
New on-line application to calculate ecological footprints

BASF developed an Internet-based eco-efficiency measuring system, which makes it possible for users to examine the environmental impacts of products, for instance shopping bags. New products can be easily and...

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The Spritzer Bus has hit the road

The idea came from the Community Wine Marketing Fund: promoting spritzer made from good Hungarian wines with a 2-month, nearly 2,000-km tour around the country. Early July ‘spritzer master’ András...

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Long-established Hungarian meat brands stand firm

Although meat is one of the essential food products, the market was unable to evade the effects of economic recession. Zoltán Nagygyörgy, PICK Szeged Zrt.’s product manager told us that...

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The silent shop assistant

Trends in the packaging of daily goods are influenced by global processes in world society and economy, creating new opportunities and demand, but posing new challenges as well. Experts have...

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Hungarians economise on food, clothes and energy the most

This May Nielsen surveyed 27,000 Internet users in 48 countries. In Hungary 68 percent said they had changed their spending habits this spring, compared to the previous year; the international...

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Wine festival in Buda Castle

Buda Castle Wine Festival is organised by Hungarian Viti- and Viniculture Non-profit Kft. The 19-year-old event’s objective is to make people acquainted with the best Hungarian and foreign wines. Wine...

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The average volume of cured products bought per household keeps shrinking

According to ConsumerScan data from GfK Hungária, 87 percent of households bought sausage or salami last year, 3 percent more than a year earlier. However, in the past couple of...

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Ready to be transported and put on the shelf

Global trends influence the Hungarian collective packaging market. One of the current trends is using lighter cardboard products, especially on developed markets. In Europe demand is constantly growing for below...

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Washing in a café-like atmosphere

In cooperation by Henkel and Bosch, the first laundry-café opened in Munich. Wash&Coffee boasts a modern design and the staff consists of Henkel and Bosch experts, who offer help to...

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A strong forint lifted meat prices

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) continuously monitors and publishes world trends in poultry and meat products. Their last report reveals that the abattoir entry price of slaughter pig in...

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Rice turnover concentrates and the 501-1,000-gram format is dominant

Retail sales of rice diminished by 2 percent in value and by 3 percent in volume in the April 2008-March 2009 period. According to the Nielsen Retail Index, the size...

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Fruit Logistica: Hungarians booked 200 m²

Fruit Logistica, the world’s biggest fruit-vegetable trade fair will take place on 9-11 February 2011. More than 2,300 exhibitors from 70 countries registered and Hungarian participants booked 200 m² to...

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Warm weather brought elevated prices

Analysts were somewhat surprised by the moderate increase in inflation in June. According to KSH’s quick report, consumer prices climbed by 0.2 percent from May and were 5.3 percent higher...

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Growing diversity on the rice and flour market

Eating in restaurant less often could have entailed an increase in flour sales, but market players’ opinion is that demand remained stable. – The fact that flour sales did not...

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Lánchíd Club also urges companies to help flood victims

Members of Lánchíd Club also decided to help the victims of flood. Their donations were transported to Felsőzsolca by trucks offered by Lekkerland. The two trucks transported nearly 60 pallets...

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Emergency alert off

According to a forecast by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, production will grow the most this year in those sectors which sell their products or services to foreign markets....

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A wide selection of organic flours is available

Those committed to eating healthy and organic constitute a stable group of organic flour buyers. After a recent decrease in turnover, sales increased in certain supermarkets and drugstores from the...

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The Farmer Expo opened in Debrecen

With the participation of three hundred domestic and foreign exhibitors, the country's largest annaul agricultural, food and horticultural exhibition, the Farmer Expo opened its gates in the agri-centre of the...

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The Farmer Expo opened in Debrecen

With the participation of three hundred domestic and foreign exhibitors, the country's largest annaul agricultural, food and horticultural exhibition, the Farmer Expo opened its gates in the agri-centre of the...

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Failing to catch the consumer groups, for ten years now

The state offices are incapable against consumer groups that are offering loans, seem like services. Only the Competition Authority scans them. Sometimes prohibits and fines, because of misleading advertising slogans,...

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Failing to catch the consumer groups, for ten years now

The state offices are incapable against consumer groups that are offering loans, seem like services. Only the Competition Authority scans them. Sometimes prohibits and fines, because of misleading advertising slogans,...

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Hungary's best sommelier

On the Friday finals of the 17th Hungarian Sommelier Championship, that will be held on 26th and 27th of August Hungary's best sommelier will be decided. The sommelier (cup-bearer) is...

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Harvest to start

The winemakers are optimistic, over this year’s wine harvest, which is expected to be smaller than the average, but in case of long fall, top wines may born from the...

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Harvest to start

The winemakers are optimistic, over this year’s wine harvest, which is expected to be smaller than the average, but in case of long fall, top wines may born from the...

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Nearly 5 percent shrinkage in the retail market

The retail sales volume – adjusted from calendary effect – in the first half of 2010, fell by 4.7, in June by 4.6 percent, compared to the same period of...

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Nearly 5 percent shrinkage in the retail market

The retail sales volume – adjusted from calendary effect – in the first half of 2010, fell by 4.7, in June by 4.6 percent, compared to the same period of...

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The Hungarian consumer pre-plans consciously the purchases

According to the Shopper VIP research of GfK Hungária; Domestic customers are among the most conscious customers in Eastern Europe. Eighty-two percent of them claim to consciously plan their purchases...

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The Hungarian consumer pre-plans consciously the purchases

According to the Shopper VIP research of GfK Hungária; Domestic customers are among the most conscious customers in Eastern Europe. Eighty-two percent of them claim to consciously plan their purchases...

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