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Russian agricultural export has grown despite the embargo

Despite the food embargo, Hungary has been able to increase its export of food to Russia and to increase its joint venture cooperation – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told...

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Nébih: No swine fever virus has been detected in Hungary so far

The presence of the virus of the African swine fever (ASP) has not been detected so far in Hungary – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed it to...

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