
The case of the glycerol wines was exploded because of the identity of the star winemaker

Vincze Béla, the winemaker of the year 2005, improved the quality of the wine with glycerol. The investigation has not yet been completed, but it is conceivable that later the...

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Introduction before the Green Week

Hungary is the Guest of honor of the world's most important agricultural and food fair the Grüne Woche (Green Week), which will be held next January in Berlin. In this...

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Macfrut 2009 meets the expectations

700 exhibitors and 21.500 visitors, 4.000 from abroad: these are the facts showing the success of the first autumn edition of Macfrut, the major international fair dealing with the fresh...

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Indicator lights for healthy nutrition

Consumer protection ministers of several German provinces demand the introduction of the light-regulation on the nutrient content of foods, using red, yellow and green colors. According to nutrition experts; the...

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Hypermarket chicken is not secure

According to the 2007-2008 survey of the British Food Standards Agency food control authority; campylobacter bacteria was found in 65 percent of chicken available in the hypermarkets, and salmonella in...

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Stella Artois Beer Drafting Championship

Borsodi Brewery has organized the Stella Artois Beer Drafting Championship for the 12th time in Budapest. The purpose of the quiz is to promote beer culture. The Museum of Fine...

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Now we hit the bottom, we will not deteriorate further

According to the joint forecast of GKI Economic Research Institute and Erste Bank; Hungarian economy hit the bottom of the decline in the autumn of 2009 and an increase is...

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Expensive dishwashers – a nearly 11 billion market

According to Nielsen’s retail index, the hand dishwashing detergents retail sales rose 10 percent between September 2008 and August 2009, compared to the previous period. The machine segment increased by...

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European Union’s Court of Auditors on dairy market

According to the EU Court of Auditors report; The EU should pay attention of the domestic dairy market needs and the adequate standard living for farmers, instead of dismantling the...

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The world in Mirror

The world in Mirror exhibition can be seen from 15th October at Klebelsberg Kultúrkúria. The event that is processing the theme of human nature and sustainable development is organised by...

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A liquidation proceedings record

On Friday the number of liquidations exceeded the liquidation datas of the whole last year. In 2008, a total of 11 504 initiated liquidation proceedings were started against companies, this...

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The growing challenge of climate change

”The global climate change has the bigges affect on agriculture We need to adapt to the increasingly extreme weather conditions at a regional level” said – Katona Béla, president of...

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Logo against import potatoes

The National Potato Marketing Association (OBTT) would defend domestic producers against the flood of import potatoes with Hungarian origin marking logo. The label will indicate, that the potatoe was grown...

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Virtual food marketplace for Hungarian products

Hungary's first virtual market has been launched a few months ago, where supply and demand can find each other. The Virtual Marketplace’s objective is consistent with the Social Web Shop...

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Anuga: Active Hungarians, changing market positions, developing giants

This year's Anuga has shown that the food industry can remain stable also in difficult times, because people always need to eat – said the President of the German Federal...

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The consumption of cold non-alcoholic beverages decreased

According to the study of GfK Hungária and the European Agricultural Consulting Ltd.; 10 percent fewer cold non-alcoholic beverages were purchased by the households, in this year's first semester, in...

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The GKI – Microsoft's business competitiveness and environmental indices

The Competitiveness Index (VEX) decreased in the second quarter of 2009, in all countries, including Hungary. The value of the business environment index (UX) is slightly higher, compared to the...

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Széchenyi Card: seven hundred billion loan outplacement

Seven years, 700 billion HUF loan outplacement, 120 thousand cards, more than 150 thousand requests – this is the Széchenyi-card balance. The government will continue to support the most successful,...

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Hungarian DIY chain to keep the competitiveness on the domestic market

The Hungarian DIY retailers are trying to compete against the chain of stores with common image and procurement. So far, 16 retailers are grouped under the Ezermester (Handyman) name plate,...

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The U.S. retail trade turnover increased without the car industry

U.S. retail sales fell by 1.5 percent in September. This is the biggest drop, since last December. But if the car industry is not taken into account, a more than...

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Franchise even stronger during crisis

The long-term survival of franchise systems has much more chanse, compared to other businesses. The economic crisis – due to the usage of network benefits – may increase the benefits...

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Fine tunes on food code

The Parliament adopted the law proposal, about the prohibition of unfair distribution practices against agricultural and food suppliers, which was sent back by the President of the Republic for consideration....

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Anuga 2009: New Releases and high quality; trying to meet with the changing needs of the consumers

The first four days from the World’s greatest food fair, with Hungarian eyes – Bajai Ernő reports from Cologne: – This is the 11th Anuga, in which we participate. Now...

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Prices increased by 4.9 percent in a year

The monthly inflation rate was 0.1 percent in September. Compared to last September, the prices have increased 4.9 percent. In the first nine months, prices were 3.9 percent higher than...

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The Minister of Agriculture would give bonus support to the dairy industry

Twenty Minister of Agriculture would separate an additional 300 million euros, for the support of the community milk market from next year's EU budget. The amount would came from resources...

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German optimism seems to fade away

ZEW institute's German economic mood index decreased from the 57.7 points of September to 56 points in October, while analysts expected 58.3 points. According to the preliminary expectations of the...

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Anuga’s exhibitors and visitors are seeking for a way out of the crisis

Anuga, the world's largest food fair reached its half-point on Monday. The more than ever additional events indicate that market players are consciously and specifically looking for development opportunities. In...

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The Conscious Consumer Index has strengthened

The latest Conscious Consumer Index (TVI) of and Ipsos slightly increased in the first half of 2009. The loyalty index toward Hungarian products has increased a lot, but consumers...

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A significant drop in agricultural producer prices

The agricultural producer price level in August fell by 11.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The price of plant products decreased by 16.4, live animals...

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The second Expo-Gastropan will be held in Marosvásárhely

The second Romanian bakery and confectionery fair will be held between 26th and 28th March 2010, in the exhibition center Marosvásárhely’s President Hotel. The exhibition focuses on not only the...

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