
A smaller harvest of cherries is also expected due to the spring frost

There are far fewer cherries than average this year, the spring frosts took 40-50% of the crop, and due to the heavy rains of the past few weeks, many ripe...

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EY: It’s getting more expensive to live, many think it will get even worse

People around the world are worried about the rising cost of living, and many fear that the economic situation will get even worse, according to EY’s international survey of 21,000...

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Half of young consumers consider it acceptable to buy counterfeit products

80 percent of Europeans agree that counterfeits help criminal organizations and destroy businesses and jobs. Two out of three also believe that counterfeits pose a threat to health, safety and...

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Internet fraudsters misuse the name of the Food Bank

Since Monday, fraudsters have been sending e-mails in the name of the Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület with the aim of obtaining money from unsuspecting recipients. In the messages, durable foods from...

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Food prices continue to be the main driver of inflation in Germany

In Germany, inflation continued to slow down in May, according to the final data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) presented on Tuesday. Consumer prices increased by 6.1 percent year-on-year...

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Inflation in Spain fell to a 22-month low in May

The annual growth rate of consumer prices in Spain slowed to a 22-month low of 3.2 percent in May from 4.1 percent in the previous month, according to the final...

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Inflation in the United States slowed more than expected in May

Inflation in the United States slowed more than expected in May. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Wednesday that consumer price inflation...

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Johnnie Walker walks hand in hand with MyForest towards a greener future

Johnnie Walker, as part of its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and protecting the natural resources used to make its award-winning whiskeys, is removing the gift box from some...

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REWE delivers with electric truck fleet in Berlin

German supermarket chain REWE is collaborating with Swedish freight technology company Einride to deliver goods to its supermarkets in Berlin. REWE plans to buy another four electric trucks this year...

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Arla adopts new method for recycling plastic waste

Dairy company Arla has joined forces with German packaging firm Südpack, to develop a new method for recycling plastic waste, by this breathing new life into packaging that otherwise would have...

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Hungarian name on this year’s V-Label Food Heroes list

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Zoltán Tóth-Czifra, the founder and CEO of Barcelona-based Real Deal Milk – winner of “Start-up of the Year” in Catalonia...

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Application of the preparation at field level within the framework of AÖP support

In the AÖP, in the case of all exercises related to the use of substances, the rules of the regulation state that the preparation must be distributed in accordance with...

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The majority of student workers are employed in trade, catering and agriculture

This summer season, based on estimates, 100,000 students nationwide can take up jobs in a number of fields, from commerce to catering to industry and agriculture – the Meló-Students school...

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The road to the KMÉ trademark has also been opened for fruit syrups

From now on, high-quality fruit syrups are also eligible for the KMÉ trademark. Applicants must meet strict requirements for the raw material and other usable ingredients, as well as for...

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Taurine ‘may slow ageing process’

Taurine – a commonly found ingredient in energy drinks and food supplements – could be the secret to a long and healthy life. At least, that’s according to a study that...

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PepsiCo Opens Its ‘Most Sustainable Factory In Europe’

PepsiCo has announced the opening of its ‘most sustainable factory’ in Europe, which is located in Poland, near Środa Śląska. The €300 million project, the company’s fifth plant in the...

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Agricultural Economics Institute: at the beginning of the year, sales of agricultural machinery increased by 45 percent

In the first quarter of this year, producers bought agricultural machinery and tools for HUF 90.7 billion, the total value of sales increased by 45 percent compared to the same...

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Metro Expands Franchise Solutions For Retail Customers

German wholesale giant Metro AG is expanding its franchise solutions to offer more added value for its retail customers. The move aims to elevate the operational quality and efficiency of these outlets....

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Safety also comes first in the food industry

Health protection, food safety, and fair food trade have long been central issues, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for food industry and trade...

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Several thousand liters of alcohol were seized in Bács-Kiskun, proceedings were initiated for violation of the excise law

Proceedings were initiated on suspicion of violation of the excise law and budget fraud in the case in which 4,000 liters of alcohol intended for pálinka, 4,500 liters of sugar...

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Investment in the future of books – MCC becomes the majority owner of the Libri Group

The Mathias Corvinus Collegium Foundation’s subsidiary has signed an agreement with SQ Invest Kft. on the sale and purchase of a 67.48 percent stake in the Libri Group. With the...

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In the OECD, inflation slowed down in April

In April, the annual growth of consumer prices slowed down to an average of 7.4 percent in the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), from...

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A new recipe and a bold visual image: Sprite’s new campaign advertises an irresistible taste throughout Europe

Sprite is renewed: Coca-Cola’s iconic refreshing drink comes with a new flavor and a bold new visual image. The brand’s latest global ATL creative campaign primarily encourages Generation Z to...

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700 new products have been added to the dm range in the name of beauty and health

This spring, dm expanded its range again with 700 new products in the facial care, natural cosmetics, reform food, medicinal products, oral care and household categories. Thanks to the expansion,...

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The Munch application against food waste is becoming more and more popular

A large quantity of valuable food goes to waste or ends up in landfills worldwide. Approximately 87.6 million tons of food is wasted annually in the EU alone. This is...

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Almost half of Hungarian Generation Z youth would take up a job abroad

Despite the economic slowdown, the Hungarian labor market is still tight, the unemployment rate was 3.9% in April, which is considered low. The Hungarian economy is still short of workers....

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Offering a stable vision for the future to retail partners

Our magazine sat down for a conversation with Zsófia Bánhegyi, chief commercial officer of Szerencsejáték Zrt. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. – How did the...

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The Ministry of Economic Development draws attention to the rules of student work

The Ministry of Economic Development’s announcement on Monday draws attention to the regulations regarding the work of students. According to the Labor Code, the general rule is that anyone over...

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Tesco scraps two billion pieces of plastic from its business

Tesco has announced that it has removed more than two billion pieces of plastic from its UK business since the launch of its 4R – Remove, Reduce, Re-use, Recycle –...

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No concrete plans for TikTok Shop in continental Europe

TikTok Shop has been launched in parts of Asia, followed by expansions in the United Kingdom and the United States. However, there are currently no plans for a launch in...

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