
Domestic mineral water and soft drink manufacturers are launching a plastic recycling revolution

The Hungarian mineral water and soft drink manufacturers were the first of the Hungarian food production sectors to make sustainability commitments. The Members of the Hungarian Mineral Water, Fruit Juice...

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New resources can help modernize livestock farms

By the end of March, the Ministry of Agriculture will reopen its rural development program tenders to support the modernization of livestock farms, and the ministry expects the measure to...

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About a hundred wineries can be found on the website of Hungarian Wine

The data of about a hundred wineries can be found on the official website of the Hungarian Wine (, which started in December – the wine marketing expert of the...

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ZEW’s economic sentiment in Germany and the euro area improved significantly in January

Unexpectedly, investor sentiment in Germany and the euro area has improved dramatically, far from expectations, according to a survey released Tuesday by the ZEW Economic Research Institute in Mannheim. The...

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The EU Trade Commissioner said that trade relations between Washington and the European Union could be resumed

Trade relations between Washington and the European Union can be restarted – Phil Hogan, European Union (EU) Trade Commissioner said in Washington, to reporters. Phil Hogan said at a press...

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Online retail sales in Germany reached another peak

Internet and mail order retail sales in Germany reached another peak and reached close to 100 billion euros last year, according to a report released on Tuesday by the BEVH...

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US pork exports to China could accelerate

Just one day after the US and China signed the first-round trade agreement, the US Department of Agriculture released a report that said US farmers could benefit particularly from the...

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Magazine: Which trade shows to choose in 2020?

Szilvia Máté, managing director of BD-Expo Kft. recommends the following trade shows: EuroShop – 16-20 February 2020, Düsseldorf EuroShop is the No.1 retail trade show in the world, it is...

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Half a million children receive fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products in school programs this year

Hundreds of thousands of children will receive fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products through school milk, school fruit and school vegetables programs. The government will spend a total of 7.81...

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Hungary awaits the visitors to the Berlin International Green Week with artisanal delicacies and heritage preservation programs

The International Green Week in Berlin is not only one of the largest agricultural, food and horticultural consumer fairs in Europe, but also a major agricultural policy meeting place –...

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Bisnode: the number of Hungarian companies reduced further last year

More than 5 percent more companies were founded and 3.6 percent fewer companies were lost last year, but that was not enough to reverse the decline in the number of...

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Nagy István said in Berlin that the efficiency of agriculture worldwide need to be increased to feed a growing population

The efficiency of agricultural production needs to be further improved to secure food supplies as the world’s population grows, but resources continue to dwindle – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture...

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There is a growing demand for homemade pálinka

Initiatives to produce certain quantities of concentrated beverages exempt from tax could be on the agenda again in the relevant forums of the European Union – Tállai András, Minister of...

Read more the number of job applicants has increased

According to the summary statistics of the job portal from its own database, the number of applicants for professional work increased the most last year. said in a...

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According to MNB, fuel prices increased inflation

Várhegyi Judit (MNB)  explained high inflation in December with the low base effect of fuel prices a year before. According to a report released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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The IMF has further worsened its global economic outlook

The IMF has further downgraded its forecast for global growth this year and next year, and revised downwards its GDP growth estimate for 2019, as revised by the International Monetary...

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Dutch agricultural exports set a record thanks to increased sales of flowers and pork

According to data from the Dutch Central Statistics Office and the Wageningen Economic Research Center, agricultural exports in the Netherlands set a new record last year, growing by 4.6 percent...

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Are remote workers actually working?

When it comes to answering the question “Are remote workers actually working?” it’s easy to hear some skepticism behind the text. “Working from home” often comes with its own set...

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Nestlé To Invest CHF 2bn In Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Nestlé has announced that it is to invest up to CHF 2 billion (€1.86 billion) in developing sustainable packaging solutions that will help the company to switch to food-grade recycled...

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Sustainable toothpaste packaging design that thinks outside the box – literally!

An academic project gave birth to Coolpaste – the eco-friendly alter ego of our trusty old toothpaste. The aim was to develop a sustainable packaging design for toothpaste in a...

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Asda picks Middleton Leeds store to launch sustainability concept

From May, Asda’s Middleton store in Leeds will become the first Asda store where shoppers can fill up their own containers of products. Asda has unveiled plans to launch its...

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Magazine: Growing water consumption, dropping waste production

In 2018 the mineral water segment sold 1,260 million litres of bottled mineral water, which represents more than 50 percent of total non-alcoholic drink sales. According to Istvánné Bikfalvi, secretary...

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Trade magazin announces another competition – for a more sustainable future!

Who, what products, services or companies could be the symbols of sustainability in 2020? compete on Your own behalf, or by recommending a colleague or acquaintance if you have done...

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Future Store at Sirha Budapest again

The Future Store will be organized again by the Trade magazin at the Sirha Budapest 2020 Food and Horeca Trade Fair. Trade trends will be presented alongside three trading concepts...

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The Milk Product Board has launched its school education road show again

With the name ‘We’ve got milk at home’, the Milk Product Board launched its school education campaign to promote the consumption of milk and to show the positive physiological effects...

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Nielsen: sales of slimming products jumps in January

Sales of slimming products jumped by two digits in January: from December 2018 to January 2019, sales increased nearly 50 percent and 30+ percent, according to Nielsen’s scanned database of...

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SMEs expect export growth

More than half of European SMEs engaged in export business expect more turnover. Nearly third of them expect employment growth and one in two expect an increase in market share....

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AM: generation change in agriculture may give a new impetus

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) would encourage young farmers to take a more active role, partly through the vocational school network of the ministry and through support from the Rural...

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Half a million children receive fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products in school programs this year

Hundreds of thousands of children receive fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products through the School Milk and School Fruit and School Vegetable programs, which the government spends a total of...

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Euro area inflation reached a six-month high in December

In December, euro area inflation reached a six-month high, according to a Friday publication by Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office. According to Eurostat’s final figures, the annual consumer price increase...

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