
Shopping on Saturday loses momentum in Germany

Saturday remains the number one shopping day for German consumers, but this is declining. Only 18 percent still prefer to go shopping on this day (2022: 24 percent). This is...

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Current and frequent questions are answered in eGN’s new, modified filling guide

Taking farmers’ needs into account, Nébih has updated the instructions for filling out the electronic farming diary based on the most common questions, and also expanded the collection of frequently...

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Visa: 10-ből 7 magyar szerint egyszerűbb bankkártyával adományozni

A Siketek Világnapja alkalmából a Visa (NYSE: V) elindítja Magyarországon “Az érintés ereje mindannyiunké” kampányát, amely a Siketek és Nagyothallók Országos Szövetségének (SINOSZ) támogatására irányul a bankkártyás adományozást ösztönözve. Az...

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In September, the economic index of the GKI decreased slightly

With the arrival of autumn, the population and businesses also became a little grumpier. According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU...

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The number of retail stores in the Hungarian market has decreased both in the short and long term

The number of Hungarian retail stores shows a significant decrease in both the short and long term. In grocery stores, which primarily sell food, there was a decrease of more...

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Even VAT revenues are not increasing due to high inflation

The current state of the Hungarian budget can be considered precarious based on events in August. Several key factors are contributing to this situation: Decrease in VAT Revenue: In August,...

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HelloPay’s tipping practice is fine according to GVH

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) has completed the investigation against the operator of HelloPay payment terminals. The original investigation was launched in November 2022 because HelloPay was suspected of engaging...

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Climate change has also upended the global olive oil market

The global price of olive oil has sharply increased due to the impact of climate change on olive production in Mediterranean countries. Unusually dry and hot weather in these regions...

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There is great potential in domestic quail egg production

Nutrient-rich quail eggs are becoming more and more popular in Hungary, and as a result, the number of Hungarian quail producers is also increasing. These little eggs have a higher...

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3D-printed food appeared in Austria

Austria made history by making 3D-printed food products available in stores for the first time in the world. 3D printing has sustainability benefits as it emits far less carbon dioxide...

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György Vámos, secretary general of OKSZ, is leaving

The Secretary General of the National Trade Association (OKSZ), György Vámos, is leaving his position after 33 years of professional work. According to OKSZ’s announcement, the organization will continue its...

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At Oktoberfest in Munich, a pint of beer can cost up to HUF 5,000

Munich Oktoberfest, the world’s largest beer festival, has started. This year it will be two days longer to coincide with German Unity Day. The prices of beer show a significant...

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GLS Hungary would expand in small settlements

During its future network expansion, GLS Hungary will pay special attention to smaller settlements – the package logistics service provider announced on Thursday, after the company’s 1,250th parcel vending machine...

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Hungarian winemakers are pessimists

Despite the weather challenges, the grape growers managed to harvest more grapes from the vines, but the average yield is still low. Due to the energy crisis, the price of...

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Kantar: a saját márkák a globális élelmiszerköltés 22%-át adják

A Kantar új kutatása szerint a saját márkás termékek jelenleg a globális élelmiszer-költések közel 22%-át teszik ki. Ugyanez 2021-ben 21,1% volt. A Kantar szerint a saját márkás termékek erőteljes növekedési...

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Let’s dispel misconceptions about animal husbandry and meat consumption!

The National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders consider it a priority task to create balance in the debates surrounding the livestock sector, as well as...

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Szigorítást sürget a NAK a növényi eredetű termékek elnevezésére vonatkozóan

Az európai mezőgazdasági termelőket összefogó Copa-Cogeca állásfoglalást adott ki a növényi alapú hús- és tejimitátumokkal kapcsolatban. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. A növényi alapú fehérjetermékek (hús- és...

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Rural restaurants are struggling to survive

The HelloVidék portal conducted an interview with Levente Tarnai, a gastronomic marketing expert from the BOOM Group’s Hypin’ marketing agency, discussing the importance of gastronomic marketing for rural hospitality establishments....

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New rules are coming for crop rotation and the designation of non-productive areas

The European Commission has recently made it clear that by 2024 it will no longer consider it justified and will not allow member states to provide their farmers with a...

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It is justified to expand the joint scholarship program of the government and FAO

Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy Secretary of State for International Relations at the Ministry of Agriculture, and Beth Bechdolt, Deputy Director General of FAO, discussed the expansion of the joint scholarship program...

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Brewer AB InBev Signals New Focus On Michelob Ultra Amid Light Beer Rivalry

Anheuser-Busch InBev has elevated its low calorie lager Michelob Ultra to the status of ‘global brand’, according to an investor presentation held on Tuesday, positioning it to better compete with...

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Warehouse Robotics Market To Be Worth $15.8bn By 2030: Study

The warehouse robotics market is set to be worth approximately $15.79 billion (€14.72 billion) by 2030, a new report by Adroit Market Research has found. This will be a significant...

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The commitment period for the 2018 ECO grant has been extended

The Ministry of Agriculture has created the possibility for organic farmers to extend by one year from October 16, 2023 to November 15, 2023 the “Transition to organic farming, organic within...

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Walmart expands Express Delivery to 10 pm

Walmart’s online pickup and delivery is currently available at over 4,000 stores nationwide, and now the company expanded its delivery hours. With Late-Night Express Delivery, customers who order by 9:30...

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Levente Balogh: PET is the most environmentally friendly plastic

During the discussion at the Brain Bar event between Levente Balogh, founder of Szentkirályi Magyarország, and Zsófia Kovács, founder of Beautycle and an environmental researcher, it became clear that there...

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Idén újra megrendezésre kerül a V-Label Awards – médiatámogatója a Trade magazin

Idén újra megrendezésre kerül a V-Label Awards – médiatámogatója a Trade magazin A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. Újra itt a Nemzetközi V-Label Awards, a növényi alapú iparágban...

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About the renewed Delegated General Assembly of the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product Council

On September 20, 2023, the Tej Szakmaközi Szerzevetz and Product Council held its renewal Delegated General Assembly, due every three years. The delegates of the Tej Product Council elected the...

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You don’t have to be afraid of Generation Z! – We show that they will be the most effective members of the team!

The arrival of the Y and especially the Z generations on the labor market started long discussions in the corporate world. A recent study by ResumeBuilder tries to answer the...

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New GLS Automatic strategy: Focus on small settlements

GLS Hungary has reached another significant milestone: the company now operates a total of more than 1,250 parcel machines in 300 settlements. The package logistics service provider also announced that...

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Jövő évtől nem árusít üzleteiben dohánytermékeket az Albert Heijn

A holland Albert Heijn kiskereskedelmi vállalat bejelentette, hogy 2024. január 1-jétől megszűnik üzleteiben a dohányáruk és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó termékek értékesítése. A cég lépése összhangban áll a holland kormány azon...

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